It Was a Lie When They Smiled and Said "You won't feel a thing"


*Mikeys POV*

I decided to start getting ready, figuring as I would have to do it soon anyway. As I was into the bathroom, I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror from the corner of my eye. I turned to get a better look at myself
"Disgusting!" I snarled at my appearence as I looked at my newly died black hair and my ugly face. That was it. I couldn't take it anymore. I punched my reflection as hard as I could, shattering the mirror and sending glass everywhere. I watched as the blood trickled down my hand, and eventually my arm. My hand was throbbing, but the pain felt so good. I don't know what is holing me back. I could just end it all right now. I picked up a piece of glass that was once part of the mirror, and slowly brought it to my wrist and dragging it in all directions. Again, I watched as the blood seeped out of my arm. The pain, it felt so good and it made me feel so alive. This piece of glass is all I needed to escape this hell I call life.

I turned on the sink and began washing the blood off of my hand and arm. I decided to skip the shower because I was already running late. I walked out of the bathroom, taking several pieces of glass along the way, and went back into my room to finish getting ready. I went and got a small black box from under my bed, and put the glass in along with all of my other possesions, I locked it and put it in my backpack so I would have it with me at all times. I got up and went over to my closet to pick out my clothes and start to get dressed. I decided on my favorite Anthrax shirt, a pair of chucks, a studded belt, and a hoodie and fingerless gloves to hide the cuts.

*A/N: I know the last chapter didn;t really do anything for the story, but I hope this one does. Thank's to those who commented. The story lookes longer on paper, so sorry if its short.
REMEMBER: more comments=longer, better, and faster updates!*