It Was a Lie When They Smiled and Said "You won't feel a thing"


*Gerards POV*

"Where the hell have you been!?!?!" I screamed at Mikey. I wasn't mad, I was scared and dissapointed at the fact that he had been drinking. Something is seriously wrong.

"J- Just out a-and ab- about," he slurred

I felt like crying. I bit my lip to hold back the tears, but it became too strong. I can't stand seeing my brother like this. My baby brother.

"Lets get you to bed," I said. The tears were now starting to fall freely as I led Mikey up the stairs.

"W-Whats wrong Gee?"

"Nothing Mikey, I'm fine," I said. Thats exactly what he said when I asked him, and we both knew that it was a lie. Those were the last words that were spoken until we reached his bedroom. I led him into his bed, and tucked him in.

"Good night Mikey, I love you, I said as I kissed his forehead. There was no reply. Mikey was fast asleep as soon as I walked out of his room.

I walked back downstairs and sat on the couch. I was sobbing now. I was scared that the same thing that happened to me, is going to happen to him. For me, it got to the point where I was suicidal. I just hope Mikey doesn't get past that point, let alone to it. I tried to remember the first couple of years of being in My Chemical Romance, but most of it is a blur. I remember being drunk all of the time. drinking myself to sleep, drinking before and after shows, and being drunk while doing interviews. I'm going to promise myself that I will never let Mikey get to that point.

*A.N: Hey guys. I just wanted to say that I'm really sorry that it took me so long to update. I'm also sorry that this chapter is short. I've been having writers block forr a looong time. If anyone would like to be a co-auther, I would really appreciate it, just leave a comment telling me you would like to help. I'm not really going to ask for comments, because I know that this chapter isnt that good, but if you do, it means a lot.
thanks, kiersten*