It Was a Lie When They Smiled and Said "You won't feel a thing"

He knows damn well what they are

*still no one's POV*

Gereard layed next to Mikey and silently stroked his head. He knew that Mikey was only sleeping now, as he would be okay. Gerard put his head on Mikey's chest and listened to his steady heart beat that let him know that Mikey was still alive. Gerard started thinking about all of the things that could make Mikey so depressed, but came up with nothing.

Gerard stayed like that for another two hours and was about to fall asleep until Mikey bolted up sweating with a terrified look on his face.

Gerard gasped "Mikey! Whats wrong, what happened?!" Gerard was so scared for mikey

"I- he- it- h-hurt c-c-chased blood. s-so m-much blood" Mikey stuttered in panic

Gerard grabed his little brother and engulfed him in a tight hug and stroked his head in comfort. "shhhhhhhhh shhhhh shhhhhh Mikey it's okay, it's okay bud I'm right here, I'm right here with you, it was just a dream. Just a bad dream"

Mikey was sobbing now harder than Gerard has ever seen him sob before. Gerard continued to rub Mikey's back while Mikey buried his head into Gerard's chest. Mikey Grabbed hold of Gerard, fearing that his big brother would leave him. Gerard seemed to get the hint because he held Mikey tighter to let him know that he wasn't going to leave.

"I'm so scared Gee, don't leave me, please, I need you" Mikey wimpered into Gerard's chest.

"No Mikes, I will never leave you, ever. Look at me Mikey" Gerard said. Mikey lifted his head off of Gee's chest and looked at his role model.
"I will never leave you Mikey, ever. Do you understand?" Mikey nodded his head yes with tears still falling heavily down his face.
"I love you so much Mikey, I want you to know that?"

"I l-love you too Gee. I love you so much" Mikey said to Gerard. Gerard continued to sit there holding Mikey and rocking him back and forth slowly for another half hour until Mikey started to shiver.

"You cold bud?" Gee asked Mikey. Mikey just nodded. "How about I put you in my bed and I bring you up somethin to eat and drink," Again, Mikey just nodded.

Gerard tucked Mikey in his bed and went downstairs to get him some pizza and pop. Gerard knew that had treat Mikey carefully, and he had to tell the guys to treat him carefully too. When Gerard came back into the room, he found that Mikey was just staring blankly at the ceiling. Both of Mikeys arms were sticking out from under the comferter and Gerard could see red lines all over his wrist. Gerard thought he was just seeing thins so he closed his eyes and shook his head thinking that it would go away, but he also did that because he didn't want to believe what he saw. Gerard openede his eyes again to see that the red lines were still there, but he decided not to mention it right now because Mikey has been through enough for the day. Mikey must have been in deep thought because he didn't notice that his older brother was back in the room with some now cold pizza.

"Here Mikes" said Gerard to signal that he was back in the room.

"Thanks" Mikey said back in nearly a whisper. Gerard couldn't take it anymore, he just had to ask Mikey.

"Hey Mikes, what are those red lines on your wrist?" Gerard asked. The thing is, he knew damn well what they were....
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Yup, thats right people. Longest chapter so far and the quickest updat I've ever done. I'm s'poussed to be asleep right now so I'm gonna go to bed now because I not want the nurses to catch me up this late. I still need a co-auther and I still have no offers. ugh. please guys???
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