I Want An Answer


Brendan knew there was something going on that wasn’t quite right. The years he’d spent on the show had given him enough experience to know something was happening – and of course, he’d done the same thing quite a few times.

He noticed the stares from across Tess’ room, quick little winks when they got into their show outfits, small chats and giggles as they waited to go down the stairs when the show started.

He had to stop witnessing the laughter in week seven after he got voted out of the show in week six (and rightfully so, even he admitted he and Jo had run their course and deserved to go out that night, and he was the drama queen). He continued to catch glimpses of the winks as they were dressed and he still saw them in Tess’ room.

It did have a negative effect on him, but he devised plans in his head to bring misery to them. He wanted them to feel as he did, and he wanted them to not be an item anymore. No-one else really knew – although they may have noticed in the same way Brendan did.

He had the bad boy reputation – and kept it. It was week eight, and he knew a way to find out if what he thought was true. He knew he was right. The next week, he’d somehow take something that belonged to Ian, and he’d keep hold of it until the show ended. He’d keep an eye on people going past his dressing room, and going into other ones until he found the desired person going into the desired room. Then he’d wait until he heard noise from that room (which was Ian’s, conveniently next to Brendan’s), and knock at the door, walk in, and get his answer. He’d also gave back what he’d took to Ian. They’d both be winners. Brendan had an answer; Ian got his lost item back. Unfortunately for Ian, Brendan would spread the answer so both Ian and Brian were in the red.