Status: Being cool. {:

Just Jump.

The summer season.

Summer had always been Rebecca's favorite time of year. She always adored the freedom she had away from school, along with her escape from her small hometown in North Dakota. Her family had always rented a little place in California for the summer season, ever since she was a little girl. Before her fathers death, they'd always go for ice cream by the shore, along with window shopping in the busy city of Los Angeles.

She clearly remembered the walks they'd have on the small deserted pier near their cot, where she'd climb up onto his shoulders and just talk with him for hours. She felt like it was perfect, just her and her daddy.

Then, when cancer hit him, she took in the hardest. Being only eleven years old, when he passed away, stopped her from fully understanding what was even going on. From her mothers tears to the sympathy hugs and kisses, she was just sick of it all. Rebecca had a unique way in displaying her grief, she focused all of pain and frustration into swimming.

She was so dedicated and passionate about her swimming, that she became addicted to it. Every night and day, she would focus on practicing. She was so passionate, that it was almost a beautiful thing, but then obsession soon turned into a compulsion. But she lived day to day, cutting the smooth calm water with her strokes, denying that she missed her father.

"Becca, why aren't you packed?" My agitated mother asked me, stepping into my dim room. I looked up from my notebook and rolled my eyes. "I'm not going," I mumbled, staring back down at the sketch in front of me, my pencil running over the thin paper again.

"Rebecca, get up and pack. You're going." Her voice was firm, but I could still sense the small amount of affection lingering. "No, I'm not." I whispered, rolling over onto my stomach.

"Honey, please, our flight is in five hours, just... please honey." Her voice was almost pleading, and I turned to look at her. "Mom, when was the last time we went to California?" I asked her, folding my legs and staring at her, my eyes stinging.

"I know that you know the answer to that," She said, avoiding the question all together. "Daddy would want you to go and have fun." She blinked, a small attempt of a smile on her lips. "Fine," I wasn't even sure if my voice was audible, but when she threw my suitcase onto my bed, and started to pack for me, I suddenly realized that California, wouldn't be the same without him.

After Rebecca arrived at the airport, it really hit her. This was the one place where she spent everyday with her father. Everyday was engulfed with fun filled laughter and shared ice cream cones, and now that she was back where she became so close with him, her heart ached.

She threw her bags into the small room which she'd always become accustomed to. The salt water could be smelt throughout the small cot, and it was impossible to escape the sand. Rebecca took a few deep breaths, feeling as if the room was too confining, and suddenly made her lightheaded.

She needed to escape it, so she threw on her bikini, and ran through the quaint small house, ignoring her mothers calls and worried words. Sprinting only a few feet until her feet hit the hot sand, which made her move even faster. Once her foot hit the worn out, rough wood of the pier, she closed her eyes.

His foot was here. We were here. I continued running, feeling the blood rush through my veins, and I could hear my heart beating in my ears. Before I knew it, the pier came to an end, and I balnced on the heel of my foot. I opened my eyes once, taking a deep breath, filling my lungs, before rigidly pushing off of the wood surface with all my might.

Everything seemed to stay still for a while, as the force of the water hit my body, everything seemed right again. The rushing force surrounded my vulnerable figure, and it felt perfect. I pointed my toes and wiggled my fingers, as my weight caused me to sink deeper and deeper.

That was the beauty of the ocean, there's never an end. You're not confined within the walls of your pool, the limits were endless, and that's what I needed. Endless possibilities, where anything could happen.

"Come on, Becca." My dads voice echoed through my head, as a memory of him in this very ocean came to mind. "Dad, you know I don't like swimming." I was stubborn, even as a little girl, as I sat in the sand, staring at him worriedly.

I shook my head under the water, my light blond hair swirling around me. I opened my eyes, as I felt my lungs start to burn. That was the feeling I hated most, the stupid reminder that I would eventually have to return to that painful thing called reality. I glared up at the surface, which was a little over 15 feet above me, but I closed my eyes again.

I ignored that nagging pain, because this was different. This time, I needed more time to escape reality. I needed to escape it forever. Once I felt my head go light I let the light in again, kicking with my feet as hard as I could, until the top of my head had a rush of coldness.

I looked down once more, seeing the darkness of the never ending sea, and kicked once. I took slow breaths, as I easily kept myself above the water.

"Thank god you're okay." A voice that sounded as smooth and flawless filled my ears, and I quickly spun around, water splash up in every direction. "What?" I asked, my voice dry as my throat was scratchy from staying under the water for so long.

I studied the boy who was sitting off of the end of the pier, my pier. His head full of lose chocolate brown curls, just as dark as his eyes. I stared at him for a while, my eyes probably wide.

"Well, you didn't come up for a long time, and I got worried." His voice was sensitive as he stuttered nervously. He searched my face for any emotion. "Oh, that..." I trailed off, staring up at him still. "You're okay right?" His voice was more urgent, and I nodded slowly.

"I'm fine." I whispered, pushing my hair back and away from my face, suddenly feeling self conscious about my appearance. "I just missed the water," I smiled half heartily up at him, and he smirked and nodded, staring up awkwardly at the sky.

I swam over to the edge, and grabbed it with one hand, as I pushed off with the other, but before I slipped, his hand was on my waist as he helped me up onto the wet surface. I smiled and took my seat next to him, my feet still sitting in the water.

"Well, I'm Nick." His voice made me look up at him, and I smiled and nodded. "Rebecca." He chuckled and nodded again. "If you don't mind me asking," My voice was low as I looked up at him unsurely. "Why are you here?"

"Uhm... my family is here on vacation." He explained, his voice puzzled on why I would ask such an oblivious question. "Well, I assumed that. But why are you here? As in on the pier?" I asked him again, squinting through the sun up at his face. I knew I probably sounded rude, and obnoxious, but within all the years I've been here, no one else had ever been on this pier. It just felt... odd.

"I don't know, am I not supposed to be?" He questioned, and I could tell that he felt panicked and appalled by my directness. "No, no it's fine." I responded quickly, not wanting him to leave, since I didn't have an urge to jump in the water when I was around him.

"Oh, alright good." His voice was low, and I smiled and leaned back onto the wooden pier, which was hot from the sun beating down against it during the noon hours. When he leaned down and placed a soft kiss on my cheek, I knew that this was going to be a summer like no other. And my dad wasn't going to be here to experience it.

For Rebecca, things moved quickly. And in her mind, maybe just a bit too quickly, but every waking day she spent with Nick, the more she started to enjoy California. He knew just as well as her, that this little... friendship, relationship, fling... whatever you want to call it, would come to an end as the summer skies faded away into the colors of fall. But instead of worrying about that, Rebecca tried to make the best of it.

Getting up in the morning, seemed to hurt a lot less here, compared to when she was back in her own room. The blinding summer sun warmed her face, as it shone through the thin slits in the blinds that were shielding the window. She sighed as she rolled over, setting her head in the pillow. She took a deep breath and the scent of the water was stronger than usual, because a wind was blowing outside. She smiled to herself halfheartedly as she rolled over and got out of bed, getting dressed in just a pair of shorts and a tank top, a bathing suit always present underneath her outfit. This was like her summer uniform, her bathing suit was a requirement if she a mere 10 feet away from the beach at all times.

She took one peak outside the glass sliding doors, and a smile swept over her face when she saw the figure sitting off of the end of the pier, his head of curls wet and his bare back facing her. Her stomach turned with both excitement and nervousness, which seemed to be unescapable whenever she was around that boy. But she wasn't complaining. She was far from complaining.
I walked quickly to the end of pier, and his head turned once he heard my foot steps on the old withered wood. "Hey there," His voice was intoxicating, as I smiled down at him.

"Hey." I said barely above a whisper. He stared out at the water and pated the empty seat next to him, which was damp. I sat down and dipped my feet into the water, which was warm today. "What's wrong?" I asked him, craning my neck to catch a glimpse of his face. He shook his head and a warm smirk creeped onto his lips, "Nothing." He responded quickly, and I nodded and looked back out to the horizon.

"How about you?" He questioned me, and I could feel his eyes searching my face. I sighed and ran my hand aimlessly along the rough edge of the pier, which was soft from being soaked with water constantly. "Huh?" He questioned me anxiously, after I forgot to answer his question, or more like avoided it. "What? Oh, nothing." I glanced back at him momentarily.

"I'm hot." I stated, standing up and throwing off my tanktop and shorts, and I felt Nick watching my every move. I looked back over at him as I shook out my hair, and he snickered as I rolled my eyes at him. "You're such a loser." I giggled, and he stood up, standing in front of me.

"Oh yeah?" His voice was drenched in sarcasm, as he raised an eyebrow at me. "Yeah." I laughed as I took a step closer to him, and he laughed before leaning closer, his warm lips crashing onto mine. I laid my hands on his bare chest to steady myself, as my head began to spin. He broke the kiss, way too soon, and I sighed as he stared at my face.

"You're still a loser." I whispered and he chuckled, I put one hand on his chest and pushed quickly, which caused his foot to slip and for him to lose his balance. He went falling back into the water, but not before his hands around my hips, and I was pulled into the water with him.

"Nick!" I screamed in between my laughter, him right by my side, his hands still securely around my waist. "Who's the loser now?" He asked, his voice calm, and his wet hair clinged to his forehead. I laughed loudly, and shook my wet hair out of my face. Our laughter seemed to fade quickly, as we just floated calmly in the water, the silence was a calm and inviting. "Becca," Nicks voice broke me out of my daze, "Yeah?" I questioned him quickly, my eyes meeting his.

"I'm leaving Wednesday." His voice was low, and his eyes were sympathetic. I felt my eyes get wide as his words floated in my ears. "This wednesday?" My voice cracked, as he silently nodded. "That's ... in two days." My mind was cloudy as I tried to do the simple math from Monday to Wednesday in my head.

"I know," His eyes were now looking down towards the clear water, where his hand held mine tightly. "But..." I searched for words frantically in my head, as this just didn't seem right. It's too soon. "It's only July." I whispered, remembering how he explained that they were going to stay for the entire summer season, meaning August too.

"I know," He took a wavering breath and I nodded slowly, looking awkwardly back up at the pier, and suddenly that low throbbing pain in my chest started again, the ever present reminder that the one I love wasn't here. But what scared me even more, was that two people I love wasn't going to be here.
Becca stood idly at the glass sliding doors, her body dripping wet from the ocean water, which was making a pool of dampness on the old withered rug beneath her feet. Her hands were playing with the ties of her bathing suit bottom, as she stared at the grey clouds which seemed as if they could swallow the entire beach at any second. It was late tuesday, and Nick had been a no show the entire day.

He didn't bother picking up his cell phone, or answering his unread text messages. Rebecca knew it was the last full day he had to spend with his family on vacation, but he couldn't even send a text? It wasn't that hard. The light rain had started beating on the dry sand about an hour ago, but that didn't stop her from swimming. The only thing that pulled her out of the water, was her worried Mother. Who had spotted lighting in the distance.

She was so annoyed at Mother nature at that point. She had never seen it rain all the years they have been here, 3 months out of every year, and not once had she seen a drop of rain. But the one day, she needed the water the most, it was impossible.

Maybe he won't even come to say goodbye, my mind raced helplessly as I pulled myself out of my warm bed in the morning. Maybe he already left, I shook my head violently, as if that would clear my mind of my thoughts. "Becca," My Moms voice echoed from the Kitchen, and I slowly dragged myself in there.

"Yeah Mom?" I questioned her, trying to hide the pain in my voice. "Nick stopped by earlier." The sound of his name, still made my stomach jump, but also made me want to burst into tears within the same second. "What did he want?" I questioned her, hoping that he didn't leave some stupid note saying goodbye.

"He said to meet him by the pier at 4." She smile sympathetically and I nodded, taking a seat on the old couch and staring at the television in front of me.

Five hours never seemed to go by so slowly, as I aimlessly walked around, and even got dressed in something other than just a bikini. I threw on a halter and a pair of white shorts, and brushed the knots out of my hair, which always smelt like salt water, no matter how many times I've washed it. I even took the effort to throw on some eyeliner and mascara, which seemed to be unusual during the summer season.

I sighed as I looked over at the clock, and saw that it was ten minuted past four o'clock. He probably thinks i'm a no show, I felt a sense of panic run through me as the vision of him leaving ran through my mind. I rushed towards the doors and let out a sigh of relief when I saw his figure standing at the end of the pier. He had on shorts an a plain shirt, rolled up to his elbows, which was a change from his shirtless body and swim trunks.

I walked towards him on the pier, my feet still barefoot, and he didn't bother to turn around when my steps became audible to him. "Nick," I mumbled from behind him, and he turned around, a sheepish smile on his lips as he scanned my outfit and face. "You look beautiful," He whispered and a small smile crept onto my lips as his warm eyes met mine.

"Where were you yesterday?" The curiosity got the best of me, as the question rolled off of my tongue. "My mom made me watch my little brother." He mumbled shyly, and I nodded and glanced towards the calm waves rolling onto the shore. "Becca," My name escaped his lips and I looked back towards him.

"I think I love you." His words were almost a question, and I sighed and moved a step closer to him, my heart still beating uncontrollably. Any girl would love to hear those words escape their boyfriends lips, except for me. I knew this would happen, I knew in the beginning, that he would leave one day, and go back to New Jersey. But I couldn't stay away from him.

"I think I love you too," I kept my voice low, as my eyes began to water. "Becca, I'll see you soon, I promise." He stepped closer to me, and placed his hands on my arms which hung at my side. I shook my head and groaned. "I don't want you to say that," my voice was stern as my chest started to hurt as each minute passed us

"What?" He was confused, and I could tell. "Don't tell me that you're going to call everyday, or see me soon. Long distance doesn't work." I looked up at him, my eyes stung with tears, but I held them back, remembering that I had makeup on.

"Becca, then what do you want to do?" His voice was frustrated and I cleared my throat before continuing. "We talked about this, the night you first kissed me, Nick!" I almost screamed, as I shook his hands off of my arms. "Maybe I changed my mind, maybe I don't just want to forget about you." His voice calmed down, and I felt stupid for raising my voice.

His hands found mine and his fingers intertwined with mine but I kept my stare down. "You're unforgettable." He strained his words and a sarcastic chuckle escaped my lips. "Stop fooling yourself, Nicholas." I looked up at him, a tear managing to find its way down my cheek. "I love you." His voice was smooth, as he pushed my hair away from my face.

"We talked about this," I said proudly, forgetting temporarily about the pain in my chest. "I don't want to get hurt anymore than I am right now," I whispered, and he leaned down and placed a kiss on the top of my head. "Rebecca, if that's what you want... then okay." I sighed and looked up into his chocolate eyes, "But i'll always be here, I'm a phone call away." I smiled up at him and nodded. "Don't hold your breath."

He leaned down and pressed his lips onto mine forcefully, my hands finding their way to his hair, and his to my hips. I pulled away and kissed his nose once, before pulling completely away from him, leaving everything behind.


It was thursday morning, and the sun was shining brightly off of Becca's hair, as she sat as the end of the pier, her bathing suit back on, and her toes in the water. She missed her father. She missed Nick. She didn't want to be here anymore, she wanted home. But underneath her sadness, she knew she'd be okay.

Rebecca kind of felt the way she did just before she dove into the pool. Everything in her body felt tense and ready to fly, knowing that the water waited right below her. Her unknown life without Nick and her father stretched before her like the lanes in the pool, calm and smooth, and just waiting.

The future was waiting right in front of her, who was in it, or what was to come - who knew?- and right now, she tried not to care.

All she had to do, was jump.
♠ ♠ ♠
... so yeah.