
The last storm

Hy My name is Lucille and I'm sure you remember Lestat don't you? This is just a recording of his adventures in a period of time that he failed to register. Oh and I'm sure you'll be thinking "Where is he?"
Well despite the fact that Lestat loves to write on first person and give himself all the credit, and feed his charming ego. I will write this story. Since, well, its mine from the head to toe.

As I said my name is Lucille and to begin a story like mine, the beginning is not a great place to start, rather start from the end. The marvellous end of my human life.

Well it was October of 1985 and it was a small country filled of corruption and wonder of treason. I lived in a shambolic city that was the nest of all rats of the nation, and I was what you would call a 'punk'. Now the therm has lost strength, but it meant something back then. Meant something to me, and still does. I was from a medium class family. A bunch of intellectuals actually. I lived with my mom, and my brother in the suburbia. It was a small house with 4 cats, three people, and many, many books.

I was not a regular girl, not a great punk if you ask, but definitely different. First than anything I was an antisocial kiddo, with love and passion for destruction. It was my personal philosophy, and turns out, it works. I had very few friends all in other side of the world. They were lovely Sian my sweet darling on the European Capitol of Anglo world. Zoe hell she was a punk rocker, with a name of life, and Lor, she was a libertine, and one of the most intense beings on this planet. Apart from them there were very few to know me, to really know me, and I can not use their names though I should. I should explain every inch of it, but it hasn't been that long.

It was a windy afternoon in middle of October. It was the 16Th. I had just finished reading "The queen of the damned" and I couldn't take of my mind, the fact that It could all be true. It sounded to accurate to be just the imagination of a woman.

I was fascinated by the stories of vampires. I wasn't much of a "dark" or "goth". It seemed silly to me. I was an anarchist and a punk in process, and not one of those "punx". I actually wanted to be a real punk, I would listen to things like, Dead Kennedys, Conflict and Crass, and the Subhumans yeah they were ace, waht an irony in the name. Sonic Youth was my favorite band though, but you will know more about them soon. I was also a writer and I loved to write some fanfictions about almost anything. From Green Day ( I used to love that band) to vampires.

You see, that lovely cool afternoon of Autumn. I was at my french class. I loved the place. There were smart people hanging around. I was learning a new language and all. But the school...
I hated school more than anything. I was in a small private closed minded school and it was my aunt's school. I had just one real friend down there, we were different but I held affection for her always, and I still do. That peculiar day I had fought with mom about something, I think it was my grades, the mess of my room, the new kitty.

Simple fight but there was tension around, and when my mom dropped me by the two level house, of the AF. Where I had french lessons. I was pissed.
As I said before, I was quite antisocial and being around new people was a challenge to me. I did well that class, as usual. But my mom was working and she couldn't pick me up at the time. In fact she took to long hours to do so!! But who is counting? Time does not means the same now. The wonders of in-mortality!

It was 8:30, the sun had just set, and my battery had gone off. I was sitting in the small library of the AF (French Alliance). I had my combat boots on, my red lipstick, my hair a bit messed up and fishnets. Well and a skirt and a shirt made by my own. A white sleeveless shirt with "I am a freak" on the front, and "Anarchy for all on the back.". Since I had no battery for more than a song I was listening to "Kiss me deadly." one of my very fave.

I leaned back on the plastic seat when the last notes went on, as I heard Billy Idol's voice screaming "tonight". The books in front of me were all in french and I was rather to lazy to go read anything. So I sat there, legs crossed, just thinking.
The rain had slowly turned into a storm. In my city we have storm for 4 months and then nothing for the rest of the year. This was the last storm...
So I was busy listening to the thunders and I don't know how but when I looked around he was in front of me.

"Lestat." I pronounced his name with no fear, just passion. Just the certainty that It was him. And his fine pinkish lips twisted a smile, when he showed me his fangs, and my brown eyes(soon to be black) met his electric blue ones, and a thunder lighted the scene when my lips spoke.

"Finally, the last storm..."