
To be or not to be? part I

You see to me this could perfectly be just a dream, but he was so real. His presence was intoxicating, so impossible, but you probably wont understand.
His movements were graceful and rhythmic. The drops of rain in his long hair. His piercing eyes, so distant, half closed as bored or magnified, vivid in death...

Oh but how rude of me. I must clear out one thing right now, Lestat aspect, well lets just say he is not the Tom Cruise of the movie!! That would be hilarious. No, no. He acts as himself in "Queen of the damned". So you are probably familiar to his face, but these days almost anyone is familiar with my dear Lestat.

Where were we? Oh right, I was amused by his presence, and I held my arms tight around him. I knew it could all be a dream, and if that was the case I wanted to live it as real. I wanted to remember every single part of it.

He stood in the driveway for a second, not spelling a word. He was resting a fang on his lip, slowly biting with out blood. As I said he was delighted by something, and he stood there like an illusion in the middle of the road, for a few seconds. Then the high lights of a red mustang came into view. And he stared at them, lost in the light, now licking his fangs in a painfully beautiful picture. I was hypnotized by them to, and did not looked away. The lights came up closer and closer, and just when they were about to hit us, he jumped. He jumped so high that the dancing branches of trees were beneath us. The clouds above us produced thunders, and rays, the water tormenting the ground.

Lestat eyes shined and he smiled at me, a comforting smile. To confirm I was still in a piece. Oh his eyes! His skin... That's when it came to me, his pale rigid skin, my face was buried in his neck, and the right bite would turn me into all I ever wanted to be.

"Not so fast darling, there are still things to show you before the sunrise!" Lestat laughed and threw his head back, facin' the rain, that splashed on his face, sliding down his clothes.
'Are you planning on killing me?' I wanted to prove myself that he was real, so I just thought the question with intensity. I focused on getting a reply, expecting it to be faint, and low. But his deep voice answered clear and loud, and I was a bit dazed, and surprised, but I kept it to my own.

"Death is so relative these days." He said with that cocky accent of his "But now on more important matters. Do you like Shakespeare?"

"Yeah indeed, "Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow" I said pausing with each word, regarding to my own the fact that I knew about him, and that my words increased his smile. The smile of an arrogant prince, can anyone not love him?
"I was thinking more of "To be or not to be?" Lestat answered as he jumped to a roof next to us. Landing with such an elegant deplore of grace.

"Hamlet." I was not scared, I was aching on desire to be one of his creations. To be part of him, my beloved Lestat. I knew what he meant, with Hamlet. It was one of my favorite plays ever, and some quotes were tattooed to my mind.
Therefore I barely noticed my mouth pronouncing Hamlets promise to himself
"From now on, my thoughts be bloody, or be nothing worth."
And I found a certain hint of interest in his face, which of course made my vanity grow inside.

"The spirit of a vampire!" He laughed again, publicly enjoying himself with thoughts of future. For who? For me? Or maybe I was to become just a victim, but it did not felt like it. He didn't answered my thoughts, and he placed me on the roof, both of us were soaking on the rain, and none cared.

"Come on black angel we must accomplish a mission!" He shouted in excitement, contagious excitement.

Lestat carried me on his arms again, and he went from, roof, to roof, in the fastest race of the world. Always landing perfectly, on and on. The AF was lost in the view, and the storm was disappearing. In my city, that would be GDL. The storms occur in an exact point of it, and last a few minutes. Chaotic but short.

The city was below us and before I could appreciate it clearly, we stopped. Lestat put me back on the ground, and walking towards a big white structure, he made me signs to follow him. I knew that place! I was there every year in the Book's fair, and I had been there in my first concert ever. We can this place Expo.

He jumped the artificial grass hill, and went in. I followed him, and found myself in the exact place were I had first heard Sonic Youth. The platform was set, and turning around, I saw him sitting on the edge. With a microphone on his hand.

"Do you believe in his sweet sensations?
Do you believe in rapture babe?"

My favorite song on his lips, was ecstasy, pure ecstasy. Indescribable, soft, maniac, wild, melodic. Tender misery. I stood there watching him, taking in every sound, everything around me. Its better than an orgasm, it was almost as good as the first taste of blood. I just stood listening to him. And he knew just how much pleasure he was producing me.

"Stand behind his drunken amp,
Stand behind his light of love."