Naruto: Birds of a Feather

Sen Masako and her faithful bird Tivi return to Konohagakure in the time between Naruto and Naruto Shippuden. Masako is now a jounin and is joined by her own squad, Squad Hane. Squad Hane consists of Masako's hand picked genin fresh from the academy:
Uzia is a weapon master, and a bit ditzy, reminiscent of Konoha's Tenten. But Uzia is inexperienced and tends to be a little too enthusiastic at times. She also has a small battle fan that she uses in addition to her weapon arsenal. Although she can be rather ditzy, Uzia is determined to do her best in all she does. Even in her inexperience, Uzia appears to have unmatched accuracy and an extremely unusual flexibility.
Zunai is a sword weilder with some kind of attitude. He seems apathetic and tends to appear as if he has his own agenda. He is strong, but he is rather dark and quiet. His sword resembles an oversized kunai. His motive for becoming a shinobiwas to become one of the legendary Swordsmen of the Mist, or at least rival them in power. Even in his young, inexperienced age, Zunai is a prodigy, displaying great physical strength and skillful weilding of his weapon.
Liens is a perverted marksmen. He uses a bow and arrow, but his eyes are usually stuck on women and girls. This trait causes his entire squad to become quickly annoyed with him at times. Liens does not appear to display any great skill other than his precise accuracy with a bow and arrow. He actually barely even graduated from the Academy, just slipping by with the lowest grade possible for passing.
Masako, Tivi, and their new squad of inexperienced genin head off to Konohagakure, meeting some of Masako's old uh....friends? Masako brings with her some upsetting news, and requests that a certain shinobi help her on her mission.