Status: Re-editing some chapters, rereading to grasp where I was going, updates soon to come. =D

The Moons' Call



~Jacob’s P.O.V.~

The next morning I awoke with a pounding headache. I had been running through the woods all night. My eyes wander to my small desk and the cluttered mess that decorated it. The red numbers of my alarm clock informing me of the time: 4:00 AM.

Rubbing my eyes I stare at the chaos on the desk…Her birthday was this Friday… I wondered if I should still finish her gift and give it to her. Who was I kidding? Of course I would finish it…because I loved her I would give her my petty offering of affection.

Sighing heavily, I turn around so that my back was toward the incomplete present. Unconsciously, my fingers trace abstract designs on the wall, doing anything to get my mind off the continuous aching throughout my body. It almost hurts as much as when I first phased…

“Jacob?” My dad’s raspy voice wipes my mind clean of haunting wine colored eyes, the light squeaking of his wheel chair assisting in helping me focus.

“Yeah, Dad?” I grumble, sitting up to face him as he enters the doorway. The cordless phone in his hands.

“Someone’s on the phone for you.” I roll my eyes, thinking it was Sam.

“It’s not who you think it is either.” A wide grin spread across his aging face while I take the phone from his hand and wait for him to get out of earshot before speaking into the receiver.

“Hello?” My voice was anything but pleasant at this point.

“J-Jacob?” I quickly shut my door and lean against it, the most beautiful voice filled my body with renewed energy. But there was an edge to it…a sadness was clearly heard as well.

“Is that you, Princess?” I tried to sound as nonchalant and teasing as possible, trying to act as if I hadn’t been thinking of her this entire time or that I was eager to hear her speak to me.

“Y-Yeah…sorry to call. Especially since you were probably sleeping…but…I-I needed to talk to someone…” Her whimpering tone made my heart thump in pain. It was almost as if I could feel her sorrow.

“Alright…go ahead and talk.” I whisper encouragingly, all sense of mockery dissipating. My back sliding down the door so that I could sit on the cool floor.

“…I-It’s about…” She was clearly trying to keep from crying and I wanted to know who or what was causing her these feelings of misery.

“…P-P-Paul…” Rage filled my veins, my initial thought was that he had hurt her physically. Paul was, after all, the hot head of the pack.

“Did he—” My voice shook with anger, nearly breaking the phone in my hand.

“He didn’t hurt me if that’s what you’re thinking…” I mimicked her deep breath to calm myself.

“You see…I had invited River over to hang out for a while and Paul was over too…you know, to baby sit me…” My brow furrowed in confusion as to where this was going.

“Anyway…when they I introduced them to each other…and their eyes met....I-It was as if I didn’t exist anymore!” She whimpered, pausing for a few moments before continuing.

“The look in Paul’s eyes made me feel as if I meant nothing to him…” Her cries wretched at my heart, unconsciously my hand grasped at my thumping chest.

“I could tell instantly that something was up…So, when River went to the bathroom I asked him what was wrong…” She chocked on a sob, her voice shaky as she explained more.

“He said that he did something called Imprinting…he went on to explain to me what it was and how it affected him.” Another pause made me clench my jaw.

“But it was so hard to absorb it all after he said that he couldn’t be with me a-anymore!” Her stuttering cries of pain were palpable in my small room.

Even if there was a guilty glimmer of joy at hearing Paul and Astra weren’t together anymore. My head told me that if it hurt her this much than it wasn’t worth them being apart.

I didn’t know how to comfort her without being by her side, without holding her as she cried all her hurt out.

Closing my eyes I began to talk about something completely random. Like the weather and if she was excited about her birthday, this seemed to lead her mind astray from her grief for a while…that is before the crying started again…

“I…Is there something wrong with me…? Everyone always leaves me, Jacob…”

“Don’t be ridiculous, there’s nothing wrong with you and no one has left you.” I state sternly, my eyes narrowing at the back door leading to the woods.

“You still have Sam and Emily…” And me…I wanted to tell her so badly that she had me to rely on the most but for some stupid reason I couldn’t.

“You have the pack, too.” It was quiet on the line for a few minutes and for a second I thought she might have hung up.

“Princess, you still there?” My only reply was a whimpering sniffle that caused a smile to appear on my lips.

“Y-Yeah…Thank you, Jacob…I think…I’ll be alright now…I mean, I still like Paul and River a lot…they’re so close to me…I guess I can’t condemn them for finding their soul mates.” I smirk, knowing she didn’t fully believe in all of this supernatural stuff, but I think she was giving us the benefit of the doubt.

She paused for a few seconds, thinking of the right words to say next.

“I also have a great friend like you Jacob. I’m so happy that I called you.” I could have sworn that my heart flew out of my ribcage at hearing her softly spoken words.

Sure, she still viewed me as a friend but that might change, right? Then again that could just be me hoping and praying…I was told I could be a bit over ambitious sometimes.

“No problem, Princess, you can call me anytime.” Biting the inside of my cheek I await her response, hoping she wasn’t onto my apparent feelings for her.

“Thank you.” This was her only reply before she had to hang up to go eat dinner and at that time I was on top of the world. I lay down with a big smile and close my eyes, attempting to remember her scent…her smile…her laugh.


It was on Thursday that I got to physically reunite with Astra. I’d been busy patrolling with Seth around La Push. The scent was getting stronger then it had previously been. It was startling how bold they were getting yet it was also electrifying at the possibility of getting some fighting action.

“You seem real excited about fighting, Jake…it’s kinda out of the norm.” Seth’s voice interrupted my thoughts, his light steps coming to a halt by my side.

“I just wanna get rid of these leeches. They’ve been bothering me for a while now…” I replied, it wasn’t all that unusual for me to want to get into a brawl. Especially when it came to vampires.

“I’d just be glad if Sam let’s me come along with you guys on the final hunt.” His ears fold back and a light whine comes from his lips. A wolfy grin crosses my muzzle as I bump shoulders with him.

“We need as many of us as possible. There might only be three of them but they’re tricky…” I didn’t want to let anyone but Seth hear my thoughts on the matter.

“I have a bad feeling though…like there’s something we’re missing.” With my left ear flicking back slightly, the sound of Seth’s tail wagging distracted me from the wondrous scent of apples and blossoms.

“Jake, look who’s here!” He yipped trotting through the light line of foliage towards Sam’s place. His whimper of affection earned my attention.

“Hey…uh…Seth?” Astra whispered, scratching behind his ears getting another whine of pleasure as a reward.

“Uh…You’re not as tall as the others.” She mused getting a bark in response.

“Height isn’t everything…” He thought as I remained hidden in the darkness of the forest.

“I wonder why she came out here, Jake.” Seth turned his head back at me, Astra glancing but her human eyes failed to detect my presence.

“Are you out here alone? Sam’s in the house you know…I don’t think you have to be out here to guard me…Or did he make you stand guard…?” Her words were full of anxiety and her voice shook like the wind. Clearly her break up with Paul still shook her to the core.

Her mental pain was physical to me…

Seth turned from Astra to me then back to her, I could almost see the light bulb appear on the top of his head.

“Jake…did you…?” I cut off his question by stepping out of the woods, appearing before her as my wolf self. She hadn’t seen me like this since my fight with Paul and even then I wasn’t as civil as I was right now.

At my full height, I stood before her. Trying to decipher whether or not she was still scared of me. That look in her eyes the last time I’d faced her with this wolf pelt seemed to flicker across her features again.

When she didn’t say anything, I felt myself start to shrink back into the protection of the woods. My ears pinned against my head and my head lowered in a sign of submission and shame. It hurt too much to face her at the moment.

“J-Jacob…” She whispered ever so lightly, her fingers still running through Seth’s sandy fur. Her face, hidden in his neck. I got the sense that she somehow ashamed as well.

Whimpering, I take a wary step forward, Seth whining and nudging Astra gently. The smell of salty tears filled my senses and I lowered my head to her level, nudging her softly to look at me. Shaking her head she continues to hide in Seth’s ruff.

“What’s wrong?” He asked with a whimper as if she could somehow hear our thoughts.

“She’s shaking, Jake…What do we do? Call Sam?” Snorting I shake my head at both questions…

What to do…Hell if I knew…All I wanted to do was make her stop feeling this way. Very gently I take the sleeve of her loose fitting plaid sweater in between my teeth, lightly tugging on it to earn her full attention.

“Look at me…” I cry, ears still folded against my head. Sniffling, she cautiously detached herself from Seth, her eyes locking with mine as more tears rolled down her cheeks.

Without a word her fingers ran through my coat. My chest releasing some kind of grumble of praise as she pet the top of my head. Her light touch sent shivers down my spin, electrifying my nerves in a pleasant way.

“…Jacob…” She whispered, resting her forehead on my muzzle. She took in a deep breath before slowly releasing it. She didn’t say anymore as we stood together for an immeasurable amount of time.

She would say my name every so often, almost in a chanting kind of way. May be she was worried that this was a dream…because I know it felt like one to me.

To be so close to her, to be feeling her warmth, to have her arms around me…It didn’t matter that I was in this form, I still loved her like no other.

Cracking my eyes open, I glance to the side to see Seth still next to us. He was sitting down, facing the forest, his ears pert, chest puffed out, snout set. If he weren’t breathing he would have looked like a statue.

“I’m trying to give the two of you privacy while keeping watch at the same time.” Came his brief explanation, my lips curving into a wolfy smirk at his serious tone. It was so unlike him to speak, or rather think, this way.

My eyes turn back down to Astra, she had moved to wrapping her arms around my neck and burying her face into my pelt.

I wondered what had happened to make her like this…so emotional. She was usually so stubborn and strong. It was totally out of character for her to be showing others this vulnerability.

“I don’t mean to pry, Jake, but…may be she feels like she can open up to us more when we’re in this form…You know…We don’t seem as judgmental when we’re wolves.” Seth points out, his ears turning back in shame. He truly hadn’t wanted to be listening to my thoughts right now.

“Maybe you’re right…All that studying Sam’s making you do is paying off, Seth.” I tease earning a snort and soft growl from the youngest wolf in the pack.

It was abrupt but simultaneous when we realized something was up. The few birds that had been around had stopped chirping, the wind blew a thick scent of sweetness our way. The kind of sweet that made me want to throw up, a vampires' stink.

Seth, jolted up, startling Astra. Who released me and looked at the sand colored wolf in confusion and surprise.

“Vampires…” We both snarl, my head whipping back around to face Astra. She had quickly grasped onto me with shaky fingers. It seemed that she knew exactly what we were alert about.

Sighing, I lean down and nudge her hand, in turn getting her to pet me. I hoped this would calm her at least a little.

“Seth, we have to go into the woods and signal the others. Let’s get goin’.” I usher, slowly pulling away from Astra, her eyes frantic as she looked into mine. With flattened ears I turn towards the woods, about to jump back into them until something grabbed my tail.

“Don’t go....” Her whimper compelled me, as if by divine law I turn towards her once more.

“If you leave…you’ll get hurt....” Snorting in disbelief I stick my nose into the air, trying to act offended by her anxious words. But her eyes were glued to the ground, sighing I grumble something I hoped she could understand.

“Jake, I’m gonna go signal for the pack to join us…maybe you should stay here and watch Astra.” Seth suggested, letting out a howl. Grunting, I shake my head and begin to walk into the forest once again.

This time…Astra didn’t stop me....

“You got it wrong, Seth, you stay with the Princess while the rest of us go hunt those leeches. You know that’s what Sam’s gonna tell you anyway.” I bark when I pass him, joining up with Leah and Embry.

“But that’s not fair! I never get to kill anything!” The pup whimpered, a scowl on his furry face.

“Jacob’s right, Seth. You stay behind with Astra.” Sam’s Alpha toned voice commanded as he appeared behind the sandy wolf. With a yelp and whine he scampered off towards the house once again.

“So, we finally gonna kill there ticks or what?” Quil snickered, joining up with us as we silently ran through the forest. We were headed in the direction that I had smelt the scent of those particular vampires.

“I hope so, man, I’m itching to rip some bloodsuckers apart.” Paul chimed in, my ear still folded against my head at the images we were receiving from Seth.

Astra was still outside of the house, trembling as she stared in the direction I had taken off in.

“Focus, Jacob. We can’t afford to have any of us distracted.” Sam snapped, literally, causing me to jump out of the way. Baring my teeth I do as he orders, the others internally laughing at my unfocused mindset.

Just when my mind had become centered on my opponent, we came to a halt. The female leech stood before us with a thin brow raised, her hands on her hips.

“Looks like you gained a wolf.” She muttered, looking Leah dead in the eyes.

“But it won’t help....Especially since it’s so small.” She sneered, earning a full blown snarl from the only female in the pack.

“Calm down, Leah, she’s just trying to push your buttons.” Sam growled loud enough to earn the females attention. My eyes scanned the rest of our surroundings.

“Weren’t there two others?” I grumble, my ears shifting in different directions in an attempt to listen for their near silent footsteps.

“Jacob!” I spin around at hearing that special tone, it was Astra!

“Jacob, help me! They’ve captured me!” My heart sunk at what she was saying, while continuing to look around for her, I lose my concentration.

“Jake, don’t be stupid, she wouldn’t be out here. Can’t you see what Seth is seeing?” I hardly heard Embry…I couldn’t even hear my Alpha’s orders right now let alone see what they were seeing.

Snarling, I spin around at hearing quick, subtle footsteps and without another thought, I take off running after them.

“Help me!!! Please!!!” Her voice was becoming more frantic with every leap and bound I took.

“Aaahhh!!!!!!!!!!” Yelping for her to hold on a second longer, I jump into a tiny clearing that was barely able to contain my size.

My brain and common sense trying to catch up to what was around me, the place was empty and dead silent. Too late had it dawned on me that one of those blood sucking ticks had the ability to mimic any sound, even Astra’s unique tone…How easily he had fooled me into straying from the protective number of my pack.

Turning around in a circle, I was about to bound back to them but then there was a quick movement that I caught in my peripheral. Looking over my shoulder I see the blonde haired mosquito that had put his hands on Astra…that had taken her past the treaties boarders, who had wanted to change her out of revenge for what we did to his mate.

“I’m so glad you came to rescue me Jacob…Now I can die peacefully, knowing how much you care for me.” That parrot ability to mimic was tricky…I felt like an inexperienced pup for falling for it.

“I wonder if you’ll ever get to hear her voice again, mutt.” He chuckled, smirking with nothing but confidence. With my fangs bared I crept toward him. The thought of his filthy hands touching Astra enraged me to no end.

"Think of this as you perish, cur. Sweet little Astra's tasty blood on my lips, her disappointed eyes scanning the forest for her wolf knights to come save her. Of course, most of you will be dead by then. She'll whimper your name as the venom begins to change her..." I couldn't see to hear the rest of his words, my ears deaf with rage, my eyes tinted red as my claws dig furrows in the muddy ground.

“Jacob, stop! Wait until we get there!” Despite that unfathomable tone of the pack Alpha I leapt at the blonde parasite, my claws mere inches away from him when something sideswiped me. Hitting me like a train hitting a stack of hay, resulting in me flying deeper into the forest. I could have sworn I hear something crack when I hit a randomly placed boulder, my own whimpers of pain took me by surprise when I shook the stars from my sight.

“Awe…poor doggie, you didn’t think that it was just the three of us anymore did you?” With a loud cackling laugh, the blonde moves aside to show a huge male. He was bigger than that one Cullen with all the muscle....

Just as I was about to shake off the blow I had taken, something stone cold wrapped around my neck. Unable to shake it off I turn my head to see that it was another unfamiliar vampire. This one was female and she had dark brown hair and a wicked looking smirk as she squeezes the air out of my windpipe. A pathetic excuse for a yelp escaping me.

It hurt more than I ever thought it would, I had been lucky enough to evade having a vampire wrap their arms around me. While thrashing around I began to lose consciousness…Damn, this leech could hold on tight…

The big male came rushing over and wrapped his arms around my ribcage from the front, squeezing me further. Just before I lost awareness I let a painful howl out, it echoed through the misty woods…and I somehow saw her…Astra. She screamed my name in worry as she reached towards me…

“…Astra…” Her name was the last thing I could recall before everything went black and all that was left was immense pain.
♠ ♠ ♠
Wooo-hoooo!!!! Updated twice in one day! I'm on a role! Ha ha ha.
Anyway, this is the last of Jake's P.O.V. Though I love writing his views on the story I must return to Astra.
I hope you liked it, comment if ya want.

Astra's Outfit: