Status: Re-editing some chapters, rereading to grasp where I was going, updates soon to come. =D

The Moons' Call

My Everything


Happiness in a fairytale; I had finally obtained it as my own. But before anything more could happen with my first visit to the Black’s house, I was called away by my brother. He stated that we’d been there for hours, but it felt like mere minutes.

Sighing, reluctantly I left.

Untangling my hand from Jake’s and stealing a final glance at his scratched up face. With flushing cheeks I leave, thanking Billy for letting me stay so long. He insisted that it was no problem at all and that I was welcome over there anytime.

The rest of the evening was spent with the boys while my heart longed to be with Jacob. Emily beamed with happiness at my promise bracelet that I wore on my left wrist with pride. She then announced that it was time for presents.

Sam and Emily got me a beautiful black pouch necklace that seemed to match perfectly with my bracelet. The boys got me a pretty silver necklace shaped like a wolf howling to the moon, stars decorating the crescent.

When it finally came around to sleeping…I found myself restless, not like when I was with Jake. He made me smile, laugh like I hadn’t in a long time. It was sick how dependant I was on him, now that we felt somewhat mutual for one another it seemed wrong to be apart.

How did Paul and River do it? Jared and his Imprintee Kim? Sam and Emily?

Thinking of these questions I reluctantly fall into a shallow sleep. When I awoke the next morning I was far from anything that resembled decent. I told Jacob this and he just sneered with a smirk.

“You look cute, that disheveled look suits you.” His words oddly made me feel at ease, like I really didn’t look bad in my comfortable jeans, plain black t-shirt, and sneakers.

“I’m kind of surprise Sam let you come back so soon. Aren’t big brothers supposed to be protective of their little sisters?” Shrugging, I cross my legs in the chair behind the head of his bed. Billy had Embry bring it in yesterday evening, or so he tells me. Jake peeked over at me, a smile lighting up those brown eyes.

“He said that he understood. Whatever that means.” I grumble, knowing full well what he meant. He would most likely always feel the need to be near Emily, even if it was as simple as being in the same room. No talking, no touching…just the fact that you were in the company of the one you cared about mattered. It was kind of the same way I felt about Jacob…and hopefully how he felt for me.

“....So, did they get you that?” He muttered, motioning towards the necklace I was wearing. Smiling softly, I nod and touch the soft suede of the pouch. His eyes wandered to my left wrist before an even larger smile spread across his now healed lips.

The slashes on his face had fully disappeared by the time I got here, which was around noon. He also had less bandages, on his right arm and his left wrist to his elbow. His ribs and torso were still tightly bound though. The white wrapping looked out of place next to his russet skin.

“So, how much longer do you have to stay in bed?” I question, trying to act casual about it. Though under my weak charade was the urgent need to know when he could start coming over again…when we could start going on our short walks to the beach again…when he could start babysitting me again.

“Carlisle said this afternoon or really early tomorrow. Like, two in the morning or something.” With a sigh, I try to cover up my slight disappointment with the book I was reading.

“Why? You wanna go on a date or something?” Flustered, I nearly toss my book and leap at him in embarrassed rage.

“Of course not!...I just kinda wanted to know…” I muttered, switching legs and leaning forward. My lips hanging above his forehead.

“Sorry I assumed, Princess, I’m just a little antsy about getting out of this bed. I’m not used to so much rest.” He grunts while turning on his side, his back against the wall.

“I want to spend time out of this tiny room, staring at the walls and ceiling is starting to drive me crazy!” I smile sympathetically before looking out the window. Rain was pouring today, steady yet looming. Outside hovering in the were Jared and Paul, Sam sent them with me today.

Usually it would have just been Sam with me, but he had to go with Em to Port Angeles to shop for some much needed clothing.

“I’m glad you’re here at least, it passes the time quicker.” His husky voice whispered into my unsuspecting ear, my skin tingling where his hot breath lingered. Flushing pink I stare down at him, all signs of teasing disappearing.

Biting the inside of my cheek I force myself to pull away, getting up and relocating to the edge of the tiny twin bed. My hand shakily caressing his cheek.

Jacob just sat there, eyes still locked onto mine, a soft groan of praise rising from his chest. Smiling, I plant a shift kiss on his cheek. He still didn’t move, so I kiss his left eye lid, nothing, then I kissed the corner of his lips where a smirk was growing.

Before I knew it our lips were touching, gently at first, then it grew in furious fervor. Jacob’s skin in general was hot, but his lips felt even hotter against mine. It felt as if he had ignited a line of gun powder that started at my lips, spread through out every nerve of my body, and exploded into the pit of my stomach. Every part of me was on fire, but it somehow burnt in a good way.

My fingers tangled in his short black hair, while his hands remained on my waist. He wasn’t about to take my shirt off but he did lift it a bit to touch the thin line of skin between the fabric of my t-shirt and jeans. His touch spread further fire onto my flesh.

I had to exceed my will power to pull away from him, both of our breathing ragged from prolonged need of air. My cheeks had to be red because his were merely flushed from the extra body heat I was emitting onto him.

Without a word he pulled me back down and to his chest, his left arm loosely around my waist as we lay there. His chin on the top of my head while my eyes closed in relaxation. I could have sworn I heard him mutter something but I couldn’t make it out, so I let the question as to what it was drop. My eyelids heavy with abrupt drowsiness and in an instant I was off in dreamland.

Sleeping in Jacob’s arms was the single easiest sleep I’d gotten in so long. One that wasn’t related to me being utterly incapacitated after having a near death experience. One that held no sign of bad dreams or tossing and turning. I hoped that Jake was getting enough rest and that I wasn’t causing him any discomfort.


By the time I woke up it was dark, the small room still filled with the sound of the rain accompanied by Jacob’s light breathing. A smile forming on my lips while my eyes adjusted to the darkness. With my fingertips I trace his warm lips, slightly parted where hot air was escaping from his lungs. My cheeks flush as I lightly peck those surprisingly soft lips.

“Are you taking advantage of me while I’m asleep, Princess?” I jump at his voice. He had been awake, most likely the whole time!

“N-No…I was just making sure you were still breathing.” With a reluctantly pained chuckle, he pushes his forehead against mine. I could vaguely see the shape of his features in the night.

“I see…would you like to check again? I think someone stole my breath away.” It was cliché sounding but I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to kiss him again.

“Who knew such cheesy lines worked.” He mused, running a hand through my hair before resting his cheek on top of my head. My eyes closing in pleasure at the soothing sound of his heart beating.

“I hate to be a complete downer, Princess, but its eight thirty.” Well, I missed dinner…but Emily and Sam were supposed to pick me up after they got back from Port Angeles. Did they forget me or were they still over there?

“How am I supposed to get home? Sam was supposed to pick me up.” I whisper, very deep down I was hoping I could spend the night. But of course that was impossible, I had school tomorrow and neither Billy nor Sam would take the bait on me staying over anyway.

Even if I was Jake’s Imprint…

“I could take you home.” He volunteered, beginning to sit up with me still in his arms. With a furrowed brow, I halt his actions, pushing him back down while I rose up.

“It’s alright, Jake, I’ll just call Sam.” I say, fumbling around for the light until Jacob told me where it was. With a tense giggle I look at my cell phone’s address book until I reached the number I was searching for. ‘Home’ spelt above the numbers…with a subtle smile I press the little green phone and listen to the dial tone for a few seconds.

Emily answered and explained that they thought it was cute ( her word not Sam’s) that Jake and I were napping together and left me there intentionally. With a flustered demand of why, she merely explained that they were going to pick me up at nine. Whether I was asleep or not. When I explained this to Jake he just laughed.

Personally, I thought it strange that my supposed guardians were letting me sleep in the same bed as the boy I liked so deeply. But then again, everything about my brother was kind of strange, especially the part where he could burst into a huge black wolf.

I left the Black’s house with the idea that I could come here right after school tomorrow to see Jacob some more…I was wrong, of course. I was denied by Sam. He told me that when I got home tomorrow Jacob would most likely be loitering around the woods. Silently guarding me and Em while the rest of the pack go out and try to find the scent of those vampires.

I was there when Sam and the others burst into their wolf forms, of course, they were already in the safe recesses of the forest by then. But I could make out their shapes as well as see a few of their tails swishing.

Seth, especially, was excited. He came bounding out of the woods, did an enthusiastic circle around me before taking off with the others. I giggle and wave until I can’t hear their thumping footsteps anymore.

It was surprisingly sunny and warm today, so I grabbed a blanket and sat out back with my homework and a new book. Jacob nowhere in sight, my lower lip in between my teeth as I finished my math.

Was he really watching over me or had Sam said it just to appease my anxiety about Jake going into a possible battle so soon after his injuries?

“…Jacob....” I hear myself sigh before lying back onto the softness of the quilt, my arm shielding my eyes from the sun as it showered me in vitamin D.

That’s when I heard it…the subtle yet audible sound of steps. It sounded like two people or maybe one four legged creature. But I could somehow tell that whatever it was that it wasn’t going to hurt me. A small smile formed as I peek and see a furry, reddish-brown snout hovering above me. The cold black nose touching my forehead caused me to giggle.

“Ask and I shall receive, huh?” He grumbled something that resembled a ‘yes’. My free hand reached up and ran through his furry cheek.

“I love you as a wolf, Jake, but I’d prefer to talk to you as a person.” I whisper, sitting up just as he surrounded me with his warmth. Snorting, he seems to frown.

“Sam said ‘no’, didn’t he?” Another snort of disapproval gave it away. Sighing, I lean against his soft coat, exhaling before taking in a deep breath of his wonderful aroma.

“He can be a buzz kill…Its kind of annoying how everything you think is relayed to them.” He yipped in agreement. Smiling, I pet his lowered head.

Lately, it seemed that I was spending more time with Jake in his wolf form rather than his human body…and to be honest, it was annoying…I mean, it was him but it felt kind of lonely not being able to listen to what he had to say. Having to translate his motions and eye contact into possible words was also maddening.


It went on like that for the rest of the week. I’d come home and spend time outside with him. If it was nice we would sit on the grass, if it was raining he would sit before the porch while I read him my newest novel. He seemed quite interested, with his ears pert and eyes watching me carefully as I read aloud.

At night, I would go inside and think of him while trying to get some rest. Sam usually came home before dusk so Jake could go home and rest for his next shift in the morning. I’d see the hardly visible black pelt of my brother as he slunk out of the woods. His dark brown eyes glancing at me before loafing around the house, out of my sight to change into his human body.

On Friday, Jacob and I sat on the grass again. He acted as my backrest while my lap acted as a pillow for his tired wolfy head. We had reached the emotional ending of my surprisingly depressing book. I had picked it out specifically for it’s genre of being romantic and fantasy.

Who knew it was going to be such a dark ending for the two lead protagonists...Dying in each others arms after having to kill one another under false pretenses.

Jacob huffed a sigh at my gloomy silence, I look down at his staring chocolate gaze. His lips pulled back slightly in a grin. I giggle and wrap my arms around his neck, earning a much needed whine of comfort.

“Next time I’ll read you a book of poems that Riv let me borrow.” His huge shoulders seemed to shrug as we parted. I kiss his nose, knowing that the rest of the pack knew instantly. Especially when he scoffed at whatever they were retorting.

That weekend, things changed slightly…

“Huh? Sam, you’re here.” I gawk, staring at my overly tired sibling. Black circles under his eyes from lack of a peaceful nights sleep. My stomach twisting in guilt and sympathy, even the usually hyperactive Seth was worn out. Somehow his tanned skin was pale from staying up so late.

“Yes, we can’t seem to find a solid lead on those leeches.” He growled, nearly breaking the plate and fork as he jabbed at his breakfast. His jaw tightly clenched in disappointment and frustration, only to be eased when Emily came and placed a hand on his trembling shoulder. He lifted it up and pressed it to his lips before I turned to look at Paul.

“We keep trailing them to the borderline.” Paul further explained, glancing up at me before letting out a loud yawn. Internally I smile at how considerably calm he had become since meeting River.

“And keep zigzagging back and forth.” He grunts before stuffing some eggs into his mouth. My eyes slowly falling to the couch where Seth had been taking a nap, sneaking under my radar as not to worry me.

“You guys…I’m—” A pair of hot arms wrapped around my waist, causing me to yelp in surprise.

“You don’t have to feel so guilty, Princess. This is what the wolf pack does. We hunt filthy leeches. It just so happens that they’re after our treasured star.” Jacob whispered, his chin resting on the top of my head. My eyes wide as I stare up at him. I hadn’t seen him like this in an entire week.

I had missed his warm arms, the rise and fall of his chest, his short black hair, the angle of his jaw, the shape of his muscles, and the nickname that I stubbornly accepted as my own. It was also a relief to see that there were no bandages whatsoever on him.

“J…Jake…” I whimper, staring with even wider eyes then before. It felt like tears were going to form but they never did and I was grateful for that. I wouldn’t have known if they were happy or sad or a mixture of both.

He just softly smiles and leans down to capture my lips in a short kiss, pulling away when there were chuckles and a growl. I assumed that was Leah. I’d noticed her in the corner of the kitchen, trying to keep as far from me as possible…I wondered why she disliked me so....

Flushing I lean back into his chest, enjoying the warmth as he conversed with Embry and Quil. Paul and Jared far too busy eating twice their normal share.

“Did you eat yet?” I whisper, interrupting the boys’ conversation. His eyes quickly turned down to mine before a guilty smirk formed on his lips. He hadn’t eaten. I could tell by the smirk and gleam in his eyes. Sighing heavily, I force myself out of his comforting warmth to grab him a plate.

Unfortunately, this meant standing next to the only she-wolf in the pack. I felt her eyes on me, maybe trying to find a flaw in my overly flawed self or maybe she was trying to burn holes in me with her heat ray vision…I don’t know…

I hear Jacob subtly snarl at Leah as he came to my side and grabbed the plate I was reaching for with ease. No words ever leaving their mouths as a low growl came flying back at him. This caused Jake to turn an icy glare at her, his lips pulling over his white teeth while a louder snarl filled the air between the two.

Tension filled the small room quickly, it was so tangible I felt like I couldn’t even breathe.

“Uh…Hey, let’s hurry and get you something to eat before Jared and Paul eat all the food.” I suggest, pulling Jake back to the round dining table. His arms had started to shake just as I grabbed onto his wrist. All I could think of was how I could calm him down.

“So, Jake, we should go walk down to the beach. I haven’t been down there in a while.” I ramble, forcing him to sit in Sam’s empty seat. He had gone to rest in the arm chair next to the couch.

“…Yeah sure, whatever you want.” He mumbled, staring at the laminated surface. My lip between my teeth while I dish up some eggs, bacon, and a few pancakes for him. Again, this involved getting near Leah. But she somehow didn’t seem interested in me anymore, her gaze focused on the trees outside the window above the sink.

“Well, I can go by myself if you’re tired. I don’t wanna hang out with someone who’s so unenthusiastic.” I partially kid, but I meant the part about him being tired. Though he had most likely gotten more sleep then the rest of the pack, there were still shadows under his eyes.

“It’s not that Princess…I’m just a little annoyed is all.” He muttered, eating his food. I eat my food too, surprised in how hungry I had been. I even went back for seconds…

After breakfast, most of the pack went home to sleep. Leah had to practically carry Seth on her back, Paul seemed enthusiastic to spend the day with River considering her mom was working all day, and the others just went home to bed. This including Sam.

Jacob and I however went down to the beach. He eyed my attire, I was wearing a pair of blue jeans, sneakers, and a thermal. I hadn’t felt the need to bring my jacket, even if it was well under the mid-fifties.

I held onto Jake’s warm hand, our fingers laced together as we walked down to the beach. The sun peeking out from behind the thinning clouds every so often. At least he seemed to be in a better mood, maybe Leah had said something to him before he came over that upset him…then again he could just be mad that he didn’t get to hunt with the others…Whatever it was, I wish he’d tell me.

“What’s wrong?” He asked, leaning forward to look at my unsettled expression. My shoulders had slumped and my eyes cast down to the dirt path. When I didn’t reply he stopped without telling me, so I kept walking until he pulled me back and into his chest.

“J-Jacob?” I whisper, looking up at him. His eyes were closed, thinking of what to do next.

“Just tell me what’s on your mind. I don’t know how but I know something’s up.” He muttered looking down at me with a concerned expression, his deep brown eyes reminding me of a puppy.

I try to look away from that guilt provoking gaze. Before I could, Jake caught my chin between his thumb and forefinger, keeping my face tilted upward.

“I just feel bad for being such a burden on everyone.” He was about to open his mouth to reassure me that I wasn’t what I claimed but I put my index finger on his slightly parted lips.

“I know most of you don’t see me that way…but it’s just normal to feel like I’m causing you all such…suffering. You’re all tired, hungry, and missed by your families because of me.” I whisper, running my fingertips across the dark circles under his eyes. My heart pounding when he captured my straying touch, kissing my hand.

“I won’t lecture you on it not being your fault—even thought it isn’t. We can just hang out today. Just forget about everything else, okay?” He suggests, pulling me towards the beach. I follow clumsily as we step foot onto the rocky sands.

It was impossible not to laugh and have a great time with Jacob. He was like a ball of sunshine that made everything he touched happy. We played in the rocky sand, attempting to make a sand castle that turned out to look more like a sand mountain. He tried to coerce me into dipping my feet into the frigid waves while he made it look like bathwater, walking until the water touched his knees.

Some of the people passing by looked at him as if he had lost his mind. I just laughed while holding my sides, earning more skeptical looks.

“I guess that wasn’t such a good idea…Now everyone thinks I’m insane.” He muttered, rubbing the back of his head.

“That’s alright. They already thought all of you were insane anyway. Running around in shorts and most of the time without a shirt.” I mock, squeaking when he grinned evilly and hoisted me up, slinging me over his shoulder before walking further down the beach.

“Jacob, what are you doing!? Put me down!” It was hard to speak through my burst of laughter. I almost felt like crying when I realized that this time with him was fleeting.

I didn’t want him or any of them to go back out there and possibly get hurt or worse…The feeling of dread and depression overpowered my previous feelings of euphoria when he set me down on a piece of bone white drift wood. The tears already beginning to form when he bent over to look into my cast down expression.

“Astra? Are you alright? I didn’t hurt you did I?” His questions were urgent and anxious. Quickly I shook my head to appease his unnecessary worries.

“No, no…it’s not that.” I whimper, a few stray tears falling down my cheeks. My heart painfully telling me to say what was in it, but my mind was saying to refrain from adding on to his already full plate…My heart won…

“…Please…stay…” I whisper so softly I didn’t think he heard, but he did.

“What?” He muttered, kneeling in front of me with a furrowed brow. Losing all self control, I fling myself into his arms.

“Please, don’t go, Jacob!” I sob, feeling my body go weak with sudden fatigue. The weight on my shoulders lifting all at once, only to be replaced by the new weight of how he might react to my needy self.

To my utter surprise, he wrapped his arms around me. Pulling me into his warm embrace as he sat on the log, me in his lap.

“I’m not going anywhere, Astra. I’m never just going to leave you, I thought you knew.” He whispered, tilting my head up to stare into my eyes. His warm chocolate eyes holding a smile while our foreheads touch.

“You’re stuck with me now, no one or thing can keep me from being with you anymore, Princess. You’re my everything, my main reason for living.” He merely states, as if it were the easiest thing in the world to admit.

With a feather light kiss, he pulls me closer into his arms. My ear to his chest, I try to count and keep up with the rhythm of his breathing and heart beating when I finally admit something to myself…Finally let someone take over my entire heart again.

“Me too…” I whisper, earning a confused grunt.

“You’re my everything too…” My voice was meek and low, scared like a timid mouse. His next actions stole my train of thought, he pulled my face up to his and pressed our lips firmly together.

The kiss was somehow more wonderfully unbearable then the first. It felt like he was passing that warm sunshine through his lips and mouth, filling me to the brim with nothing but delight. Chasing away the former darkness of despair and replacing it hope. I hoped that my mom could forgive me for letting someone other than her into my heart. That I let someone else be everything to me…

Without knowing it, more tears filled my eyes. I couldn’t tell if they were linked to happiness or sadness but they were there. Going unnoticed when we finally parted, Jacob’s light still warming me to the very core while he lifts me up and begins walking back to the house.
♠ ♠ ♠
So, so, so sorry it took so long to post...but I absolutely don't like this chapter. I consider it kind of a filler because I wanted to show Astra and Jake as a "couple".
Anyway, I hope you all don't mind waiting just a bit longer for a better chapter. Comment if you want...though I don't blame you if you don't considering this awful piece of so called writing. =(