Status: Re-editing some chapters, rereading to grasp where I was going, updates soon to come. =D

The Moons' Call

Welcome To La Push


Landing in Port Angeles, Washington had to be hands down the easiest part of moving to La Push. Technically, I was from here. But I wouldn’t admit it if you asked me. Because by my book I was from Brooklyn, New York. Sure, I spent the first two years of my life in La Push but I don’t remember any of it.

I loved Brooklyn, which may seem odd to some of you but definitely not to me and the only reason I’ve come back is because my only living relative that wants me is here. That and my mother’s will damned me to this sunless pit.

I ride the escalator down to the baggage claim of the airport, yeah I was surprised it had an escalator and elevator too.

On the way down I noticed some groups of people waiting for their loved ones to reunite with them. It sent a painful shock to my chest, being wanted must feel nice. I sighed, I know I shouldn’t have been hopeful that someone was waiting for me…but I was. I wouldn’t even mind if someone held one of those cliché cardboard signs with my name on it.

Once I was at the bottom I walk over to the spinning baggage claim, slowly turning around when I feel a very warm body behind me.

“Astra Bowing?” A deep voice asked, I turn and was shocked to see such a tall guy standing behind me. He was so tall that he cast a shadow down on me. Aside from his height he had tanned skin, his black hair cropped short, and he looked so young.

“That’s me…Um…You must be Sam Uley…My…” I trail off not wanting to say the title as I adjust my shoulder bag.

“Anyway…Are you going to my escort to your alien planet?” I ask only half sarcastic. Surprisingly he cracks a tiny smile, looking down at me.

“I guess to someone who’s from New York, some place as green as La Push would seem like a foreign planet. Let’s go…Astra.” The way he whispered my name was as if it were a fragile flower and when he turned to grab my bags off the spinning belt I roll my eyes, I was the farthest thing from a flower.

I only had three bags, not counting my carry on. The rest of my things like furniture, the rest of my clothes, books, etc. had been sent here about a week ago. I was forced to sleep in a crappy motel room until my flight was arranged.

“So, Sam, what’s it like down in La Push? Boring?” I ask following him out into the parking lot where we walk up to a beaten up old Ford truck, it was dark blue and the paint was chipped in some places. I stare at it for a few seconds as Sam puts my bags in the bed of the truck, pulling a blue tarp over them.

“What…is…this?” I slowly ask.

“It’s my truck, what’s it look like?” He rhetorically asked, cracking another small smile.

“You don’t have to ride in it, I could always buy you a bus ticket or a taxi. But I can guarantee it would cost more to go down to La Push that way and to be honest I don’t have that much money on me.” He said opening the driver’s side door and getting in. I groan, slumping my shoulders, before getting into the three person cab.

It wasn’t that I didn’t like the truck, I was just more of a Dodge girl.

While he drove I just stared aimlessly out the window. I wince unnoticeably when the first few raindrops landed on the windshield. I missed the sun already, sighing as we passed through the town of Forks.

Wow, we’d already been driving for two hours?

“Astra, how old are you?” He suddenly asks, taking me by complete surprised.

“I- I turn seventeen in November…Why?” I ask looking over at him, though his eyes never left the road. I was actually surprised at how quiet this old things engine was.

“Just asking, I didn’t know how old you were. So, what do you like to eat? Anything specific?” He asked, continuing with the random questions, I falter for a second; having to think of an answer to this new question, I didn’t really have a favorite anything…

“No, nothing specific, I don’t really like overly sweet things like candy. If I had to pick a favorite…maybe steak. We never really had enough money for steak so it was really good when we got to eat it.” I let a small smile spread across my lips as Sam chuckled lightly.

“What do you like to do? Any hobbies?” He asked as the rain seemed to be lightening up a fraction.

“Um…I like music and reading, running and photography too. I took a class for my electives back in Brooklyn.” I admit, I think that was all the things I like to do…well, used to do. I didn’t do much of them anymore.

“Speaking of which, you don’t have an ascent, why is that?” I lift my head up, he must have picked up on my silent depression.

“I’m not really sure, my mom didn’t know either.” I mutter, ending the conversation as the road continues to twist and turn.

I sigh for the thousandth time and dig into my shoulder bag, taking out my iPod and putting the ear buds in my ears. Keeping the volume on low just in case Sam wanted to strike up another conversation.

I guess I must have fallen asleep because I was jolted awake when the hum of the engine suddenly cut off and Sam’s overly warm hand shakes my shoulder gently.

Rubbing the sleep from my eyes I look at the small home before us. It looked like a cabin in the woods, really nice but simple at the same time. What caught my eye were the flower boxes just below the front window and flower planters on the porch.

“This is where you live?” I ask as he nods.

“Why Sam, I didn’t know you liked such pretty flowers.” I mock as he rolls his eyes and gets out of the truck, I follow him and attempt to help pull the tarp off my bags but I was a bit too short to really help any…

“Very funny, Astra, but I live here with my fiancé; Emily Young.” He announces as I grip the strap of my bag, sure I knew he had a fiancé but it was how he said her name…so full of love and affection…

Anyway, I offer to take some of my bags but he turns me down and continues to carry them to the front door. I follow, stopping when it suddenly swings open where a woman wearing a pair of jeans and a plaid shirt comes walking out.

Her hair was as black as oil but ten thousand times lovelier, her skin a nice russet color, her eyes almond shaped, she was so beautiful that I almost overlooked the very distinct red scars going down the right side of her face. They were so severe that one of the thin lines pulled down the corner of her right eye and the right corner of her mouth. But it didn’t bother me as much as you’d think. Besides, how could I be distracted when she gave me such a warm friendly smile with a matching embrace. I look to Sam to see who this woman could possibly be but the kind and loving look in his dark eyes told me that this must be Emily Young.

“Emily, you might want to introduce yourself before hugging her.” Sam said giving a warm smile before putting my things in the small house. I swallow hard before looking at Emily again, she stood back from me with that same smile still plastered on her face.

“I’m sorry, I’m Emily Young. It’s nice to meet you Astra.” She said smiling so wide her eyes shut. I gulp and force myself to smile back.

“It’s nice to meet you too, Emily, and thank you for letting me stay with you and Sam.” I say as she shakes her head while Sam resurfaces from the house and places a gentle hand on her slim shoulder while kissing her forehead.

“Think nothing of it, Astra, just make yourself at home.” She said moving aside for me to walk into their toasty warm house. I stare at the living room, slash, kitchen and dining room.

The house was a little bigger on the inside but just a little…I take my coat off and place it warily on the nearly empty coat rack. Now that I think about it Sam didn’t wear a lot of warm clothing when he came to pick me up...speaking of Sam, he then suddenly appeared and picked my things up again as he walked down the hall straight ahead of us, turning and walking up what I thought was a flight of stairs.

“Come on, Astra, I’ll show you to your room.” Emily chirped leading the way down the same hall Sam went down, turning when she got to the end and waited for me. I reluctantly follow, feeling out of place in my new “home”.

After walking up the stairs we nearly come face to face with a light brown door. Emily smiles back at me before opening it, revealing a medium sized rectangular room, the ceiling slightly slanted, and there were five square windows placed about the room. One on the shorter walls then three spread out on the one long wall in front of you when you’d enter the room.

Slowly stepping into my new room I try to swallow the huge lump forming in my throat, all my furniture that was shipped about a week ago was all in place. My bed in the farthest corner from the door, the single drawer nightstand with my table lamp next to the bed, my dresser across from my bed, my desk under one of the windows on the other short wall, the full length mirror in the corner next to my desk, and my two book shelves placed on the wall on the other side of my desk. There was also a light fixated on the ceiling and nice ice blue lace curtains on all the windows and the walls were colored a really light blue, it was just a little darker than the curtains.

“I hope you don’t mind that Emily and I set up your things.” Sam said walking over to me as I shake my head in protest, I don’t think I could say anything at that moment.

“Well, we’ll let you unpack, as you can see I already unpacked your clothes and put them away, um…we’ll be downstairs if you need anything.” She called as Sam gingerly pushed her out of the room. I attempt to giggle but I push it away, afraid I might start crying.

Slowly, I take my bag off and put it on my bed. Taking the nearest duffle bag and unzipping it, thus beginning my hour of unpacking before voices downstairs pulled me from my task. I peek out of my room and down the stairs before sneaking down them and walking cautiously down the hall. I don’t know why I was so wary but I was.

Then when I got to the kitchen I see four big guys with short black hair and russet skin, as for their fashion it was very minimal; all they pretty much wore were ripped up shorts and thin tank tops. I must say that with all of them in the room the house seemed even smaller.

“Sam, why are there clones of you in the kitchen?” I ask with strong sarcasm in my voice. The four boys turning towards me, scanning my form before Sam stood with an amused smile.

“Sorry, Astra, these are my…friends.” He said as their scanning eyes turned amused and feeling somewhat embarrassed I look to the side.

“Going from right to left, this is Paul, Jared, Quil, and Embry. Guys, this is my cousin Astra Bowing.” He said using our rehearsed introduction. If anyone knew about whom I really was it would be kind of scandalous and I didn’t want to cause any trouble for Sam or Emily.

“It’s nice to meet you, Astra.” The one named Embry said smiling at me and when I didn’t say anything he raised a black brow.

“I’m Embry Call.” He added as I try to look at him without looking at the guy across from him.

“Looks like she doesn’t wanna talk to you, Embry.” That guy said making both of the other guys laugh. Embry just glared over at him while Sam sighed and sat back down.

I lean against the counter and look at all four of them over and over again. They all had different faces but if you looked at them from the back they were identical.

“Like what you see, sweetheart?” I jump when I hear that guy, Paul I think was his name, suddenly say. I then noticed that Sam was out of the room.

“Nothing much, just thinking how much you four look alike.” I murmur feeling awkward around this particular guy.

“And don’t call me ‘sweetheart’. My name’s Astra if you didn’t hear my cousin.” I growl making the guys smirk disappear. Embry and the one named Jared, looking at Paul before giving me a cautious glance.

“And who do we owe this glorious visit too? We’ve never heard of Sam’s cousin from…where are you from again? Bitchisota?” He snapped back glaring over at me. I flinch slightly at his sharp words.

“I’m from Brooklyn, Sam probably didn’t tell you because I’ve never met him until today. As for whom you should thank for this visit, well, that would be my mom and you would have to go all the way to one of Brooklyn’s cemetery to thank her.” I nearly yell, finding myself shaking and on the brink of slapping this guy or maybe I wanted to cry in mentioning my mothers’ death…I wasn’t sure.

All the boys seem to turn towards me as I stomp towards the hall leading up to my room.

“If I had a choice I wouldn’t live here…I’m just lucky Sam wanted to take me in…” I mumble mostly to myself before I run upstairs, hearing their low mumbles as I sprawl across my bed and cover my head with the pillow.

I eventually unclog the lump in my throat and fight off the tears that were about to spill over, I do this just in time for someone to lightly knock on the open door of my room. Reluctantly I uncover my head and peek under my arm at who it could be, seeing that it was Paul with Sam standing behind him like a guardian force. Except what he seemed to be guarding was Paul from me…I slowly sit up with my legs hanging over the edge of my bed as Paul sighs irritably.

“Can I come in or what?” He snarls as I snap my head up at him with a glare in my eyes, how dare he just come up here and yell at me. Sure, this wasn’t my house but he had no right to talk to me like this.

“Paul…” Sam growled under his breath before nudging him in the back. I look at Sam then Paul before sighing and standing.

“What do you want, jerk face?” I hiss, smoothing out the wrinkles in my comforter. Behind me I hear another low snarl, rolling my eyes I turn towards him.

“Astra, please refrain from name calling.” Sam said acting all high and mighty. I roll my eyes again and cross my arms over my chest.

“Yeah, yeah…What do you want? I still got some unpacking to do.” I mutter looking at my dresser. Paul takes a deep breath before speaking again.

“…Sorry I said what I said, I didn’t know about your mom.” He said in a flurry so fast that I almost didn’t catch all of it, blinking I suddenly begin to chuckle. Trying to compose myself before I look at his frustrated and confused expression.

“I’m sorry for laughing, but…Ah, never mind. It’s alright…I just don’t like telling people she’s dead. It makes me think about her…about all the times she—” Paul cuts me off while he looks out one of my windows.

“You don’t have to explain why you don’t like talking about her, I get it.” He mumbled. I want to smile but it only results in a nod and before any of us could say anything more we hear Emily’s voice.

“Sam, Jacob’s here!” She calls from the base of the stairs, Sam turning and walking down them.

“Come on, Astra, I’ll introduce you to the last of my brothers.” He said as I furrow my brow in confusion.

“Sam considers us his brothers.” Paul explained turning to walk out of the room with me following right behind him. Taking a deep breath and straightening my shirt out I walk down the hall leading the front room where Jared, Embry, and Quil still sat except now they were talking to another boy who seemed more muscular than the rest of them.

“Jake, turn around and meet my cousin.” Sam ordered as the boy shrugged and did what he was commanded to do.

Once our eyes locked it was impossible for me to look away, his eyes were so deep brown and beautiful I was enraptured in them immediately. Swallowing hard I try to look at the rest of him, unlike the others he didn’t wear a shirt and he wore what looked like an old pair of jeans. I try not to stare at his incredibly toned muscles for too long before he spoke.

“Hey, I’m Jacob Black.” He said in a dull, monotonous voice turning back around before I could even tell him my name. Anger filled me at my sudden dismissal, but it also hurt to be brushed off so easily.

Sure I’d never been popular with the boys in my neighborhood or at school but I knew I had to be a little more interesting then how he seemed to view me. Sighing in annoyance I quickly turn around and practically bolt back up to my room, bumping into Paul as I do.

“Sorry…” I whimper, my voice sounded like a leaf quivering in the cold breeze. While running upstairs I trip and before I could get up and run the rest of the way upstairs I heard Paul’s growling voice.

“Did you really have to brush her off like that, Jacob?” He growled as I bite my lower lip, slowly standing and walking up the stairs, shutting the door. I could hear the murmurs downstairs and when I went to the window closest to my bed I see Paul storming out of the house, rain soaking him as he turned back towards the house; his arms shaking in anger as he seems to yell at someone.

Maybe it was just me but Paul seemed to have a temper issue…Once he stopped yelling he turned to run off but our eyes caught for a few seconds and I felt…at peace? A jolt? I wasn’t sure what it was but I had to admit, I kind of liked it and as he stared up at me I gave him a half wave; but instead of waving back he turns and runs off, his arms shaking and I could faintly see a shiver go up his spin. Blinking a few times I turn and begin to unpack once again.
♠ ♠ ♠
Paul and Astra maybe having more chemistry then her and Jake but just wait.
Disclaimer: I don't own anything Twilight related, not the characters, not the settings, etc.
P.S. The banner is of Sam's house.