Status: Re-editing some chapters, rereading to grasp where I was going, updates soon to come. =D

The Moons' Call

Unexpected Discovery


Walking up the path wasn’t hard, but I had been asleep yesterday when Sam drove to his house, and I wasn’t paying attention to my surroundings when Jacob and I were walking down to the beach. My failure to look at my surroundings sadly caused me to get lost and this ticked me off because it meant that Paul was right.

I eventually stop my meaningless backtracking and venturing to look at my new environments. Tall pine looking trees hid the sky from me, a sea of ferns surrounding this small clearing, moss everywhere, pretty much anything green was all over the place. What made it worse was that it was raining again and it looked like a strange mist or fog was setting in.

Blinking, I remembered I brought my cell phone and quickly pulled it out only to notice that I had zero bars and that there was a little white phone with a red slash through it. This only meant one thing to me, no signal.

“Damn it!” I hiss looking around again as if it could help me find my way, growling I shove my phone back in my pocket and begin to wonder. Of course this ended with me getting even more lost and a little too late I vaguely remember something my mom said to me when we were at a carnival when I was young. She told me to stay where I was and she’d find me…

Maybe I should have just stayed where I was before, maybe Sam or Emily or Paul or—heaven forbid—Jacob would come looking for me…But who’s to say they would? I mean, I’m a burden to poor Sam and Emily. I’m a burden to everyone I meet…

“Well what do we have here? A lost puppy?” I hear an unfamiliar male voice ask. Spinning around I search for where that voice could have come from but there was no one in sight.

“Over here.” This time it was whispered in my ear and it was a high female toned voice, turning again I see a dark figure about two yards from me. It looked like a woman because it had long loosely curled hair.

“That’s no fun, Olivia, I wanted to play with her a little before eating her.” The male voice whined as I turn and come face to face with a pair of unnatural blood red eyes, deathly pale skin, and dark hair.

To be honest, this guy was very attractive and the only thing from making me blush in his presence was the fact that he smelled really sweet…like he used sugar for soap or something. It made me want to gag.

“Wh-who are you?” I whisper looking between the two as I back away from them, looking behind them I see two more dark figures. It looked like another guy and another woman. Fear filled me causing freezing cold chills to go up and down my spin, this entire group gave me the creeps and something told me that they got some kind of high off making me feel this way. Swallowing hard I back up more until I feel something cold and hard against my back, looking up I see it was that other guy. When had he gotten behind me?

He too was beautiful, his blood red eyes shinning brightly as I stare in fright up at him, but unlike the other guys dark colored hair his hair was a golden blonde and he was taller and more muscular.

“We’re just passing through this lovely place when we got hungry and smelled a young pup.” The dark haired guy said smirking down at me. I could now see the color of the hair of the woman with the loose curls. She had the same colored eyes and skin but her hair was as black as ebony, it might have even been darker than Emily’s. The other woman had short feathered hair that was colored a bright reddish-orange, it reminded me of the flames of a fire.

“I…I don’t know what you’re talking about…” I stutter as they all laugh, it was a chilling sound and before I could say another word the blonde had my wrists above my head in an iron vice of a grip. But that’s not what stole my breath, it was the fact that his hands were freezing. They were colder then the rain pelting my face.

“Let me go!” I demand, struggling as he lifts me up off the ground. “Let me go, damn it!” I shout as the flame haired girl is instantly in front of me, her speed was inhuman.

“Shush, now child. If you remain silent it won’t hurt as much.” She whispered in a falsified kind tone. Her patronizing voice momentarily pushed all my fear and anxiety out the window as I get the nerve to spit in her face.

The blonde tries to hold in his laughter while the other girl doesn’t have as much restraint as she bursts into a fit of giggles and the other guy chuckles lightly while the flame haired girl wipes my spit off in disgust.

“I don’t like being patronized.” I hiss as the she suddenly grasps my throat and rips me from the blondes grasp. It felt like my wrists were being torn off, they felt bruised…but now my soul concern was that this bitch was choking me! I don’t know how she was lifting me off the ground with such ease, but she was. I claw at her arm to try and make her let go but she just smirks up at me.

“I wasn’t patronizing you, I was dead serious.” She mused as all four chuckled, like some inside joke had been told.

“She’s just not good with people, as you can see.” The blonde chuckled taking one of my wrists, pulling the sleeve of my coat and shirt up so that my skin was exposed, I could see the faint color of my scars showing. I gasp in shock as he kissed the underside where all my veins were.

“It looks like you tried to die already.” He whispered kissing my scars and I knew this was it…I was going to die and these four were going to kill me.

“Good bye, little pup.” The dark haired guy mutters as I close my eyes, waiting for what never came. I was shocked to suddenly be released and to hear loud snarls fill the air. Snapping my eyes open I see three huge wolves standing just about three yards from where I had been dropped.

“What in the world…?” I whisper as the largest wolf turns its huge head towards me, its black fur concealing it perfectly in the darkness of the forest. The silver-grey wolf closest to me letting out a loud feral growl rip from its throat, but it wasn’t directed at me…it was directed at the blonde and red head. On the other side of the black wolf was a simple brown colored wolf and its eyes were glued on the two remaining members of this weird group.

“What is this!?” The girl with the curly hair demanded stepping towards the three wolves. The silver-grey one snarling louder then the brown one as it suddenly lunged forward, its big mouth opening and revealing long white teeth that were aimed at her throat.

I close my eyes and cover my ears, waiting for the snap of her neck. But again it never came and as I peek to see what happened, the silver-grey wolf goes flying past me and into one of the huge trees causing it to tremble. What was odd was that I felt a pain in my chest as it slowly stood, shaking its head and its eyes wandering to me for a split second. I feel my eyes widen as I look into its intelligent brown eyes.

“P-Paul…?” I whisper as its ears flatten against its head. This wolfs’ eyes were exactly like Paul’s, its temper reminded me of him too.

“Is that you?” I ask reaching towards it but the woman with the curly hair suddenly appears behind me and grabs my wrist that was reaching towards the wolf.

“You know these beasts, girl!?” She shrieked, twisting my arm and wrist behind my back causing me to moan in pain. This caused all three wolves to let out loud hissing snarls, the black wolf barking so loud I winced.

“Let us go and we’ll let this girl live.” She demands as I scream when she nearly snaps my arm off.

“Stop it!” I cry, feeling tears leak from the corners of my eyes.

“Help me…Sam…” I beg crying louder when her cold spider-like hands yank at my hair. The silver-grey and black wolves snarling so forceful I could have sworn the ferns blew back.

“Don’t come any closer or I’ll tear her pretty little head off.” She chuckles her threat, jerking my head back and forth.

“Astra!” I suddenly hear someone shout, the voice was close by. I then recognize that it was Jacob Black.

“Jacob!!!” I scream in fear and hope.

“Run, Jacob! Run away!!!” I plead, the fear of him getting involved in this bizarre ordeal made my stomach sink to my feet. Jacob had family and friends, he didn’t need to die over someone as horrible as me.

“Astra!” I hear him shout louder which had to mean he was coming closer. The black wolf took advantage of this short distraction to let out a boisterous howl that made the woman release me and made her stumble back in pain. All four of them covering their ears in agony, taking profit of their sudden defenselessness the three wolves spring into action.

The black one lunging at the dark haired guy, the brown one after the flaming red head, and the silver-grey one going after the curly haired woman. The thing was he jumped right over my head, I was in complete shock at this point. Turning my head I see it tackle the woman, its giant sharp teeth only being held off because her fingers were digging into the wolves’ chest and throat.

How she was able to have the strength to do this was mind boggling. Then again all four of them were inhumanly beautiful, cold skinned, strong, and their eyes…the color of their eyes was nothing I’ve ever seen before. It was bone chilling just thinking about where I’d seen all these traits before…My mind was buzzing until I saw two more wolves burst through the fern barrier, one was grey with spots scattered around its back and the other was chocolate brown.

The chocolate brown one went after the blonde guy and the grey one with spots helped go after the red head that must have run off because she was no where in sight and neither was the simple brown wolf. I watch as the curly haired woman flings the silver wolf off of her like it was as light as a pillow. This time the wolf bounces off its back with a whimper and lands with its back towards me.

“Paul!!!” I instinctively scream, though, I wasn’t entirely sure if it was possible for someone to be a giant wolf. All I really knew was these wolves were helping me…for now…

“Get up!” I order, willing myself to stand and run the five or so yards over to him.

“Where do you think you’re going!?” The curly haired witch hissed coming after me with that unbelievable speed, lucky for me I was fast enough to make it the five yards before she could notice that I had been moving.

“Astra!!!” I hear Jacob’s voice again and upon looking up I see him standing in front of me, the big silver wolf the only thing between us. It was the strangest thing with him here all my fear, anxiety, and pain just up and vanished. It was as if these giant wolves weren’t attacking this odd group of strangers, like it was just me and him…But then the silver wolf came back into my vision as it began to stand, huffing snarls and growling coming from deep within its chest.

“Paul…” I whimper placing a hand on the wolfs huge shoulder blade only to have Jacob pull me to the side as the wolf whips its head towards me, it’s teeth bared. The black wolf suddenly being thrown towards us, it slid on the ground and quickly stood up conveniently next to the silver wolf where it grumbled before glancing at Jacob.

“Let’s go, Astra.” Jacob whispered in my ear as I stare in fear at the giant wolves, once I meet the gaze of the silver wolf its ears flattened and its eyes looked apologetic.

“I can’t just leave…This might sound crazy but I think that black wolf is Sam and this silver one is Paul…” I reply pulling away from his warm hold.

“Let’s just go, you’ll be in the way here.” He snaps grabbing my upper arm and dragging me through the forest, the silver wolf getting pounced on by that witch before the whole fiasco faded into just noise. After a few minutes of stumbling I inevitably trip, Jacob roughly pulling me back to my feet without stopping.

“Would you just stop a second!?” I shout breathlessly, swallowing before looking up at him.

“What’s going on? Why weren’t you at all surprised to see those giant wolves and that group of what I thought were people fighting them off!?” Demanding an answer I stop and glare at his still turned back.

“I told you that there were things in these woods that make your worst nightmares seem like a plain daydream.” He roared, whirling around with a returning glare in his eyes.

“I heard you the first time you said it. I got lost, so sue me!” I yell, balling my hands into fists. It seemed that being with him and talking to him were two different things when it came to easing my worries and fears.

“How the hell could you get lost when Paul was there with you!?” He shouts back, I glare and look to the side.

“Well?” He growled, his arms beginning to shake. Narrowing my eyes I try to link the whole shaking and temper issues together coming up more confused as I answer him.

“I bet Paul that I could find my way back to Sam’s house without his help so he went off and left me to it…Then I got lost and bumped into those guys…” I trail off thinking harder about how Paul and Jacob seemed to have temper issues. Was it coincidence or was there a deeper meaning?

Jacob was silent before grabbing my hand and pulling me forward again. I grudgingly allowed him to drag me along while my mind raced. We eventually make it to Emily and Sam’s home. Emily standing on the porch with her hands clasped together, her expression worried and apprehensive.

“Astra...” She breathes walking towards us as Jacob stops and pushes me towards her open arms. I stumble into them and apologize, my mind still running with the ideas of giant wolves and super humans existing.

“Are you alright?” Emily asked placing her hands on my shoulders.

“Yeah…just tired. Where’s Sam?” I ask, testing my theory. Emily falters before replying, her brow creased.

“He and the boys went out looking for you. I guess Jacob was the lucky one who found you. They should be back soon.” She explained as my eyes narrowed in suspicion.

“And how will they know?” I ask as she furrows her brow again, this time Jacob interjects.

“I’ll call them.” His voice was monotonous as he brushed past me and walked into the house, I follow and watch as he dials a number and does the unexpected...

“Sam, I found her…” His voice fades as all my suspicions are blown up and I feel like an utter fool for thinking those giant wolves could possibly be the boys…but the silver ones eyes looked so much like Paul’s…and the black ones looked exactly like Sam’s…

“Emily, I’m going to take a shower…” I mutter dragging my feet down the hall and up the stairs and into my room where I grab a pair of black sweatpants and a dark grey thermal before walking down the upstairs hall and into the only other room up here, the bathroom.

During my shower I hear voices downstairs so I finish up, dress, run a brush through my wet hair, and then make my way downstairs to see Sam and Jared and Jacob hovering over by the couch. I breathe a sigh of relief at seeing Sam safe.

I walk over to the trio and look at what they were looking at, instantaneously all my relief drains along with the blood from my face. I gasp and rush over to the other side of the couch and fall to my knees. Laying on it was Paul, his neck and chest covered in blood, he looked almost like he’d been attacked by something. I scan over the four parallel lines on his chest and neck then over the short thumb length gash.

“Paul…” I whisper taking his hand and giving it a gentle squeeze.

“What happened?” I whisper as Jacob seems to glare at Paul while Sam answers, Emily hurrying over with a first aid kit and wet rag. She sat next to me and began cleaning all the blood around the wounds.

“He just ran into a thorny bush, he’ll be fine.” He explained as my brow creased in confusion. Did anything with thorns grow in the Pacific Northwest? Specifically Forks or La Push? And even if he did run into a bunch of thorns it wouldn’t cause that much blood to be drawn or make such huge gashes.

“How long are you gonna milk this, Paul?” Jacob growled as I glare up at him. But my anger turns to a mixture of relief and annoyance when Paul slowly opens his eyes. Glancing at me with the same apologetic eyes that I’d just seen from that silver wolf, he looks at our hands before glaring at Jacob.

“That’s no way to speak to someone who’s hurt.” I hiss twisting around to glare at the bane of my annoyance. He seems to shrink slightly under my stare as I turn back towards Paul, seeing that the gashes were nearly healed. This day kept getting stranger and stranger.

“What’s going on? How is it possible for you to be healed already?” I demand touching where the wounds used to be, his skin was smooth and without flaw again. Turning from Paul’s careful eyes I see that the rest of them were mimicking him. All of their eyes were guarded and cautious as Jared spoke.

“Nothing, we just went looking for you and—” I stop him by holding my hand up, my other hand covering my eyes. I suddenly had a huge headache.

“Stop lying to me. Those wolves, those people, and how Jacob wasn’t surprised one bit. Tell me what’s going on.” I demand turning towards Jacob with angry yet pleading eyes. He seems to have an internal struggle as Paul stands and stares at Jacob, Sam also watching him with intrigued eyes.

“Please, Jacob, don’t lie to me.” I whisper as he flinches at my words.

“…I…” His voice trails off just when Paul takes over, his eyes moving from Jacob to me.

“We’re werewolves.” He simply said as I spin around to face him, giving him a look as if he’d just run around town naked. He couldn’t be serious…could he?
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Please comment and/or message me if you like this story or you think it's too long or something. I get really busy with school so sometimes it'll take forever to update but I'll try hard if you ask me too. Thanks for reading!