Status: Re-editing some chapters, rereading to grasp where I was going, updates soon to come. =D

The Moons' Call

Cliff Diving


“Are you serious? Werewolves? You really want me to believe you turn into hairy guys that vaguely resemble wolves?” I mock shaking my head in disbelief while the boys sigh and look at Jacob, as if he could somehow sway my judgment.

“It’s all true, Astra. Except we don’t resemble humans at all…those giant wolves you saw in the forest were Sam and Paul, Jared, Embry, and Quil too.” Jacob earnestly said looking me straight in the eyes.

“Those ‘people’ that were attacking you weren’t human, they were vampires.” He adds looking to the side. Shaking my head in disbelief I walk past him, I couldn’t take all this information at once.

Sure I had a really faint suspicion that those ‘people’ were similar to vampires…their eyes, their frigid skin, their insane strength to combat those wolves, and their beauty were very similar to that of Hollywood vampires. They were also talking about my smell from several yards away and that blonde guy was awfully interested in my wrist veins…and that silver-grey wolfs eyes were so much like Paul’s and the way the black wolf looked at me…Not to mention the silver ones temper. I violently shake my head in denial, trying to rid my mind of these improbable possibilities.

“No…Werewolves and vampires aren’t real. They’re what people dress up as for Halloween and they’re monsters from horror movies, but they’re not real.” I proclaim grabbing my rain coat from the coat rack and put on a pair of rain boots by the door before bolting out into the cold rainy night.

Zipping up my coat and pulling the hood over my head I begin to walk in a random direction only to be surrounded by all four boys, Jacob being right in front of me with Sam and Paul standing on either side of him.

“Don’t you learn anything!? You almost died because you got lost!” Paul barked, his arms sending tremors through his body.

“Paul, calm down.” Sam said in a very commanding voice, it seemed to work a bit. His tremors turned into shivers.

“I remember, alright? I just…I just need time to think.” I say hugging myself. “I need to think…alone…” I whisper unconsciously shaking my head in refusal.

“Can’t you do that inside? It’s already dark and it’s raining pretty hard.” Sam said placing a hand on my shoulder, I shrug it off and stare at Jacob.

“I need fresh air to think about something like my cousin being a werewolf!” I snap pushing past him as I walk toward the beach, hearing Sam order Jacob and Paul to follow me just in case something showed up. He also mentioned something about Jared getting Embry and Quil to go on patrol.

Walking in the rain wasn’t as fun here as it was back in Brooklyn, for one thing it was so cold I thought at any moment the raindrops would turn to snowflakes and secondly every so often a gust of wind would blow so hard that the rain turned into little water needles.

“Are you cold, Princess?” Jacob asked easily making it to my side. It seemed that the rain didn’t seem to bother him or Paul at all.

“N-n-no!” I try to snap but it came out as a meek stutter causing both him and Paul to chuckle.

“Sh-shut up!” I growl looking at my soaking wet sweatpants.

“D-damn it, I just got d-dry t-to…” I complain shivering as a big gust of wind whips at my face, blowing my hood down.

“Let’s get back to Sam’s you can think more when you’re dry.” Jacob said as Paul sighed.

“What?” He growled looking at the other boy.

“I don’t wanna stand out in the rain for another fifteen minutes while she walks her slow human ass back up to Sam’s.” Paul sighed in annoyance as I was suddenly lifted up and flung over his shoulder with ease before he begins striding back up the trail.

“P-Paul! Let me down!” I insist guiltily enjoying his body heat.

“Why are you all so warm?” I mumble, giving up after about two minutes of useless struggling.

“We don’t really know. We always run at a constant temperature of 108.9 degrees after we change.” He explained as I furrow my brow and bite my lower lip.

“I still don’t believe in werewolves…” I whisper as Paul slows his strides to a simple walk. I twist around to look at the back of his head to see why he suddenly slowed down.

“I’m sorry…” He mumbled so low I almost didn’t hear it over the howl of the wind.

“For what?” I ask with a furrowed brow, what was up with this sudden mood shift?

“Almost biting you back in the forest with those damn leeches. I didn’t mean to scare you…It’s just kind of—” He’s cut off when the front door opens and Emily is standing there with her arms crossed and foot tapping in an irritated disposition.

“How mad does she look?” I ask Paul, twisting back around so I couldn’t see the house or Emily anymore, he chucked and I could almost see the smirk that went with it.

“Not that mad.” He chuckled gently setting me on my feet where I stand before him, looking up into his brown eyes.

“Astra, hurry up and come inside.” Emily said as her shadow faded.

“Thanks for putting up with me.” I say giving a small smile of appreciation, looking around I notice that Jacob is nowhere to be seen. Looking back at Paul I see him returning my smile with a small smirk. Warily I turn and walk into the house, turning to look once more at him.

“Good night.” I whisper as his smirk widens.

“Night.” He replies and waits until I’m inside before disappearing.

“Are you alright, Astra?” Emily asks as I take my rain coat and boots off. I smile and nod to answer her question.

“Sam told me that you know about them and about vampires too.”

“You believe them?” I ask raising a curious brow while she looks at the floor and almost unintentionally touches one of her scars.

“How do you think I got this?” She mutters looking into my eyes. My mind raced with possibilities, a car crash couldn’t make parallel lines like that. An animal attack would be the most likely. Especially since she lives in a semi-rural place like La Push.

“I don’t know…” I mumble, looking to the side to avoid eye contact.

“Sam did it.” Her words sent me into a whirl of confusion. Sam!? The guy who adored her? How could he possibly hurt her?

“He was really angry when he phased…it was an accident and he regrets it to no end…This brings me to a bigger subject. I don’t think you should get too attached to Paul or be alone with him.” She suddenly announced as I look at her with wide and even more confused eyes.

“What?” I say in disbelief, she sounded like my mother and that angered me.

“Paul has a very petulant temper, the slightest comment can send him off and what’s worse is that when he’s a wolf he is nearly uncontrollable…Don’t get me wrong, I love him like a brother but—” I cut her off by shaking my head.

“He hasn’t lost his temper around—” This time she cut me off.

“Yet, he hasn’t lost his temper around you yet. He’s like a ticking time bomb, Astra.” Rolling my eyes I walk past her and stop once in the hall.

“I’m not going to just stop hanging out with him just because of his temper.” I state as she turns and follows me upstairs.

“I’m not telling you not to be friends. I’m just suggesting you avoid being anything other than that.” I turn around once in my room and stare into her dark brown eyes.

“I’ll be fine, Emily, Paul doesn’t like me like that anyway…” I pause, waiting for her to leave but she doesn't.

“I’m pretty tired so I’m going to bed.” I mutter as she sighs heavily and goes back downstairs, closing my door behind her.

“That’s where you’re wrong…” I hear her faint voice as the door finally shuts. My anger taking over as I nearly tear off my soaking wet sweatpants and toss them into the dirty clothes hamper before pulling on a dry pair of pants then diving into bed and burying my face into my pillow.

Today was a disaster! It was full of odd events and unwanted knowledge, thinking about wolves and Paul I fall into a shallow sleep, but a frightening reenactment of my encounter with that group of ‘vampires’ ruined my sleep. I sit up in discomfort.

This went on for about two weeks but other than that my routine was normal. I’d wake up, eat breakfast, sometimes helping Emily, and then I’d usually hang out with Paul. Though, I wouldn’t say I believed or didn’t believe in werewolves and vampires.

I was at an impasse with this supposed fact. As for Jacob…well, we didn’t talk much, but I would find him staring at me or growling lowly when Paul would get a little too close. Sam also insisted on sending him with me if Paul was already tagging along. But this morning was different.

I look around my room to see the usual dim light seeping through the curtains, glancing at my alarm clock I see that it’s a quarter to eight. Sighing, like I did every morning, I reluctantly get out of bed and brush my hair before changing. I grab a pair of blue jeans, a dark blue and heather grey stripped long sleeved thermal, my pair of black ked sneakers, and lastly my sleeveless hoodie vest.

I didn’t even make it downstairs to know that people were down there because loud laughing notified me. I chuckle at hearing Quil’s booming laughter, I’d grown accustom to it by now and his laughter was always contagious. Quickly, I walk down the stairs and into the kitchen where they usually were.

“Good morning, Astra.” Sam said as I smile, looking at all of the boys before replying.

“Good morning, Sam, boys…Paul.” I whisper his name but they all hear me and Jared and Quil whistle, nudging Paul in the arm as I feel my cheeks heat up. I don’t know exactly why I singled Paul out. My personal excuse was that it was because we spent so much time together.

“Morning, Ra.” He replied winking and using my nickname. Well, the nickname he made up. I hear a low grumbling and glance at Jacob, who was seated farthest from where I stood.

“Good morning, Jacob.” I mutter his name cautiously, Jacob and I only spoke occasionally when Paul wasn’t around. But when we spoke I always laughed and joked with him, though it only lasted a while before he filled me with anger from all the teasing. By the time that we spent together was up I usually wanted to punch his lights out.

“Morning, Princess.” He smirked, he enjoyed calling me that name. I rolls my eyes and turn around, frantically looking around the kitchen when I didn’t see Emily.

“She went to the store.” Sam reassured as I slowly nod, glancing at the plate on the table.

“She made us some muffins before she left.” Quil beamed grabbing the last one and tossing it at me. I fumble before finally grasping it, nodding and taking a small bite.

“Hey, Ra, we’re gonna go out to the cliffs, wanna come?” Paul asked as I tilt my head to the side in confusion.

“What’s so exciting about cliffs?” I ask as all of them smirk like I was asking the stupidest questions known to man. “What? Don’t smile like I should know what you’re talking about.” I growl, throwing my half eaten muffin at Quil. They all chuckle before replying.

“As you probably noticed there’s not a whole lot to do in La Push and cliff diving into the ocean causes a good adrenaline rush. Though, it’s more fun for us because we don’t get cold.” Jared said smiling widely at the idea. I crease my brow in worry, it didn’t sound like fun nor did it sound safe.

“We don’t expect you to try it now, maybe in the summer but not in autumn.” Sam said slowly rising from his seat. “And I do stretch the possibility of maybe. It’s really dangerous for a normal person to do it.” He adds as the rest of the boys stand.

“And I suppose it’s alright for you guys to do it but not me.” I mumble as Jacob walks with me to the door where I put my black rain jacket on, zipping it up just below my chest.

“It is alright for us because we’re more durable then the fragile little Princess.” Jacob mocks as I pout and push him playfully out the door stopping when I notice him go ridged.

“What’s wrong?” I whisper looking around Jacob to see what the other boys looked like. Paul was shaking and Sam looked more somber than normal. “Sam?”

“It’s nothing to worry about. Jacob you show Astra the cliffs, we’re going to go take a sweep of the forest.” Sam ordered as Paul bolted towards the woods, I could faintly hear a ripping as the other boys followed, Jacob sighing and turning back around towards me.

“Well?” I whisper looking up at him with a worried look in my eyes. “What’s going on?” He seemed to struggle with his words.

“Those vampires they saved you from about two weeks ago seem to have come back.” He began as we started walking. “They killed one of them during the fight and the others retreated.” He explained as I furrow my brow.

“Killed one of them…Why?” I ask, my voice raising an octave.

“It’s obvious why. They would have killed someone else if we didn’t make an example of what we could do…but I guess they want revenge. Especially the blonde guy, Sam said he was livid when they ran away.” He chuckled as I shake my head.

“Isn’t that worse then them killing someone? I mean, they’ll want to show you guys what they’re capable of too, right?” I ask but Jacob just shrugs nonchalantly.

“Those leeches, the Cullens, wouldn’t let them kill on their turf and we definitely won’t let them set foot on Quilute land. So anywhere between Forks and La Push should be safe.” He mumbled, his hands clenching into fists.

“Cullens?” I ask making Jacob sigh, his hands unclenching as we begin walking through a line of trees and shrubs.

“They’re vampires that live in Forks…we have a treaty with them.” His hazy answer confused me further, don’t get me wrong, I still didn’t fully believe in vampires but I’d like to think I was giving them the benefit of the doubt.

“The treaty is to make sure they don’t hunt or step foot on our land and in return we won’t expose what they are…They’re also not allowed to bite a human.” He darkly added the last sentence, there was a deeper meaning to it but I didn’t really want to find out what that meaning was.

“But you just told me what they were.” I point out which made him stop, I walk a few feet ahead of him before turning around and look into his conflicted brown eyes.

“You’re an exception. You’re Sam’s cousin, Paul likes you…a lot, and…” He trailed off as he walked past me and through the last row of trees and foliage.

“Astra, I can’t let myself like you.” I flinch, that was both unexpected and hurtful. Jogging past him and to near the edge of the small overhanging cliff I turn around and stick my nose into the air.

“Well, I can’t let myself like you either. Especially when you’re being such a jerk.” I sniff looking to the side in my most snotty attitude. I may have looked like I was joking around but inside it felt like someone knocked the wind out of me.

“You don’t understand…I didn’t mean it like that…” He muttered as I sigh heavily.

“No, I get it. You love this girl, Isabella, right? But she’s with one of the Cullens.” He stared at me wide eyed and confused, smirking I add.

“Paul told me, but only because I asked why you always look like you’re thinking of someone. That and I asked why Sam punched him when he was trying to explain why you were being a jerk to me the first day I came here.” I giggle looking over the edge of the cliff, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear before bending down and grabbing a nearby rock. Dropping it over the edge and watching as it made a long journey down only to make small, insignificant splash in the crashing waves.

“You guys really jump off here?” I ask, trying to change the subject. My chest was hurting and it felt like someone punched me in the stomach.

“Yeah. It’s not as scary as it looks, you should try it in the summer time. Believe it or not the water gets about a half a degree warmer.” I laugh as I look over at him, he smirks and chuckles with me.

“I think I’ll avoid jumping off the cliff and into the freezing cold ocean thank you very much.” I laugh as Jacob walks over to me, taking me surprise when he placed a hot hand on my cheek.

“I guess Sam would agree with you, but I think you’d like it if one of us went with you. We could keep you warm for a little while. At least until we swim back to the beach.” He reassured as I gulp and pull away, shaking my head of the haze he was spreading in my mind.

“I’m not sure…” I whisper looking at the ground trying to play off my flush as nervousness at the idea of jumping off a cliff, taking my hand he walks towards the edge and smiles down at me.

“Come on, I won’t let you drown. Besides I’m bored and I’m not supposed to leave you alone.” He said giving me a pleading look that I couldn’t refuse.

“Wait, wait, wait a second!” I demand, pulling against his iron tight grasp. He stops and looks down at me, his eyes somehow becoming more pleading than before.

“Just let me take a few deep, calming breathes before you fling me off a cliff.” I say breathing in through my nose and out through my mouth. I couldn’t believe I was considering cliff diving in October!

“Ready?” He asks as I tighten my grip on his hand.

“I won’t let you go, I promise.” He adds in a reassuring tone, his smiling making me flush. I have to force myself to look away, trying to hide my blush from him.

“Yeah, yeah…Just let me take my jacket off.” I mumble warily taking my hand from his before I take my jacket off and fold it neatly on the ground next to where I stood.

“Alright, I’m ready.” I say taking his hand again, he smirks and tightens his hold on me.

“On three…one…” I take a deep breath.

“…two…” I let it out and take another deep breath.

“…three!” Before I could let this one out I was suddenly jerked with him off the edge. At first it was so exhilarating, it filled me with adrenaline and for a while it felt like we were flying. I swear I could have heard myself yelling in joy rather than in fright, but that was before we hit the water. Then it felt like an icy wall of needles were suddenly being thrust into my skin. I wanted to scream but my voice was gone, my hand squeezed Jacob’s as we resurfaced.

“Are you alright?” He breathed as a small wave was tossed at the back of my head.

“F-fine…” I lied focusing on breathing properly. Unfortunately my breath was stolen from me as a huge wave slammed into us and I immediately was submerged with Jacob. I could faintly make out his shocked and fearful expression as I suddenly notice that he was reaching towards me…with the hand I was supposedly grasping.

Beginning to panic, I frantically try to reach and swim back towards him. But it’s all in vain as the current pushes me farther away from him and deeper into the icy depths of the ocean.

Several things passed through my mind at this moment, one was that I remembered everything my mother and me did together throughout my entire life, another was about how I didn’t regret anything about this place…I got to learn a bit about my older brother and his wonderful fiancé, who’s been like a sister to me…I got to meet Embry, Quil, Jared…Paul…Jacob…I even started to believe that werewolves and vampires really did existed.

I guess if I had to die then this wouldn’t be a bad way to leave…As I begin to black out from the pain of the freezing water and the lack of oxygen I feel a really warm hand grab my wrist and yank me up towards the surface, I couldn’t make out the face but I knew it had to be one of the boys. Simply because no one I’ve ever met was this warm. Then suddenly we burst through the surface, but I couldn’t seem to take a deep enough breathe to even gasp.

“Astra, are you alright!?” It was Jacob, it was at that time I knew that I could only hear him. I couldn’t see him anywhere it was so dark.

“Astra!” He shouts louder and all I could do was listen to his frantic voice. Was I unconscious?

“Shit!” I hear him grumble as I suddenly feel his arm around me, pulling me along. It was at that time that I realized I couldn't breathe, I must having an objective moment because I would totally be freaking out if I consciously knew I couldn’t breath. Before I knew it my back was against the smooth stones of First Beach and Jacob had two fingers under the side of my neck, checking for a pulse.

“Great, she’s alive!” He cheered.

“But know what do I do…” He mumbled; he tried gently smacking me on the cheek, which didn’t help me one bit. He then placed both his hands hesitantly over my chest before pushing down over my heart.

“Damn, work…” He snapped, pushing down harder this time.

“Work!” His anxious shout filled my mind as I was suddenly brought back into my own body and water was spewing from the corners of my mouth. The sudden ejection of the salt water from my stomach caused me to cough roughly.

All I hear when I flutter my eyes open is Jacob’s sigh of relief. Being back in my body was nice, it meant I was going to live but it also meant I could feel again and I felt like a popsicle in the North Pole right now. I was so cold that my teeth were chattering and my goose bumps had goose bumps. When I tried to sit up Jacob helped me, wrapping his welcoming warm arm around my shoulders. Instinctively I nuzzle into the heat his body was putting off. “How do you feel?” He whispered, gently rubbing my back. It was kind of disconcerting having him be so kind to me.

“J-J-Just c-c-cold…” I roughly whisper with a heavy stutter, my throat was killing me. He gingerly lifts me into his arms and begins walking after my reply.

“I’m sorry, Astra…I thought you’d be safe.” He apologized, all I remember doing is shaking my head before I fall asleep. I was suddenly very tired and the next time I awoke I was in my bed, nice and warm in a change of clothes under my usual quilt along with two other heavy blankets.

I could recall Emily’s worry filled voice and disapproving word to Jacob, I could remember his apologetic and guilt ridden words in reply, and I remembered shouting coming from downstairs soon after. I assumed that was Sam yelling at Jacob for doing what he did. I wanted to wake up and tell Sam that I willingly allowed him to take me off that cliff, that I wasn’t susceptible to peer pressure. But I didn’t, my sleep was so heavy I could have sworn I was in a coma.

Lucky for me it wasn’t actually a coma because here I was, somewhat awake and looking around my dimly light room. When I was looking around the door creaked open and in popped a familiar face.

“Oh, you’re up…” Jacob whispered sneaking in, I smile weakly.

“Just woke up.” Oh, dear god my voice sounded awful. It sounded like I’d been eating sand paper my whole life, my voice was so rough and gravely and above all it hurt like I’d swallowed a bunch of nails. He chuckled softly at the face I made when I spoke, gently touching my throat I sigh.

“I just came in to check on you, Em, wanted me to bring you a bottle of water. She was so sick with worry she passed out.” He muttered, looking remorseful as he stared at the floor. I blink and wait for him to speak again, but I realize that I was the one who had to say something to reassure him.

“It wasn’t like you made me go with you.” I rasp earning his attention.

“I was never one to give in so easily to something I didn’t want to do, so I must have wanted to go cliff diving because it didn’t take a lot of convincing.” I add, coughing right after, he quickly hands me the bottle of water. Even drinking something as gentle as water felt like I was drinking acid. Groaning when I swallowed the water in my mouth I grind my teeth to stifle the pain somehow.

“Why don’t you go back to bed?” He suggested taking the water from me and placing it on my nightstand.

“Sure…but you have to promise me not to worry about me anymore…you being nice is starting to freak me out.” I mumble hearing his light chuckle as I snuggle under the warm blankets and while he was leaving I could have sworn I saw a genuine smile on his lips before he shut the door. Yawning softly I fall back into a shallow sleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it took so long to update, I've been so busy and there's been some family drama. Anyway, I hope you liked it and please feel free to comment or message me. Thanks for reading! ^_^