Status: On the Go.


Dreams Can Come True

6 a.m.. Sun blared through my curtains and I pulled a pillow over my head, trying to drown it out. But my phone rang. I tried to pull my pillow tighter round my head, but couldn't breathe, so I huffed and picked up my phone.


"Oh, what?" I groaned, irritably.

"Ooh, cheer up! I have information from Dood," she said.

I sighed.

"Look. University is out for two weeks and my train isn't until three o'clock. So I'm banking on staying in bed until twelve because I'm packed already."

"Yeah but...!" she managed to start, but I cut her off.

"Call me in six hours."

And I put the phone down. Flopping back on my bed, I closed the blind in my dorm room and pulled the pillow back over my head. I just managed to doze off when my phone started ringing once again. Growling lightly about peace and quiet, I sat up and answered it.

"Fine! I won't sleep in so I'm rested and nice for my family, who haven't seen me in seven weeks. What do you want?" I asked rudely.

"God, it's not that early. You're just not a morning person. Anywho. You know Dood is now repping for McFly now? Weeeeell. She tells me that McFly are doing a pay-at-the-door concert in your dorm house. You can thank her later, she says," Meggie squealed.

I was just about to squeal myself, when she started talking again.

"It gets better. Guess who's come from America on their new World Tour, and because they're big mates with McFly, are doing the same show?"

"Uh... you got me. Spill," I demanded, holding back my excitement.

"Only the Jonas Brothers!" she screamed.

This time I was allowed to squeal. Two of my favourite bands, in one place, right under my feet? My family - and my friends - would have to wait. This was the opportunity of a lifetime; the first good thing to happen to me in years.

"Get dressed. The concert is at noon," she said suddenly.


"Alright. But you owe me bigtime," I joked.

"Aye, sure, and you'd rather be halfway up the country with people you could see any time than possibly meet some of your heroes. Bye!"

And she hung up before I could argue that my family and friends were the most important things in my life. But she was right - I wouldn't miss this for the whole world!


I walked with my hood up; Leicester's weather didn't like my this month. It had only been sunny this morning, when I was in bed, but when I was actually awake and up and outside, it was pissing it down on my head. Stupid black clouds had been following me around for years.

Taylor Swift's Fearless pumped through my earphones and I sang along quietly. Meggie and Dood - or Megan and Davinia as the rest of the world knew them - were meeting me at the bus station. I couldn't see the point myself; the band were playing on my doorstep, yet I was the one who had to expend energy I could be using in the mosh pit? Major fail.

Breathing heavily and coughing up a chunk of lung every five minutes, I finally scaled the hill to the bus station. Just because I'd lost all of the weight finally, I was still a fatty on the inside. Smoking doesn't help, I suppose...


There they were. Dood had changed her hair colour again. Ever since we'd split up to go to separate colleges, she'd changed her hair colour about every month. She'd died her hair 'blonde' ages before that, and then had put more and more brown back into it every month. She got bored of brown and had red streaks put in. They faded quickly; she died it black. Then different coloured streaks appeared monthly; she was actually the girl with five colours in her hair - she only coloured the roots, so the old colours remained. She stopped changing them when she'd got to five colours. she just swapped them over once and a while.

This months pattern was (on top of black): pink, orange, blue, green, purple.

I do have to admit, though, that her hair was the most radical hair I'd ever seen. I was quite impressed with the creativity. I was also envious because my hair was never straight enough to show colour nicely, so I never bothered with streaks. Or colour for that matter. Mine just stayed plain chocolate brown.

I digress.

"Loz!" Dood squealed, pouncing on me and hugging me.

"Yeah, hi," I grinned, hugging her back.

Twelve years of friendship, thirteen friends, and four boyfriends, and we were still as strong as when we were little seven year olds, poking fun at each other for the state our mothers had left our hair in.

"What time is it?" I asked, making sure I was out of the bus station, just, so I could light up a cigarette.

"Ten. But, of course, being their lacky, they asked me - very politely I have to admit - to get some beers. Danny and Harry like a drink before-"

"Before a show, I know," I laughed, coughing because I'd just taken back. "I do have the DVD's, and have read a load of fact-files."

"Obsessive much," Dood replied, just to spite me for butting in while she was talking.

I just grinned at her.

"So where are we going for this beer? And get an extra crate; maybe if I'm drunk Joe will-"

"Megan!" me and Dood piped up at the same time.

We were, however, thinking exactly the same thing. In all the years since I'd got Dood into McFly, I couldn't remember her not being totally hot for Harry. And in eight years of McFly madness, I couldn't remember not being totally hot for Danny.

Laughing, we three queens wandered to the nearest shop with a license. With me being the oldest, I used my student ID and my provisional drivers license to prove my age, and picked up two eighteen packs. If my maths is still as good as it was when I was at school, that's thirty six bottles of beer.

"Think it's too much?" Meggie asked.

"My wallet thinks so," I grumbled. "Nah, just coz they're famous, and guys, doesn't mean they'll drink it all."

"Where they staying?" Meggie wondered out loud, obviously fishing for a line.

"I'll go. That way I can ask for a personal meeting for two of my friends. And I'm great to them, they love me, how could they say no?" Dood said, taking one crate and wandering off in the opposite direction.


She came back half an hour later.

"They said no."

I sighed and Meggie's faced dropped.

"And there's no way of convincing them? Did you not tell them we were pretty and up for it?" Meggie pleaded.

"Meg! First of all, I am not pretty! B - okay, I'm up for it, and three... I got nothing," I grinned.

"I lied! They said okay."

My face morphed slowly to surprise, shock and realization that I was going to meet Danny Jones!

"You biff. Don't scare me like that. It's been two years since I got my leg over! I'm seriously considering prostitution for the cash and just so I'll get shagged! I'll be all dried up, man!" I yelled.

The other two in creases laughing, I opened the remaining crate and pulled out a lager. Lucky for me, I had a bottle opener on a dead lighter, that I just carried for emergencies. Even though it was just gone eleven, I cracked it open and necked it.

"Don't try it at home, ladies. First one's the fast one; second ones slower, and your tenth one spills over the floor when you fall over," I grinned, opening another.

"Ten? There's only eighteen, that means you'll get more than half!" Dood demanded.

"A, I'm oldest. B, I paid for them. C, Meggie's limited to two. D, you're a lightweight!" I argued.

There was silence a minute.

"True," she grinned.

"Hey, why'm I limited!?" Meggie cried.

"'Cause you're a babby and I'm only letting you have any at all because it takes the mystery out of everything."

I was protective of my two friends. I'd been drinking since I was fifteen, albeit occasionally, so I could handle it. Dood only started drinking at seventeen, and it was light stuff all up until her eighteenth birthday eleven months ago, and Meggie was underage. She was lucky she was getting anything.

We spent the next half hour drinking. I didn't want to be absolutely rat-arsed, so I took it slow. Therefore, I only had five, whereas Dood had four and Meggie had both of hers. Again, my maths makes that seven left.


It took five minutes for the bus to arrive. It was a fifteen minute bus journey (as apposed to my half hour walk) to the dorms. We wanted to be early to see how many others had found out about the secret concert. It turned out to be a lot.

"I'll get us in early," Dood whispered to us, after only a few seconds at the back of the queue.

Being British people, everyone had formed an orderly queue, and it had grown behind us quite rapidly in the previous thirty seconds. Dood got out her phone and rang one of the boys, just talking to them about their beer.

"Yeah, yeah, okay. Is there enough?" she was saying, as we got to the mild looking bouncers at my door. "Hello, Bruce. I was wondering if I could take these ladies in with me. A, they're my friends and B, it's this girls dorm house."

On saying this, she pointed at me. I smiled cheesily and pulled out my student ID card, which listed my details and my dorm room number and house. 'Bruce' checked it and nodded, then asked about Meggie.

"Some of her stuff is up there that she desperately needs," Dood started, before moving in and whispering, "It's her time of the month."

'Bruce' widened his eyes and let us through the velvet rope.

"That was brill," I whispered in Dood's ear.

She just looked smug as we wandered into my common room. The make-shift stage had been set up with lighting and speakers and amps; we had a stage because the creative writing and english students had been put in the same dorm as the music students. I remembered drunken nights where a karaoke had been set up and I'd sung my heart out; people had asked why I hadn't followed it through. I said I didn't think I was good enough - hence the inferiority complex.

Seats had been set up for people, so we took the first row, closest to the stage; right in the middle. We were all bubbling with excitement; even Dood, and she knew them! Albeit, she'd never seen them in concert like I had.


After a ten minute wait, murmuring started occurring behind us; the rest of the followers had been allowed in. People grumbled at us being in the front row, and the few other lucky people who got front row seats grumbled about not being in the middle. We just smirked at each other. We didn't care about their trivial blabber.

After only seconds of waiting, the lights in the room went down. The three of us cheered loudly, so loud that you could actually hear us in the mike's.

The music started and the lights went up, and all seven guys appeared onstage. I didn't know who to look at: Nick or Danny. I could see Meggie just staring in awe at the figure that was Joe Jonas.

The first song played was Busted's Year 3000; the cleaned up version.

We sang every word of every song, just 'cause we knew them all, and just 'cause we could. Joe's eyes met Meggie's, and even in the low light I saw her redden. Me and Dood just sniggered, until Danny's met mine. Me and Meggie were blithering heaps while Dood was as calm as a McFly/Jonas fan can be at this sort of event.


It lasted a lifetime and yet it seemed to be over so quickly.

"That was great!" Meggie yelled, obviously deaf from sitting so close to the speakers.

We loudly deduced that the ringing in our ears and the hoarseness of our voices was totally worth it, and then hung behind as the rest of the crowd were turfed out by 'Bruce' and his bigger, slightly scarier mate. They nodded at Dood and left the common room. I felt anxiety, nerves and excitement bubble in my stomach.

All seven boys came out with towels round their necks; they saw us.

"Oh, hey Dav! Who are these... lovely ladies?" Danny grinned, eyes on me.

Of course I blushed.

"My friends Lauren, and Megan," she replied, pointing at us respectfully.

"Yo," Tom said.

"Hi!" Dougie squawked, obviously on a high from the concert.

"Hey," both Nick and Kevin said, then laughed at their unison.

Harry nodded, and Danny shook my hand, and Joe shook Meggie's. It seems like the four of us ignored the other pair and everyone else, because I don't remember anything of them until Dood snapped me out of my trance with a shaking of the bottles.

"Booze now?" I asked her, unable to construct a proper sentence.

"...What the hell," she grinned, taking her two bottles and handing me the carrier bag.

"Yay!" I squealed, pulling out my lighter with the bottle opener, and opening one of them.

Technically, it was the first, so I was technically allowed to neck it like I did. Meggie and Dood just tutted at me and went back to talking to Joe/Harry. The other boys ended up just having a four way conversation about how intimate and close the concert was, and pointing out how good each other was, and pointing out their own mistakes.

"Where you staying?" I asked Danny, on opening my second bottle.

"Anywhere you are, hopefully," he joked, winking at me.

I tried to reply with a smug remark, but nothing came out. So I just resorted to taking another drink. He laughed at me and walked away. I raised an eyebrow, and he came back with his own bottle.

"Cheers," he smiled, holding up his bottle.

I smirked and knocked his bottle with my own.

"Pub?" Tom piped up suddenly.

"Yeah, I'm starving!" Dood answered.

"Agh, me anol. Meggie woke me up git early so I had to rush around changing my train ticket, and telling the family I'll be a day later than expected. Missed breakfast. And lunch! I'm not allowed to do that!" I exclaimed, half joking, half totally serious.

"Pub it is, then," Harry said.


We stayed in the pub until 9 o'clock that night. We were turfed out - well, Meggie was turfed out for being underage, and I wouldn't let her go alone and neither would Dood, so we all decided to hit my dorm common room and party.

It was only at 11 o'clock that I realized that I would have to pay a few days extra rent for the room, which I couldn't afford, because I wasn't going home yet.

"Shit, I can't pay out of my wages, 'cause I need it for my shopping trip in Darlo with mam. What do I do?" I whined drunkenly.

"I'll pay it," Danny slurred.

"Naw, you can't do that!" I replied, attempting to nudge his shoulder, but missing quite widely.

"I can, I'm loaded," he replied, grinning widely.

I smirked at him, and he smirked back. Then he moved closer and whispered in my ear.

"I bet you look good in the buff."

Sniggering, I replied, "You wanna see?"


The day was a changing point in all three of our lives. Dood finally got her chance with Harry; of course, they took it slow. That's so like Dood. Meggie got with Joe; a few months later, they were engaged. Me? I slept with Danny on the first night.

We were all happy, finally.
♠ ♠ ♠
For meggievii!
Because she asked me to.
A happy ending for once!
I'm proud of me!
Heh, not really, obviously!
Love all my readers!!!