The Short Lived

I Never Expected

Weak signals from the air are captured by the decade old radio antennae in my room. The rain didn't stop for six hours now and it's really cold even in my ever warm room. The coffee helped vanquish the cold air surrounding me for a while, it kept me alive for I didn't want to sleep yet. The radio, still stricken with the distorted signal, kept the silence away for the hour for I am alone in my old apartment. I wanted to go out. I wanted to walk, take photographs, create sketches, do anything. I was begging for the rain to stop. I was wishing that the same weather like the one the other day would occur today. I was on an adrenaline rush for artistry right now and I seem to wake up my senses that would take the job of creating things.


The rain continued to fall. I thought for a while that it was becoming strong, I disproved it anyway when I saw the sun taking a peek from the clouds. I smiled for that. Unreasonable yet worth the smile. I packed my things up and geared for a walk around the city. Work's over for a week now because of the holidays, and I can't wait to spend the time taking pictures of the city.

I packed up and left my apartment. Getting ready for the shoot, I lowered my camera down to observe the place. I took a few shots every corner of the streets and focused on the life of the city when everything seemed wet and weak.


A streak of wind blew to the direction to where my apartment was. In one of the street posters, I noticed somewhat different from the group of poster. I thought it was a postcard for and event or something, but it wasn't, it was just a beautifully captured scenery oddly printed in a poster paper. I studied it and looked for a similar looking poster nearby. I haven't found any, so I decided to tear it off.


The breeze of the christmas monsoon passed by as I sat on a bench on a nearby park. I studied the poster and I found it familiar to me. Deep inside me, I felt that I should get to that place and maybe there is something important in that place.


The wind passed the second time, this time it was a lot colder, so I decided to get back to my apartment before the probable rains would pour.


The wind passed the third time. And I seem to like it even more, though it was colder than ever. Maybe I love the chill of it.


The wind blew outside my window. The glass vibrated awfully as the wind tried to find it's way in. I ignored it, instead, I was continually studying the picture. It was well composed. And the elements were arranged in such way that everything is significant and was contributing to the whole masterpiece.

But no, there is something different, there is a man, whose face was as if crossed by an unknown light source from the camera's perspective. His vibrance out stood all of the other elements in the picture.

I felt the urge that I need to find him because of an unknown circumstance.


The wind blew, as my tummy ached for a while that made me decide to eat something. Cup noodles, perfect.