

Many of us believe the world was naturally damned to implode when the sun grew too hot, and suffer along with the ozone. But a few believe that there is another world, where there are no cars and microwaves, a world where the pain... is naught.

New Jersey, United States - 1993

"Samantha! Get your ass down here now!" I sighed and trudged downstairs.

"Yes mother?"

"You are failing gym? Gym of all the stupidest classes to fail, you fail fucking gym?!"

I thought about it. I had been slacking off in gym a lot... okay... more than a lot. I don't get what she's got her panties in a bunch about. If I fail gym, it's not like I'll get held back....

"I chose to fail it because I cannot be retained a grade for it." I said, holding my chin up. I carried myself more proudly than usual, one, because I'm not lying, two, because she's being stupid.

"Room. Now!" and at that I left. I walked upstairs, no stomping, no grunting, no screaming, no fury. Just a tad of frustration and a piece of pity. Mother never was really smart, or wise, let alone even considerate of anyone but herself. A very conceited woman, indeed. I sat on my bed and thought of an escape plan... music was a good choice, writing or drawing would be good too. Reading? Naw, music. I picked up my guitar and put on an acoustic song. I played along, striking each note on cue, then a ring tone interrupted my train of thought and playing stream, I looked at the caller ID.

It read 'Gee-tard' in neon green. I smiled.

"Hi Sam!" he said before hello took shape on my lips.

"Well, hyper now are we?"

"N -- yeah. No doubting it, you'll know I'm lying anyway." he said, his voice was surprisingly serious.

"So what did you call me for? It better not be to say that Frankie gave you a wedgie in your sleep again!"

"No! Frankie's at his grandma's house this weekend. I called to tell you I have the house to myself tonight and my mom said I can have the gang over! So pack up and sneak out tonight! Be here by ten. Love, bye!"

"Love yous!" and he hung up giggling in his hyperness. I packed a bag of clothes and stuffed it under my bed. I have this week with my mom, next week I'm going to Dad's house, and he and Gerard are great with each other. This will be easy!

I picked my guitar up and played a few more songs, then I heard a yell from downstairs, my mom said, 'Stop playing that damned cardboard box! I'm watching TV'. I laughed to myself and placed it aside, and waited for nine thirty tonight.