I Don't Think Like You Do

Four; Will

I trudged back to the camp alone after we’d finished the food drop, as Allan said he had to meet someone in Nottingham first. Throwing the empty sacks in a corner, I headed into the centre and smiled at Djaq, who was sorting some herbs that she would use for healing. I dropped down next to her, watching her in silence for a while, before leaning over and picking up a piece of curved wood that was leant against a tree, something I’d begun shaping earlier. Pulling my axe out from my belt, I carried on the slow process of making a bow, gently tapping bits with the blade, until Djaq commented, “You’re really good with your hands.” I grinned shyly back to show my thanks, and then looked back down at the soon-to-be bow.

We sat in silence for a while, each getting on with our respective tasks until she blurted out, “Will, can I ask you something?” Nodding, I set down my tools and looked at her expectantly.

“Can you... Erm, I mean, would you... I don’t really know how to say this,” She admitted apologetically. I smiled reassuringly at her, admiring the way her eyes sparkled in the sunlight.

“Well... Basically... I like Allan,” She explained finally, “I was wondering if you could help me.” My heart sank before she’d even finished her sentence. Never mind that Allan doesn’t have feelings for her anymore, although if I’m being selfish, that’s a slight consolation, but the main thing is that it means she doesn’t like me in that way. Hiding my disappointment behind a neutral expression, I asked, “Of course. What would you like me to do?”

“Could you talk to him; try and find out his feelings towards me? That sort of thing,” She asked. I sighed inwardly, but was saved from replying by Robin strolling into camp.

“I need to talk to everyone together because there’s a chance for a big heist,” He informed us, then added grinning, “And we want to make the most of it, don’t we?” He looked around, as if trying to find someone, so I mentioned, “Allan’s in Nottingham; he had something to do before he came back.” He nodded in acknowledgement, absently stroking the stubble on his chin as he did so. Then seeing the rest of the gang troop in from the same direction as Robin had, I stood up and offered, “I’ll go find him.” Djaq tried to catch my eye, but I purposefully looked away and went to saddle one of the horses.

I cantered along through the trees, heading towards the North road, trying not to dwell on the disappointment that Djaq had dumped on me. The faint sounds of a cart could be heard in the distance, so I slowed my horse to a walk, and carefully made my way towards the noise. I slipped off the horse, reassuring her that everything was okay, before creeping to a position where I could see down onto the road. Two of the Sheriff’s men were riding on the cart, discussing the upcoming tournament that’s being held in the castle. I held my breath, making sure I caught all the details, but frowning slightly. Something didn’t ring true here. Why would soldiers be talking about events whilst they were in Sherwood Forest? The sheriff would have them killed if he knew, and no-one would normally chance it. It had to be a trap. I tucked my tags out of sight and pulled up the hood of my cloak so it covered my face. I drew my bow, aiming for the closest guard, and then stood up cautiously, calling out, “You don’t want to be talking about that when you reach Robin Hood’s turf, unless you want him and his men wrecking havoc at your competition.” I snorted derisively, pretending to be a common outlaw.

“And you also want to hand over your valuables now. Give them to me, and I’ll even let you keep the horses. The mighty Robin wouldn’t let you do that, would he?” I slowly climbed down the bank to the road, keeping my distance from the soldiers. I gestured with the bow and arrow pointedly, and they both reluctantly threw their purses on the ground. Darting forwards quickly, I grabbed them, before backing off.

“Nice doing business with you,” I smirked, before turning on my heel and running off into the forest again.

Soon, I was back on track to Nottingham, the guards’ money safely in my own purse and my mare whinnying gently as we left the forest. Trotting down the grassy slope to the main gate, I kept an eye out for Allan. He’d mentioned a vague destination, but I wasn’t sure exactly where he’d be. I drew my cloak tighter around me, making sure the hood was fully hiding my identity. It wouldn’t do any good for someone to recognise me as one of Robin’s men.
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Con crit? Love? :)