Status: Sorry guys, but I had a terrible virus on my laptop that deleted ALL my photos and documents. This means that the next chapter is gone. sadly, it will be a while until another chapter comes out. - XOXO Steff

For a Genius, You're Pretty Dumb

Happy Birthday to Me

I woke up this morning happier than usual. Happy Birthday to me. Happy Birthday to me. Happy Birthday, Dear Allie. Happy Birthday to me. The big Two Nine. Gosh, I'm getting old.

I don't usually celebrate my birthdays. But tonight I'm going to the club with a few members of the team.

After quickly dressing, doing my hair, and putting my makeup on, I hopped in the car to drive to work. Okay, I didn't really hop in. I was happy, but not that happy.

I walked into the office and sat at my desk wondering where everyone was. I was never the first one in. I was usually the last.

I was just about to get out of my desk when the lights went out. Bad, I thought. Suddenly, the lights flickered on and a mass of people jumped out from every which way.


"What the hell," I screamed reaching for my gun.

They laughed. I looked and felt stupid.

My team. It's a suprise party. Damn, I hate suprises.

"Happy Birthday!," Garcia said excitedly while running over to me.

"Garcia," I said laughing at the blonde woman while hugging her, "You know I hate suprises!"

"I know, " She said grinning, "But I just couldn't resist!"

I walked over to everybody and stood in between Derek and Spencer. Everyone was huddled around a cake.

"It's an ice cream cake," Spencer said, "I remember you told me the only cake you eat is ice cream cake."

"Did you also remember me telling you I hate suprises?"

"I remember everything you tell me," He replied. I smiled. I wonder if knows he holds my heart.

"Okay, I can't wait any longer. Present time," Derek said smiling.

"Haha, okaaay," I said.

"You have to open mine first," He said. What'd he get me? A framed picture of himself?

He handed me the large box wrapped in silver foil paper with a shiny pink bow.

"Ooooh, shiny!"

Derek laughed, "Just open it, you nut!"

"Okay, okay!"

I carefully unwrapped the box, slowly I folded the paper and glanced at Derek who was looking pretty impatient. I smiled and stuck the pink bow on my head and earned a few chuckles from the group.

Oh ... My ... God.

I hit that one right on the nail.

I stood there, holding in my hands a very large picture of Derek standing in front of a fireplace in a suit. Complete with a pipe in his hand.

I lost it.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA," I couldn't stop laughing, "This is .... GREAT!"

"I knew you'd like it," He said in a smug voice.

"Hell yeah I do! I'm hanging this up right above my sofa! I need to share it with EVERYONE!"

"What can I say? I'm just awesome," He said hugging me and kissing my forehead. Derek is like the coolest older brother I never got to have.

"Mine next," Garcia said shoving a small box in my hands with the same wrapping paper as Derricks.

I shook the box next to my ear.

"Hmm ... I'm thinking .... earrings," I said.

"Nope. Even better," Garcia said motioning for me to open it.

I unwrapped it and saw that it was a ring box. Awww! She's so sweet!

"Open the box," She said excitedly. Too excitedly.

"Okayyyy," I said opening the box.

"A memory card. How ... sweet," I said smiling at her.

She sighed. "It's for your cell phone. You're always breaking it and losing all the pictures and everything. I got it so you don't have to lose them all."

True. I go through cell phones like underwear. And I always bitch when my pictures and contacts are gone.

I smiled at her and jumped into her arms for a bear hug.

"I love you, Garcia!"

"Who doesn't," She asked.

I walked to stand in front of Hotch and said, "Alright, give it up!"

He smiled at me. It was always great to see him smile, he rarely does. It's even greater to know that the smile was for me. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small box. About the same size as Garcia's.

I quickly unwrapped the box which just happened to be a ring box.

"Is this another memory card?" I asked Hotch, "Cuz I think one is good enough..."

"Just open it!" He said laughing.

I opened the black box that was holding a silver ring with a purple pear shaped stone.

"It's sterling silver with an amethyst stone in it," He said

"It's beautiful!" I said astounded.

I slipped the ring on my left middle finger, it fit like a dream. I smiled yet again, or maybe I never quit smiling. He's too nice to me.

Someone tapped my shoulder and I looked over. My smile widened. Spencer.

"Here's mine," He said handing me the long thin box. Wrapped in purple wrapping paper. My favorite color.

After unwrapping it, I opened the box to reveal a beautiful silver bracelet with purple pear shaped stones on it. It no doubtfully goes with Hotch's gift.

"Oh my god, this is amazing!" I exclaimed handing the bracelet to him.

"Will you put it on me, please?"

"Sure," He said taking the bracelet in his hands.

"It may sound cliche, but you really shouldn't have," I said.

"I wanted to get it for you," He said has he closed the clasp.

Not a thing could have made my day better.

Gideon came up to me and handed me a pale purple envelope.

I opened it and inside was a hundred dollar bill.

"No. I can't take this," I said trying to hand it back to him.

"I don't want it," He said putting his hands in his pockets.

I frowned.

"But this is too much!"

He just smiled.

"Damn girl, if the man wants to give you a hundred bucks, keep it," Derek said.

"But-" I started.

"Just keep it," Gideon said.

I sighed. "Fine... But I don't feel good about it!"

Everyone laughed. For a second, everything seemed perfect. I loved this feeling, and I never wanted it to end. But everything has an end.

A few more gifts were given to me. Elle got me a purple coffee cup with a bunch of those little packets of different flavored coffee. JJ just gave me twenty dollars. I was suprised she did that much. We never really liked each other.

After everyone had some cake, we decided it was time to end our little shindig and do work. We all sat at our desks and filled out our paper work from our last case. A serial killer in Tennessee. The sick bastard tortured and killed 15 women.

When we close a case, it should feel good. But all I can think is that there's always going to be more. Are we even making a difference? We close one case only to have ten more pop up.

While I was deep in thought, I looked up to see Derek looking at me funny.

"What?" I asked him.

"I've been trying to talk to you and you've just been staring off. Whats going on?" He asked me.

"Sorry, I've just been thinking," I replied.

"About what," He asked me, worry written all over his face.

"It's nothing. Don't worry," I said, knowing he didn't buy it. Derek was rather intuitive.

"Is it about a certain somebody," He asked me nodding over to Spencer who was sitting at his desk filling out papers.

"Nope," I said leaning back putting my feet on my desk.

A look of annoyance passed over his face. "I hate guessing games, Allie."

"Then stop trying to guess," I said grinning at him.

I didn't want anyone to know how deep I can be. I didn't want anyone to know about my past. When they asked, I lied. I just wanted them to see me as the girl who doesn't break. I didn't want them to know the truth.

"You're still going tonight aren't you?" He asked.

"Wouldn't miss it for the world," I said taking my feet off the desk.

"Okay," He said warily.

"Well, nature calls. Gotta go potty," I said getting up.

I walked by Gideons office and noticed he was gone. I slipped into the room and walked over to his desk. Aha, his wallet! I picked his wallet up out of his desk and put the hundred dollars back into it and neatly put everything back the way it was. I tried to walk out of the room unnoticed but unfortunately I walked into someone and fell on my butt with a thud.

"Ow..." I mumbled.

"I'm sorry, Allie!"

I looked up and saw the that person I bumped into was none other than Dr. Spencer Reid. He extended his hand out to me and I gratefully took it as he helped me onto my feet.

"It's cool. It's my fault. I wasn't paying attention." I said as I smoothed out my medium blonde hair.

"So are you going with me, Derek, and Garcia to the club tonight? We're celebrating my birthday," I asked him as we walked back to the room.

"Oh, I don't know..." He said looking uncomfortable.

"Why not? It's my birthday and I really want you to go," I said trying to guilt him into going.

"It's just not my thing," He said.

I laughed. "Oh? What is your thing?"

"I... Um..." He stuttered. That's so cute.

"Reid, It's okay. Just chill out," I said nudging him with my elbow. He may be a little socially awkward, but he's sexy as hell.

I sat at my desk and he walked over to his.

Hmm... I clicked my email and opened a new message. I glanced over to Spencer and looked back at my screen.

To: Spencer Reid

We'll pick you up at nine. =]

I clicked send and waited.


I looked over at Spencer. He looked at his screen then glanced at me. I made my infamous puppy dog face. He melted like ice.

"Okay," He mouthed from across the room.

I smiled.

I can't wait for tonight.
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Constructive criticism is a good thing. Tell me what I can do to make this story better. I'm not really a good writer, I prefer to read. But I just couldn't resist writing a Reid story!