Status: Sorry guys, but I had a terrible virus on my laptop that deleted ALL my photos and documents. This means that the next chapter is gone. sadly, it will be a while until another chapter comes out. - XOXO Steff

For a Genius, You're Pretty Dumb

Je veux ton amour.

I couldn't wait to get home from work. It seemed like the day was going so slow. When work was finally over I didn't hesitate to run out the door.

When I finally got home, I knew I didn't have long to get ready. The first thing I did was take a long relaxing bubble bath.

After I got a bath, I had to plan my outfit. "What to wear tonight?" I asked myself out loud. I opened my closet an picked my black sequin tube top dress. I added some silver peep toe pumps. And to top it all off, I put on my strings of pearl necklaces. I took a look in the mirror.

Oh, yeah. I looked sexy.

And I still had a half hour to kill before Derek and Garcia show up.

I plugged my iPod into my speakers and played Lady Gaga's newest CD, The Fame: Monster.

I danced around in my living room until the music suddenly stopped.

I looked over by the speakers and sure enough, my Egyptian Mau was playing with the cord.

"Silly kitty," I said as I picked her up and held her in my arms.

"Awe, your so soft and lovable!" I cooed.

My kittens name is October, like the month. I got her a few months ago and she's a little trouble maker. I looked down at her and she was tugging at my pearl necklaces until one of them broke.

"Dammit!" I yelled as I set the kitten down to clean up the mess.

I heard the door bell ring.

"Just a minute!" I yelled as I stood up. Just as I went to walk to the door I slipped on the beads and fell right on my butt, taking a potted plant down with me in the process. Damn, I've been finding myself on my ass alot lately.

I got up and carefully walked to the door and let Derek and Garcia in.

"Having difficulties?" Derek asked me while looking at the mess on my floor.

"Maybe.." I said a little embarrassed.

"You ready to go?" He asked me.

"Yeah, let me get my purse," I said walking into my room and picking up my little black purse. Completely ignoring my mess. I slung the purse over my shoulder and walked out of the room.

"Don't I look fabulous?" I asked Derek and Garcia while I spun around so they could get the full effect of my outfit.

Derek looked me up and down and his jaw clenched. Finally, he said, "I don't like it. Go change. Don't you have a nice sweater or something?"

I gasped.

"Derek! Do you honestly expect ME to wear a SWEATER on my BIRTHDAY to THE CLUB?!?" I yelled to the older man.

"Derek, I think she looks great. Leave her alone," Garcia said, as usual coming to my aid.

"See? Garcia agrees. I look hot," I said sticking my tongue out at him.

"That's what I don't like," He said still unwilling to give in.

I sighed. "Derek. I'm twenty nine years old. I'm allowed to be sexy."

Derek muttered something under his breath.

"Okay, are you guys ready to pick up Spencer?" I asked quickly, to avoid fighting any further about my attire.

"About that...." Derek started.

My smile faded.

"What?" I asked worried. Isn't he coming? He said he would. My heart was beating faster. As usual, I was getting myself worked up.

"Well, JJ is coming too..." Garcia finished.

My heart sank. And chance there was for a perfect night was shattered into a million pieces.

Everyone knew how Spencer felt about JJ. You could just see it in the way he looked at her. Like she was the second coming. Like she held the world in her hands. Like she was the most amazing thing to walk the Earth. Like I looked at him.

Suddenly I felt stupid. What did I think would happen? Did I think we would dance and he'd suddenly realize how I feel and fall in love with me? Did I think everything would be easy? Did I really think, even for a minute, that I could ever really be happy and have a perfect life?

"Hey now, no crying," Derek said wiping my eyes. "You'll mess up your make up."

"Whats it matter?" I laughed weakly.

Then Garcia jumped on the Cheer Allie Up Bandwagon.

"Hey," Garcia said looking me in the eyes, "You're better than she is. He'll see. Because you're going to show him. Your going to walk in that club like you own it and dance like you don't have a care in the world. This is YOUR night. Yours. No one elses. You hear me?"

I smiled at Garcia's pep talk.

"Yeah, I hear you," I said.

"Alright," She said smiling and putting her arm around my shoulders, "Let's go!"

We walked out of my apartment and to Derek's car. I sat in the back while Garcia sat in the passenger seat. Of course, Derek drove.

When we got to Spencer's house, I forgot all about JJ and my good mood was back.

I got out of the car and skipped up to his door step and knocked on his door.

"Hello, Allie," Spencer said as he opened the door.

I looked him up and down. He wore grey slacks, a white dress shirt, a very light brown sweater vest, and a dark brown jacket. Oh, cant forget the tie tucked in his sweater vest. I giggled.

"What?" He asked me, "Do I look funny?"

He looked down at himself and frowned.

"Should I change?" He asked. He's so cute.

"No, Spencer, you look great," I said trying to stifle a giggle.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. I'd never lie to you," I said to him.

"Okay," He said.

"Alright, lets go," I said linking arms with him as we walked out to the car.

"Woo! Reid, lookin' sharp!" Derek said once we were in the car.

I looked at Spencer and he looked a little uneasy. I grabbed his hand and gave it a gentle squeeze.

"Hey," I whispered, "It'll be okay. Don't look so scared."

"Sorry," He whispered back, "I just get nervous."

I didn't let go of his hand the whole way to the club, and he didn't seem to care. I could see Derek glance at us from the rear view mirror and smile every once in a while.

When we finally arrived at the club, I let go of Spencer's hand and got out of the car. I smoothed out my dress and fixed my hair then we all walked in. I pulled Spencer onto the dance floor.

"I can't dance," He said.

I looked up at him and grinned. He looked so scared.

"Spencer," I started, "Anyone can dance." I said swaying my hips to the techno pop beat.

"Look, just move with the music," I said.

He started to move around a little bit and I giggled. Then he stopped.

"I look stupid! I can't dance," He said furrowing his eyebrows.

I giggled even more.

"Spencer, it's not about looking cool. It's about having fun!" I said spinning around.

"Hey, look at Garcia and Morgan!" Spencer exclaimed.

I looked where he pointed. Garcia and Derek were dancing. Perhaps "grinding" is a better word to explain what they were doing. I laughed like I'd never seen anything funnier. Maybe I hadn't seen anything funnier.

But I had to admit, they were cute. I could tell Garcia really liked him, he was just too stupid to see what was right in front of him. It must hurt her. He flirts with her but sleeps with all these other women. I'm going to have to have a talk with him later. But for now, I think I'll have a drink.

"I'm gonna go get a drink!" I yelled to Spencer over the music.

"What?!" He yelled back, "I can't hear you!"

"I said I'm getting a drink" I yelled even louder.

"Oh, okay," He yelled back.

I walked up to the bar and saw JJ sitting there. I sat by her and ordered a Jack and Coke.

"Hey," She said to me.

"Hey," I said back.

"Having fun?" She asked.

"Yeah, I was just dancing with Spencer," I said and grinned.

"Oh. I'm going to go look for everyone else. Happy Birthday," She said and left.

"Oh, it's your birthday today?" The bar tender asked.

"Yep. The big twenty nine." I said grinning.

"That's not so old," He said laughing, "This ones on the house."

"Thank you," I said a took a drink, enjoying the way the Jack Daniel's burned going down my throat.

A slow song came on and people in the club started to pair up. I got up to look for Spencer. Surely, he'd slow dance with the Birthday Girl.

I pushed myself through masses of people and I found him. With JJ. Dancing. I was quick to notice her arms around his shoulders and her head on his chest. I also noticed his arms around her waist.

My heart was beating frantically. I thought I was going to die right there. I looked around for Garcia and Derek. When I didn't find them I went up to the bar and bought a bottle of Jack.

I walked out of the club and called a taxi to pick me up and take me to my apartment. I ignored all calls and texts and when I got to my apartment, I unhooked the phone line.

I drank until I couldn't remember who I was or why I was drinking.

Happy Birthday to me.
♠ ♠ ♠
They will get better, I promise.

Tell me what you think. Be honest.

Title credit goes to Lady Gaga. =]