Status: i'll update if i get comments/subscriptions/messages, i need to know its liked.

Until the Moon Burns


Her skin started to flake and drop off, first in small, dandruff-like pieces, then in larger and larger and larger pieces, great hunks of flesh falling off her body, revealing the muscles, tendons, ligaments beneath them.
She was still walking forward, even as she fell apart in front of me. I retched-the air stank of death and rotting meat. She was still screaming, and then I realized she was screaming my name.


The burning ache of pain in my shoulders was still present, so I quickly made my way over to my locker, which was situated at the opposite of the corridor. I heaved a sigh of relief, but I was still worried. What if I didn’t fit in at all? What were the kids like? Were they nice? I assumed so, because everybody knew everybody and usually, in small towns, everyone gets on freakishly well because everyone is terrified that people might find out what they say about others.


I looked at the class for the first time, interested, new faces I didn’t know staring at me and...
The most beautiful man I had ever seen. His bronze coloured hair was a mess, his skin pale white, his eyes a deep onyx colour, sitting perfectly still, never blinking, too handsome to be real...
Why me?


God, he was so perfect. The angles of his cheekbones, the smooth, white surface of his marble skin, his strong, muscular-looking arms, strong jaw line, all of him fitted together perfectly, it was obvious even before he was a vampire, (who knows how old he was. 50? 70? 170?) he had been incredibly good-looking. His black eyes locked with mine, and I was suddenly extremely aware of how shabby I looked. Big, wavy hair that was probably a state, hardly any-makeup on, and my clothes? Why hadn’t I made a bigger effort? I hated myself at that moment-weirdly; I even regretted wearing my old red Converse.
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