Status: i'll update if i get comments/subscriptions/messages, i need to know its liked.

Until the Moon Burns


As I was walking quickly toward the main building where the cafeteria was, I heard him yell out in anger.
I had wound him up. Had I made it worse? Was he really going to hurt me now?
I walked in, and seeing no food actually edible, I bought a bunch of grapes and stared around, looking for someone friendly to sit with. Todd Harris from French waved me over, grinning madly, and I sat down next to him, extremely grateful for the familiar face.
“Hey, Audrey!” He greeted, and his friends nodded. There were only five of us sitting at the table, and Todd quickly introduced the others.
“That’s Sam,” Todd told me, nodding at a dark haired Asian boy wearing red glasses. Sam flicked his hair back out of his eyes and smiled at me-I guess he wasn’t a people person.
“And that’s Ruth.” A short, blonde-haired girl with piercing blue eyes grinned at me.
“Hi,” she waved, giving a little wiggle of her fingers. I didn’t mean to be judgmental, but I could tell I wasn’t going to be best friends with her. Her long, false eyelashes and poker-straight hair told me a lot of things.
“Kathy.” Todd finished, and a brunette girl with brown eyes smiled at me. She wasn’t an obvious type of pretty, but as I looked at her, she seemed sweet. I liked her, and moved around closer to her. Todd looked a bit put-out, but that couldn’t be helped-I didn’t want to lead him on, I didn’t like him in the way he wanted me to at all.
And how could I like him, a human, next to Edward? How could he expect me to return his feelings when I was so...strangely attracted to that vampire?
Kathy and I got on very well, and we shared my bunch of grapes, though most ended up on the floor as we were throwing them up into the air and attempting to catch them in our mouths.
I felt someone’s eyes burning into the back of me, but as I was new, I ignored them as best I could.
“Guys! I got this one, I can do it!” I promised, tossing up a grape and catching it with ease.
My heart skipped a beat as he strode in, so effortlessly, catching my eye. I smiled, trying to stay on his good side. Good side, no painful blood-draining. Good side.
I was no longer interested in my new friends’ mindless chatter about school subjects; I was now focusing intently on Edward’s conversation with his ‘family’. Vampires stayed in covens, I had learned, so I assumed that was what this was. A vampire coven. Hey, maybe they all teamed together to kill people. Maybe it was a family outing.
Good side of the whole family. Good side, and survive.
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why do we always fall in love with who we shouldn't?