Status: i'll update if i get comments/subscriptions/messages, i need to know its liked.

Until the Moon Burns


“Tell me,” he snarled, his upper lip curling to display sharp teeth that I feared.
“Just stop, okay? I had a...weird day.” I told him, and it was an exaggeration, but the truth.
He nodded, tilting his head again.
I knew what he could do. He would rip anyone apart-just for the fun. So what could he do to Edward?
Why was I planning for a relationship with Edward? It would never happen, not because he was a vampire, but because I just...I didn’t know. Humans were meant to be with humans. Humans and what were essentially corpses shouldn’t fall in love, they shouldn’t be attracted to or otherwise cared about by humans. It was dangerous, and not in the good way. Not in the gorgeous way that excited me, but in the way that terrified me, that shocked me, that I didn’t want to happen.
I made my excuses and asked James to carry me back to my home.
“Thank you,” I whispered, as he put me down. It still amazed me how quick he was, even though he had run with me many times.
He nodded curtly and turned, dashing away faster than I could see.
I sighed, unlocking the door and dropping my keys into the wicker basket on the shelf next to the door.
No reply.
“Mum, I’m home!” I called, dropping my bag onto the wooden floor. Still, no reply.
I tutted, assuming that she’d gone out to the shop, and walked into the kitchen. I poured myself a glass of water and as I drank it I strolled into the living room and switched the television on. I put my glass down on the coffee table and noticed the scrap of paper lying next to the remote.
The most amazing thing showed up in the travel agents window! A trip to New Zealand, and I know I’ve been, but it was only 400 and I thought hey, why not? Used the money I had from Granddad Nick and left you the rest of it, so there’s now 600 for you in the bank! I don’t know how long I’m going for, I think about three months. I’ll send you something New Zealand-y for xmas, baby girl.
Mummy. X

I scowled at the note before crumpling it up at putting it in the bin. I was used to her just upping at leaving me. I should have expected it; I guess I just didn’t expect to come home to a note telling me she had used £400 out of the grand we were meant to save. My mother’s father had given it to us, and told us to invest it very carefully. I scoffed at it and turned the television off, angrily throwing the remote down.
I sat in my room, listening to The Beatles turned up very loudly, and then gave up. It was getting late, and I still hadn’t even looked at the Chemistry homework I had.
I took a long shower, not bothering to do anything with my hair. It dried slowly, slicked back with water, and I knew it would dry so that my fringe would not lie flat, but I didn’t care. I put on my old baggy blue t shirt and called Todd, then Sam, and neither of them understood the homework. I considered calling Ruth, but I didn’t know her number, so that was a no-go.
I jumped at the sound of my phone ringing, Paramore’s ‘Ignorance’ suddenly playing, with ‘Kathy’ flashing up on my screen.
“Hello!” I answered as I pressed the green call button.
“Hey, it’s Kathy. Do you get the Chem.?”
“Absolutely not! I was about to call you, in fact,” I admitted.
We both gave up on the homework, and we talked until I realised the time and reluctantly said goodbye. I crawled into my nice, cold bed and curled up into a ball.
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i saw paramore play the n.i.a on the 11th dec. jeeeaaalous? ;)