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Until the Moon Burns


I could see myself, being examined by an elderly doctor with a white beard, tutting and shaking his head.
“It’s a right pity, mate,” he would say to a cop, in a broad accent, before lifting me into a black body bag, zipping me up and shoving me carelessly into the back of a van. Other cops would shake their heads and comment on the wildness of the animals around here. They would draw straws to see who had to tell my mother I had been mauled by an animal and then bled to death (even though no blood was found), who wouldn’t be home when they called.
Of course, nobody would guess I had been killed by a vampire. Why would they? The number of deaths reported in America that were actually vampire hunting trips shocked me.
“I’ll always watch you,” James growled, snatching his cold hand away. “See you soon,” he promised, and then he was a blur moving away from me.
I stumbled, and it was a while before I realised he wasn’t going to come up from behind me and kill me, though I kept looking back as I ran into the school gates.
Freedom was pretty good.
Once you got past the shaky realisation that you’re alive, it’s good. Once you’ve fallen over a few times because you’re so amazed your legs turn into jelly. And the pain brings you back.
I sighed, walking into the school building.
I wandered the corridors, not knowing where I was going. My bag was still hanging off my shoulder, and I adjusted it as I remembered it would now be the final lesson of the day. How long had I been with James? It had felt like days, trapped in that fear.
I decided not to go into class for the final hour; instead I went into the girl’s toilets, brushing my hair through and throwing a twig I pulled out into the bin, staring at it in disgust.
The old door creaked as it opened, and a petite, dark haired vampire girl strolled in.
“Oh, hello,” she smiled.
“Hi.” I replied, and I was a lot colder than I had intended. I was going to apologise, but she continued talking anyway.
“I’m Alice Cullen. You have a few classes with my brother, Edward,” she informed me. I’d seen her before, with him, but I’d never asked about his ‘family’.
“Ah,” I nodded, shaking my hair out.
Alice stopped for a second, her eyes closed, and her hands in fists.
Oh, no, I’d forgotten how I smelled to her. I expected to be thrown against the wall or something painful, but she carried on.
She was in control of herself.
“We’re having a party tomorrow,” she told me, smiling.
What? Was this an invitation? I was going to party with the vampires? On the other hand, it was a chance to see Edward in a different environment.
“Right,” I nodded again.
“And I know Edward would just love it if you could come,” she beamed, a twinkle in her eye. He would love it if I could come? What was this, some sick joke? He’d love it if I was on the menu?
Perhaps some of my thoughts echoed in my face, because she hastily spoke again.
“I know it’s a bit short notice, but it’s tomorrow at seven, and I could have Edward pick you up if you can’t find our house,” she smiled sweetly, handing me a perfectly handwritten note.
I admired the elegant swirls of her writing for a second, before she spoke again.
“Edward’s in the parking lot, sitting in his car. He’s missed you today,” she winked, and then she was gone.
It was so weird, how she knew where he was.
And he missed me?
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her little 'csi' moment amused me. it had to go in :)