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Until the Moon Burns


I rolled my eyes. “A vampire.”
“How did you...” He choked.
“Oh, it’s pretty easy to tell others when you know one,” I said, trying to keep calm. “I’ve just been around them for so long, I’m accustomed to it.”
Good. Play it cool. Let him know it doesn’t bother you.
“Them?” He questioned, his eyes wide.
“Yeah, James and his clan.”
“There’s James. He’s a tracker, too. Good at it. Roberta doesn’t have a power, but Damian? Damian can mess with your head. Like when you get lightheaded, it’s sort of like that, only worse - much worse. You can barely remember your name.” A shiver ran down my spine as I remembered how he would torture his victims before killing them.
“James did have another clan. Laurent, he was nice. He got killed by werewolves, and Victoria. Victoria was James’ mate a while back. He killed her. Ripped her up and burned the pieces. Wouldn’t let me watch. He killed her to be with me.” I whispered, watching for his reaction. He looked sickened. “I didn’t ask him to!” I added, quickly.
“And he...he picks you up from school?”
“Sometimes,” I muttered. Not anymore, I nearly added.
“Oh,” was all I got back.
“I’m walking back today,” I shrugged, as if it were nothing.
“You need a ride back?” he asked.
I was about to scream YES! at the top of my lungs, but then the moment was ruined by the other vampires. Why so considerate, I was screaming at myself! Screw them, say YES! YES! SAY IT, AUDREY! YES!
“Your family won’t mind? Don’t I smell yummy? I saw your brother earlier, and your sister doesn’t seem to like me at all.”
Understatement of the century. She detests me.
“You smell of old blood. And how did you know that? How you smell to us?” He asked, dodging how his sister hated me.
“James always said it,” I frowned. “Said if I wasn’t so gorgeous, he would have killed me and never thought twice,” I shook my head. He was so wrong.
We drove for a while, and I was so consumed in my thoughts about Edward and James that I only realised where we were when he spoke.
“I don’t know where you live,” he reminded me.
I wish you did, Edward. I wish you would come visit me every day and every night and never leave me. I wish you would come live with me. At night you could go back into your coffin and turn into a bat!
How desperate I sounded. I felt the heat rise up into my cheeks.
“Oh, yeah, sorry. Left here.”
He drove down the awful dirt track that I hated so much, and I hit my head against the window. It was a lot bumpier in my car, but at least I didn’t run the risk of concussion when I drove.
“It’s easier when James runs,” I groaned, rubbing where I had been injured. He smiled, shaking his head.
My pain was funny?!
“Sorry,” he apologized, looking genuine for once.
“What can you do?” I grinned. A real emotion, at last. “Change the track?” I caught him looking at my picket fence.
“Like my fence? I just couldn’t have a house without a picket fence.”
“It’s lovely,” he nodded.
“You live alone?” He asked, parking next to my Audi.
“No, but my mother only comes home every once in a while,” I sighed, thinking over the note she had left.
I got out and then leaned back in, like they do in the movies, smiling.
Very glam, Audrey. Don’t ruin it.
“Thanks for the ride. See you tomorrow?”
Good. Casual. Act like you don’t care.
“It’s Saturday tomorrow.” He reminded me as if I were stupid.
“Exactly, Alice invited me to your party,” I rolled my eyes as if it didn’t bother me. “You mind?” I added, quickly. Way to blow it, Audrey, I cursed myself.
“Of course not,” he smiled. Polite as usual. “But...try not to shower too much.”
I mock-saluted and got out. I waved him off as he drove back down the bad dirt track, then unlocked the front door.
I raced upstairs, put the music on too loud, and changed as quickly as I could.
“Tonight, Cat, I’ll be Alice in Wonderland,” I laughed to myself as I was putting on my makeup.
♠ ♠ ♠
tonight, cat....