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Until the Moon Burns


I curled my hair, put a white bow in it, and decided that was that. I shut off my music, locked the front door, checked it twice, and then called Kathy over.
“Okay, so the Cullen’s are having a party tomorrow night, and I need your help. Desperately.” I was talking to her as we ran up the stairs to my bedroom. “Well?” I gasped, out of breath, giving her a twirl.
“You look good.”
“Are you lying?”
I hit her, laughing. I stayed in my outfit all night, as Kathy and I watched bad old films and re-runs of classic Crime Scene Investigation episodes, eating all the ice-cream I had. When she left at eleven, I didn’t want her to.
“It’s my curfew,” she insisted, when I accused her of abandonment.
“Sure it is,” I rolled my eyes, but I hugged her goodbye anyway.
I changed into my pyjamas and crawled into bed. Again, it was a dreamless sleep that greeted me. I tossed and turned a little, but I eventually fell asleep. At six in the morning, my alarm woke me up. Groaning, I shut it off and went back to sleep.
I woke up properly at the healthy time of twelve. I ate a slice of melon and then did my hair and make up again, taking too long on it, which made me late for the party when I was finally finished.
I arrived at the Cullen house around half past seven, which wasn’t too bad. Fashionably late.
His house was incredible. It was painted a soft, faded white, three stories tall, rectangular and well proportioned. The windows and doors were either part of the original structure or a perfect restoration.
I knew the Cullen’s had money, but not to this extent! Three million, easily.
I should have worn something more expensive, I thought as I knocked, nervous.
I was expecting Edward to open the door, smirking, wearing a black smart tuxedo and a top hat, with beautiful people in long dresses and suits laughing at me in my silly costume, sipping champagne that was five hundred years old from diamond flutes.
Edward wouldn’t do that, would he?
I could always pass it off as a joke if they were all dressed up…
This was a mistake! I wanted to turn around, to run away, but the door was opening.
Edward stood there, smiling in a sweet way, (I hoped he was pleased to see me) and I grinned.
He was dressed as a vampire. A long, black cape adorned his shoulders and hung to his knees, his bronzed hair combed through, false blood on his lips.
“Hello, Edward!” I hugged him.
How cold he was, as cold and hard as marble. I could have hugged a statue.
“How do I smell?” I asked, giving a twirl.
“Very yummy,” he smirked.
Yes, you are, Edward.
Bad thoughts, bad thoughts!
“Perfect,” I laughed, punching his arm.
“Nice costume, I love the secret keeping.”
“Sometimes the best place to hide things is in plain view,” he told me, leaning in.
♠ ♠ ♠
this is the last one for a while. sorry.