Status: i'll update if i get comments/subscriptions/messages, i need to know its liked.

Until the Moon Burns

twenty three.

Perhaps the ukulele was for me.
He took a sheet of written music and pointed to each symbol, explaining what they meant.
“Right, so, this one is....D. Yeah?” I asked, pointing to a symbol that looked about right.
“Yeah.” He copied me, kissing my warm, pink cheek. He stroked my cheek and neck as I told him the others, making it impossible to concentrate.
“Hey, hey, no ideas about my neck!” I laughed, leaning onto him.
“Never.” His voice had the tone of promise as he took my hand.
I tried to copy the song he had played first with my other hand.
“I wrote that for you,” he said.
“Really?” So, he felt the same way?
“Yes, you inspire me, Audrey,” he smiled as I blushed a beetroot red. I kissed his cheek and then remembered something.
“I ended things with James today,” I said.
“And how did he take it?” he asked, tracing my lips. I kissed his finger and nodded.
“Better than expected. He just he would always watch out for me and he would see me again soon.” I tried to smile, weakly. That wasn’t exactly the truth.
“That sounds like a threat,” I snarled, tensing.
“It’s not, Edward. It’s not. James has a...strange way of expressing himself. We’ll be fine.”
Were we a ‘we’? What was this? I didn’t know if I trusted myself around her, or that she could trust me. I was just so unsure. Should she be with me, a vampire, was it too dangerous?
“Yeah, we. You wouldn’t just kiss me and then not ask me to be your girlfriend, would you, Mr Cullen?” I smiled, but then I got worried.
His hands were bloody freezing, but I wasn’t letting go.
“Whoa, what is this?” I asked, terrified he was about to walk out on me. I was too forward. I knew it.
“I’m cold to you,” he explained, sounding like I should have known that.
“Oh, I don’t mind about that,” I said, and he really should have known that.
“Ask me then,” I laughed, leaning against my chest.
What if he doesn’t want to? What if he just wanted to kiss me? What if I'm nothing to him but dinner?
“Audrey, I’d like you to be my girlfriend.”
This was one of those ‘movie moments’, where, for a minute, at least, life is perfect.
♠ ♠ ♠
i need one of these guys.
for my goddamn sanity.