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Until the Moon Burns

twenty four.

This was one of those ‘movie moments’, where, for a minute, at least, life is perfect.
“Tough luck,” I smirked.
His face dropped, his mouth slightly open, he looked shocked.
“I’m joking, Eddie. I’d love to.”
His eyebrows raised slightly at ‘Eddie’, but he made no objections.
“Do you have a middle name, Audrey? Your name is proving difficult to shorten.”
“It’s Elizabeth. I want a special name, if I’m having one. Something that means something.”
“You’re very demanding!” He joked, clicking his tongue.
“Hey, I’m your problem now.” I stroked his bronze hair and kissed him, amazed at how each kiss was different, how it felt new and exciting every time. He broke the kiss and I scowled. “What did you do that for?”
He didn’t answer me, but instead leaned in, about to kiss me again. The temptation and eagerness was almost too much for me to bear, and then I heard the door open. His mother was standing there, and then Edward nodded as if in agreement, and she beamed.
“Everyone else has gone home,” Esme told us. “You’re very welcome to stay the night, Audrey,” She offered.
“Oh, um. Thanks, but...” I trailed off, not quite sure I wanted to spend the night with vampires who liked the way I smelled. I also didn’t want to mention the nightmares I had, and how I didn’t have any sleeping tablets to make them go away.
“Yes?” Edward asked, and it was that that made me want to stay over-he wanted me to stay.
“Well, do you have a bed?” I asked, trying to smile. Edward sighed, almost in relief. What did he think I was going to say?
“Yes, we have beds,” he muttered.
“Oh, of course we do, dear!” Esme laughed, coming into the room, glancing at our interlocked fingers and smiling. “Do you need to call your mother and let her know?”
“She’s not in at the moment,” I told her, “but I really should go. I don’t have any other clothes, and I don’t suppose this costume will look as fantastic in the morning,” I tried to get out of it, I really did.
“Nonsense, we have piles and piles of never worn clothes headed for Goodwill, that’s not a problem.” Esme said.
I wasn’t going anywhere, was I?
“Then yes please, I’d love to.” I grinned.
By the way, if you find me screaming and yelling, just drug me. It’s apparently the usual thing to do.
Esme waved and walked to the door. She was about to shut the door behind herself before she turned and grinned at us.
“We also have food, before you worry, darling,” and then she went, leaving us alone again, sitting on the piano bench holding hands, the contrast of ice and warm.
“She’s so nice, your mum,” I commented, trying to make conversation.
“You know she isn’t my mother?”
“Really? I thought she looked good for a hundred years old,” I rolled my eyes.
He kissed me again, and I grabbed him by the cape and pulled him down on top of me as I lay on the piano bench.
We stayed for a while before I pulled away, kissing him softly on the mouth, sitting up and resting my head on his chest.
♠ ♠ ♠
and id love to play the piano.