Status: i'll update if i get comments/subscriptions/messages, i need to know its liked.

Until the Moon Burns

twenty six.

Life. Is. Perfect.
I rolled my eyes, just to show I knew he was only saying it to be nice, and slipped under the duvet.
“You may be slightly biased,” I said, yawning.
He walked to the door, ready to leave me all alone.
“Stay with me,” I whispered, sitting up in bed and hugging the duvet. He nodded, and in less than a second, he was lying next to me. I shivered, but I didn’t move. I wasn’t sure why I had asked him to stay, because I wasn’t going to sleep anyway, now I would have to pretend, but I supposed I would rather lie for hours and pretend to be than sit alone in his bedroom. He was really cold, though.
“Get out a sec,” I said, standing up on the bed. He obliged, and I wrapped the duvet around myself like a big pig in blanket thing, and then lay back down.
“Problem solved,” I grinned, as he put his arm around me and kissed my head.
I worried about my sleeping pill, and what I would do if I did fall asleep, so I tried to be as still as I could, trying to be uncomfortable so sleep wouldn’t come.
I rolled over, trying to look like I was asleep, and put my hand on his chest. I didn’t actually understand him, I didn’t know much about his family, but I felt safer here, with him stroking my hair, than I had ever felt in my life. I secure, knowing he (and probably his family, too) would stop any harm that could possibly come my way. I didn’t fear James, I didn’t fear the vampires downstairs, nor the one I was ‘sleeping’ next to. I smiled a little, not letting Edward see, and, for the first time in over a year, I let sleep wash over me.
I wish I hadn’t.
I was in the forest, alone. And barefoot. The twigs broke under my footfall, and for some reason, the sound made me anxious. I anticipated a large black bear or some other big, scary Audrey-eating animal, but none came. I kept walking, twigs kept snapping, yet still, I felt uncomfortable, and the hairs on the back of my neck standing up, goose bumps on my arms and legs and adrenaline pumping through my veins only heightened my sense of fear. Something was coming-I just didn’t know what. I stood still, listening to the frantic, uneven beating of my frightened heart, and waited. I took a deep breath to calm myself. I focused hard, trying to pick out any abnormal sounds in the shroud of silence covering the forest.
A twig snapped.
My heart raced.
♠ ♠ ♠
im not the best at tension, i do apologise.