Status: i'll update if i get comments/subscriptions/messages, i need to know its liked.

Until the Moon Burns


I went to bed early that night, my clothes prepared, a nice grey t-shirt and a checked shirt and some jeans that went well with the t-shirt.
I had a dreamless sleep, and I was thankful because the dream about my Nan would probably haunt me for a while. If I had had a dream, I had forgotten it.
As The Killers’ ‘Indie Rock and Roll’ woke me up, I groaned. Butterflies filled my stomach and my mouth felt dry.
I even felt slightly sick as I waited for my toast to pop up. I listened to Radio 2 as I waited; nodding in time to the classics they always played. The sound of the toast popping up made me jump and give a little yell, and as I put on the jam I was singing along to Bon Jovi’s ‘Always’.
My mother, as usual, was not awake, so I hoped my yell hadn’t woken her, but it took a lot to wake her so I was safe.
I showered, dried my hair and sat listening to music for a while. I was halfway through an air-guitar solo when I realized the time. I should have left five minutes ago! Already late on my first day! I wasn’t going to take the Audi, because I had no fuel in it, but I now seriously considered stealing some from a parked car somewhere.
I sighed, realizing I would only be wearing foundation today, and my hair would be wavy. Oh well, there was nothing to be done now. It was my own fault for rocking out for so long.
I walked the three mile to school, my shoulders aching with the weight of my bag stuffed with books. I kept changing the side it was on every so often but it still weighed me down. I was suddenly very glad that I had rented a locker for the year; the weight of my bag today would have crushed me into a little pile of dust.
I was ten minutes late for the start of the Forks High day, but I always had the excuse ‘I got lost’ for a while.
Forks High School was tiny. Little bricked red units scattered here and there, along with a similar main building. There weren’t any signs to tell me where me to go, so I followed the people coming out of their cars.
A certain car caught my eye-a new silver Volvo 560R, with obvious tune-ups. Leather interior, it must have been idyllic to drive. And not a dent on it, I thought sadly, thinking of my poor Audi.
I followed a tall brunette girl, and I saw the sign for the Reception area. As she walked to the left, away from the Reception, I was silently thinking how good I must have looked, finding my way into the Reception all on my own!
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mmmm, leather interior :D