Status: i'll update if i get comments/subscriptions/messages, i need to know its liked.

Until the Moon Burns


As she walked to the left, away from the Reception, I was silently thinking how good I must have looked, finding my way into the Reception all on my own!
“Hello, I’m new. Audrey Black?” I gave my name, though it was pretty obvious they had been waiting for me-I saw my timetable already on the receptionist’s desk.
She wasn’t young, Mrs Cope, but she was efficient, and I’d give her that.
“Oh, Audrey! Yes, ah-here we go,” she grinned, falsely, passing me the timetable. Yeah, pretend you haven’t been glaring at the clock for the past ten minutes wondering where I am, I thought as I smiled as sweetly as I could.
“Thanks very much,” I said, simpering.
“And here’s your map, and your locker key” she said, looking at me over her glasses, passing me a not-so-detailed map and a silver key that was plain apart from the numbers ‘134’ engraved on the top of it.
The burning ache of pain in my shoulders was still present, so I quickly made my way over to my locker, which was situated quite conveniently at the opposite of the corridor. I heaved a sigh of relief, but I was still worried. What if I didn’t fit in at all? What were the kids like? Were they nice? I assumed so, because everybody knew everybody and usually, in small towns, everyone gets on freakishly well because everyone is terrified that people might find out what they say about others.
I emptied my books I didn’t need for the morning classes and used the map to find my way to French. I arrived fifteen minutes late, but I had the ‘lost’ excuse to save myself for a while.
I took a deep breath, pulling on the door handle slowly. I really didn’t want to go in, already the room smelled odd, like rust and salt.
I opened the door, ignoring the strange smell, and walked to the teacher’s desk.
“Mister Rogers?” Was that his name? Damn, I should have checked the name before I went in. Maybe it was Mr definitely began it with an R. I felt like such an idiot, standing there while he ruffled through papers, but he soon spoke.
“Ah, you must be...”
He’d just forgotten my name. I was inwardly relieved-at least I had his name right.
“Audrey Black, sir,” I muttered, shyly. I was shy now? What had school done to me?!
You’re sixteen, not six, Audrey. Act it! I told myself, but my palms were still sweating.
“Yes, yes, I remember now,” Obvious lie. “Why don’t you take a seat next to...”
I looked at the class for the first time, interested, new faces I didn’t know staring at me and...
♠ ♠ ♠
the stepford wives of forks?