Status: done

Heart Brake and Secrets


Kyle sighed he didn't feel like being in school today, so he decided to skip, yeah his parents would be a little annoyed but he just couldn't concentrate. He turned his i pod on, he had it on random so he didn't know what was going to come on at any point in time. He walked along the sidewalk in the park air drumming along to the music, he looked like he was crazy to people who didn't know him, but the drum beats were the only thing that made since to him when his ADHD was out of control (and he didn't take his meds). He continued to walk and drum and sing a little until he saw a friend of his Mom's.

"Hey Garret!" Kyle greeted the cop

"Hi Kyle! aren't you suppose to be in school?"

"Yeah but I'm so happy, and hyper i can't sit or stand still."

"What else is new?" they both laughed a little

"I told Mom and Dad about Jackson and me this morning."

"Good for you kid! How did they take it?" Garret had known about them since they first started going out because he was Jackson's only living relative, his uncle.

"Great! mom just told me not to talk about the details of us to her." they both laughed "So what are you up to Uncle G?"

"Working! Which is what you should be doing at school" Kyle cracked his famous 'I'm innocent!' smile

"Officer down! officer down! 12789 Crackin avenue all units respond!" Garrets radio announced

"That's in Mom and Jackson's area!" Kyle exclaimed loosing what little color he had in his pale face

"Go home kid! I'll have Jack and Saski call you!" Garret ordered radioing in saying he was on his way because it was only about three blocks from where they were.

"NO! I can't I have to come! its either my boyfriend or mom!" Kyle said near tears with worry and fear for his family.

"Fine just stay out of the way if we tell you to okay?" he sighed as they both started to run.

The first thing Kyle saw when he got to the accident was Jackson visibly shaken and looking like he was in shock, horror was written all over his face but Kyle didn't pay attention to that, his first reaction was to breath a sigh of relief. Jackson saw him and automatically went over to him shaking vilolenty,

"Ky" He whispered wrapping his arms around his boyfriend, " I'm so sorry! I couldn't help it I couldn't stop him." He muttered tears streaming down the Young officer's face.

"What? What happened?" Kyle asked, a tight clenching feeling came over his gut.

"It's Saski... she- she-" he stuttered taking a deep breath to settle himself "She got shot by a druggie we were trying to stop."

"WHAT?" he gasped "NO! It cant be! your lying!" he gasped again backing away from Jackson and running to where he now knew his mother was laying "MOMMY!" he cried seeing her laying on the ground blood soaked through her shirt, and the bandages that were being held tightly to her stomach, it was hard for her to breath he could see that. His dad was at the ground holding her head sobbing

"I love you, I can't loose you Saski!" he murmured over and over.

"Mommy! No!"he sobbed running over to her side "Isn't there anything you can do to save her?" he sobbed at the other police officers there, the ambulance was having trouble getting there, and even if they arrived at that moment Saskia was already too far gone.

"Kyle" Saskia gasped "I Love you." gasp"take care of your self." gasp "You always have-" gasp "been my son." gasp "And always will be." gasp, she reached out for his hand, he took it and held it to his face, she turned it so she could stroke his cheek one last time.

"Don't talk like that. You have to survive!! you have to mom you have to." he sobbed

"It's" gasp "My time." she knew she wasn't going to make it much longer, so she had to say her final piece. "Gavin." gasp

"I'm here baby, m here." he didn't even try to hide the fact he was crying from her.

"I love you" gasp, "Never forget that." gasp "Be happy with out me."

"I can't! I need you!"

"Promise me!" gasp "It's the only thing I'm asking you."

"I'll try." he finally sobbed, as he did the sky broke loose. Rain pelted down on them mixing with Saskia's blood and Gavin's tears.

"I" gasp "Love" gasp "You."

"I love you too, I always will." he leaned down and kissed her, they kissed each other with everything they had, neither noticing the thunder in the distance or the tears being she ad by the people who were watching them. As she took her last breath and went limp in Gavin's arms thunder crashed, and the rain got harder. The sky was truly crying, the loss of Saskia was a loss to the world.

******************************************two years later*****************************************

Jackson and Kyle stood above Saskia's grave, It had been exactly two years since her death and they wanted to pay their respects to the wondrous woman they had both lost. As it had the day she died, it seemed the sky was crying along with them, instead of the gut wrenching sobs they had shed two years ago today they only shed a few memorial tears.

"Ky." Jackson said looking down at the other man,

"Yeah Jack?" Kyle responded looking over at him,

"I know this might not be really an appropriate place to do this, but I wanted your mom to be with us..."

"What are you getting at Jack?" Kyle asked confused

"Kyle, I've known you since I was 16, and you were 9. We've been together since before it was technically legal. All we've been through has only brought us closer." he said slipping his hand into his pocket, "I love you Ky, I really do, so I have to ask you, Will you marry me if same sex marriage becomes legal in our state?"

"J-Jack, are you serious?" he asked shocked,

"Yes, this is the most sure I've ever been in my life."

"YES!! A million times over yes!" he laughed in amazement and joy, Jack kissed Kyle. Just like tow years ago there was a kiss in the rain. But unlike that tragic day, it wasn't a goodbye kiss, it was a new beginning.