A Forbidden Love

Chapter Four: Surprise

Chapter Four: Surprise

I followed Nathan into the woods. I had let him lead a ways back and wasn’t minding one bit. My mind was on different things. I thought back to Ash. He had saved me and I had passed out on him. I didn’t even remember if I had said thank you. It all feels like a dream.

“What are you thinking about doll?” Nathan asks me. I was getting tired of the nickname and decided to tell him.

“Why must you call me that? It makes me think that you are a little girl and want her doll.” That gets a laugh out of him.

“No I just think along the measure of making you do anything I want like a doll.” He grins wolfishly at me. I shrink back. There was no way that I would let him use me in anyway.

“You just keep thinking that, it will never happen.” I run my fingers through my drying hair, wishing that I could just run away form all this trouble. I hated werewolves and yet I had to live with them and put up with them. Where was the fun in that?

I realize with a sudden jolt that I am all alone. My family left me and I was forced from my home. I was wet and no one would hold me. I didn’t have a shoulder to cry on. All these thoughts came rushing at me, but when I thought about Ash and how he had saved me, all my thoughts disappeared. I found shelter in his thoughts.

“We’re here. You will get to meet my pack. I’ll save my beta for last though.” Nathan leads me to a small clearing that holds several small houses. I look around and count them. There are three small houses and two really big ones.

“What are the houses for?” I ask. I notice that there isn’t anyone around but us.

“The first small one there is where our eldest pack members live. We have two living there at the moment. The one in the middle is where our young pups live. The farthest one is where our females live. We have two females that are both expecting pups. I would stay well away from them. They will think of you as someone trying to steal their pups and mother them your self. You wouldn’t last long against one of them, even if they are pregnant. They will give birth any day now, maybe even today.” As he finishes talking a howl of pain is shot up into the air. Nathan stops and looks at me excitedly.

“What’s wrong?” I ask.

“Anna is giving birth. Follow me.” He leads me toward the first small house. I realize as we get closer that it is more of a cottage than a house. I stop at the door and he enters. He senses I’m not with him and returns.

“I’m not going in there if she’s going to attack me.” I say stubbornly. He rolls his eyes.

“I’ll hide you behind me. I just want you to see our newest members.” He takes my hand and pulls me into the house after him. I pass several people sitting on a couch in the first room before entering a second room. There is a girl sitting on the edge of the bed. Under the covers is a different girl. She looks to be 17 at the oldest. I gasp in shock.

“She’s the one having kids?” I whisper to Nathan he nods. “But she’s barely an adult.” I whisper in horror. I couldn’t believe that she was in this position. I would die if I had to give birth at such a young age. From what I hear it is really painful.

I tune back in just as Nathan asks a man a question. “How is she Ervin?”

“She’s already given birth to a healthy boy. He looks like his dad. There’s another on the way. She is only having two this labor.” The man answers Nathan. I look out from behind Nathan at the woman sitting on the bed. Her stomach is huge and looks about to pop. I feel sorry for her, but all the while wondering when she’s going to go into labor.

It’s like my thoughts pressure the woman. One second she’s sitting there holding the other female’s hand, (I remember her name to be Anna) and the next she’s rolling on the ground screaming.

“She’s going into labor, too, doc.” Nathan picks the woman up in his strong arms and leads to another room in the back of the house. He sits her on the bed and I stand in the doorway, unsure of what to do. “Get me blankets out of that closet next to the door.” Nathan commands me. I hurriedly comply.

I turn to the door next to me and open it. I grab the first blankets I find and carry them over to the bed. The woman growls at me and bares her teeth. She is quieted as a contraction hits her.

“Be still Natasha.” Nathan runs his hand through Natasha’s hair. I turn away, giving them a moment. “She is my sister.” Nathan answers my unasked question.

“I thought she looked a little like you.” It was true that Natasha looked like Nathan. She had his brown hair and his brown eyes. Another contraction hits Natasha and she scream in agony. I close my eyes and turn my back.

The next sound I hear is a crying. I turn to find Nathan holding a baby in his arms. He is staring down at it with pride in his eyes.

“What is it?” Natasha asks, trying to keep the pain out of her voice. I take a step toward them and she growls at me. “Take another step and I’ll rip your head off.” She growls. I stop in my tracks.

“It’s a beautiful baby boy.” Nathan says longingly. “I wish I had a son of my own, even a daughter would do.” He turns and looks at me. I blush at his meaning. I turn away from him and quickly leave the room, giving brother and sister alone time.

I walk back into the room holding Anna. She is lying on the bed with two bundles on her lap, one in each arm. “Hello.” I say quietly. Anna’s head jerks up and she growls at me. “I won’t hurt you. I don’t want to take your babies. They are safe.” I say, trying to calm her down. She stops growling, but keeps her shoulders tense, ready to attack at any sudden movements.

“You may approach, but do so slowly and keep your hands behind your back.” she says after some time. I nod and walk slowly toward her. I look down to the bundles in her arms. I first see the beautiful first-born boy.

“What is his name?” I ask, longing to hold him in my arms. I keep my arms behind my back.

“I will name him Andrew. He will make his father proud.” She says, pride clear in her voice.

“Where is his father?” I ask. Her eyes cloud over.

“I’m not sure. He hasn’t come back from patrol yet and I’m worried. He took Nathan out to check the perimeter,” She says, being truthful.

“Is he big with cream fur?” I ask. She nods. “He’s back. I came back with Nathan and a wolf matching that description.”

“I won’t let him see his son until I am strong enough to leave the bed. I must make sure that my children are safe.” I remember that some male wolves eat their children. It’s a gross thought, I know.”

My eyes scan over the other bundle. I move closer to it, trying to see inside. Anna moves it so I can see it better.

“This is my beautiful, precious baby girl.” She says. I look down at the baby in front of me. My arms reach out. Anna jerks the baby away from me, and growls. I take a step back and lower my head. “Don’t do that again or I won’t let you near them” she threatens. I nod and move slowly back toward her, keeping my head down.

“Is it rare to have a baby girl?” I ask. She nods.

“There has only been one born in our pack. Natasha is the only born werewolf in these parts. All the other females are turned.” She answers. I nod.

“May I hold her?” I find myself asking, even though she warned me to keep my hands to myself. Anna looks over at me and looks into my eyes. I stare at her, letting her study me.

“I guess. Don’t leave my sight.” She slowly, hesitantly hands me the baby. I hold her to my arms and stare down at her. I sit on the bed, making sure to not sit on Anna’s legs. Anna watches me closely.

“What will you name her?” I ask. If I were she, I would name her Dawn. I look up at Anna and find her studying me.

“What would you name her?” she asks me. I stare at her.

“I would name her Dawn, or May.” I answer truthfully, not really caring what she thinks of the names.

“I like the name Dawn. I have decided that I will call her Dawn. Now may I have your name?” she looks at me. I stare at her with my mouth hanging open. She laughs. “Better close that mouth before a fly flies in.” I find myself laughing at that one.

“I just can’t believe that I got to name a rare creature. I feel special. You don’t even know me and yet you let me name this beautiful baby.” I look longingly at the baby in my arms, finally realizing how Nathan must have felt. I wanted this to happen to me too.

“Doll?” Nathan hollered my hated nickname. I roll my eyes and ignore him.

“Is your name doll?” Anna asks, laughing at my expression. I shake my head.

“My name is Paige.” I say.

“My name is Anna.” She says in reply. I nod.

“Nathan told me when he heard the howl. I must ask you one question though, did it hurt?” I ask bluntly. Anna stares at me before laughing.

“If you must know, yes. It hurt like no other thing I’ve ever experienced.” I look into her tired eyes.

“I’ll leave now.” I hand her back her baby. She smiles at me.

“I think that we will be fast friends Paige. I’ll seek you out later.” She says. I nod and get up off the bed. I make it to the door just as it is thrown open. I look up into the eyes of an angry Nathan.

“There you are.” He grabs my wrist and pulls me out the bedroom door. “Where have you been?” he demands.

“I was talking to Anna.” I snap. He was getting on my nerves. “Why do you care?” I shout.

“I care about my future mate’s safety.” I look up at him in shock. I couldn’t believe that he was cocky enough to think that I would choose him. So far, Garret and him were on my bad side. I wouldn’t choose either of them if they didn’t start treating me better. Doing exactly what I did to Garret, I smacked Nathan.

Nathan, not expecting this, turns back to me with anger in his eyes. He pulls his hand back and I cower under his gaze. I wait to feel the pain, but none comes.

“I will not harm my mate.” He says.

“I am not your mate!” I scream at him. He looks at me, releasing his fury. He throws me on the ground.

“I will not be spoken to like that.” He pulls off his belt that was around his waist. I look up at him in horror. I crawl backwards across the floor, trying to escape him. He walks after me calmly. I run into a door and reach up to open it. The belt comes down and hits my leg. I scream in pain.

The scream seems to snap Nathan back into reality because he drops the rope like it’s the devil and turns to me. “I’m so sorry. I don’t know what came over me.” He drops to his knees and covers his face with his hands.

I hold my hand over my stinging leg and look at him. He was so confusing. One second he was all funny and then he was serious. When he got mad he had two different sides. One that used words the other that used violence. I had no idea if I would want a mate like that. I would probably not be picking him anytime soon. I still had a while though, just not sure how much time. I couldn’t remember how much time my father said I had, if he had even told me how long.

I unwillingly put my hand on Nathan’s back and pat him. “It’s ok. I forgive you.” I lie easily. I didn’t know if I could ever forgive him. Nathan looked up into my eyes, seeing if I was telling the truth. He didn’t catch my lie. He pulled me against him.

“Let’s go meet my beta.” He says. As we walk away I remember to ask about Natasha.

“How is Natasha? Did she only have one baby?” I ask.

“She’s great. She had two healthy strong boys. I heard about Anna’s boy, did she have another?” he asks me.

“She had a boy and a girl.” Nathan stops dead in his tracks. He turns to face me.

“Are you lying to me?” he demands. I shake my head no and take a step back.

“Everyone come here.” Nathan shouts into the quiet afternoon. He is beaming and seems to be really excited.

“I have great news.” Nathan starts as everyone files in around him. I stand behind him, not sure of my place in this pack yet. “There has been a baby girl born in this pack. It was born to Anna just moments ago. I want two of our strongest warriors to guard that house, along with her mate George.” Without another word he walked away, leaving people gossiping and talking behind him. I followed him.

“Where are we going?” I ask him. He leads me to the second biggest house there.

“We are going to let you meet the beta.” He leads me into the house and up the stairs. I don’t get a good look at my surroundings. I have enough trouble trying to keep up.

Nathan stops in front of the last door in the long hallway. He beats on the door and someone inside says enter. He opens the door and lets us in. I look around the room. My eyes rest on a chair with someone in it. I can’t see over the back to see who it is, but I wish that they would turn around.

“This is Paige. “Nathan says to the quiet room. The chair swivels around and I gasp.

There, sitting in all his glory, was Ash. What an unpleasant surprise.