Status: May not continue


Moving and setteling in

She thanked the taxi driver and went out in the colorful street, the leaves were just turning yellow and red and a little green in between all the other, it wasn't very cold, even though it was autumn. She walked into the air port with a smile on her lips; she couldn't wait to get to L.A. She sighted and took a seat at the airport; it was another hour before they could boarder the plane. “You didn't think you could go to L.A. without saying goodbye, did you?” she heard a voice coming from behind her, she smiled. She hadn't had time to say goodbye to her friends before she left, of course she had told them, she had been looking forward to this for months, but they had to go to work and school. I was already finished at College as I was a smart kid, so I started when I was 15 years old on Salem College, the oldest still remaining Woman College in U.S. Oh, we had much fun there. : P. “Apparently not” I said with a smile on my face while I hugged them. We sat and talked, laughed and cried until it was my turn to board the plane. We hugged and I boarded my plane, I turned on my Blood red IPod nano and fell asleep.
I woke up as the plane landed and gathered my things, when I came to the airport, I waited for my aunt to come get me. She had lived here in almost her whole life, when she moved when she here was 17. She was a waiter on a little, busy café in Los Angeles. But I have nearly never visited her; she always came to visit us, she loved Grafton (in Vermont, where I originally come from) and its nature.
I saw she coming through the air port waving to me, I waved back and went and hugged her. We got into her old charming car, It was like greenish like color, and my aunt loved it. We drove through the city that was beautiful, to the little cafe in the town. It was very modern and I felt a little out, since I still wore my travel clothes, which were a dark blue, loose Capri and a black tank top.

After that we left to meet the owner of my new house, which was beautiful, with thousands of flowers in the front, I adored flowers. It wasn't that many in the back yard as expected. I couldn't wait to plant flowers, and I also wanted to make a pond there. I smiled to myself.
My aunt left me to get some time to myself and Pack out, you know, like little things. I loved packing and decorating and stuff like that, little things to do. My new bed was already on my bedroom delivered and I suddenly felt very tired. I lay my head on the pillow and the next thing I knew I was asleep.
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This is how Penelope looks like:)