That Dance You Took Away

The doll in a princess wonderland

"Nixxy I love you" Alex whispered to me,

we were in his shiny new and flash, red car. He had bought it for our prom and my dress, with his suit and tie went with the colour.
I pushed my curled black hair and sighed. I was so happy. He made me so happy. His hand moved over to mine and our fingers linked, I moved my eyes to him and smiled as he had his concenrating face on, he looked so funny when he drove around.
My dress was a strapless but boofy at the bottom, ballroom gown. My mum had bought it for me awhile ago, but when she had I didn't like it, it was too big for my liking, I didn't like to stand out. But then Alex came into my life and he made me feel like I belonged here, I was meant to walk around like a normal girl, with a normal but perfect boyfriend. I really did love him.

"Alex, when we get there, I'll probably run to a know that right??" I whispered, my smile faintly across my lips,

"I know, that's why I'm going to grab you and take you to the dance floor!" he spoke out loud, making it positive I knew he was going to do excately that,

"Ahh no!" I moaned, looking out my window annoyied,

"Yep, you'll love it. Being the main star infront of the whole school. No one can look at you different now, you look you always have done" he whispered the last bit, my cheeks blushed,

I didn't reply, showing him he had left me speechless. He does that alot.
My eyes glistened when I layed my eyes on our school. The lights that shone from every angle, the tinsle and chirstmas trees (it was the 14th of December, only 10 day's till Chirstmas Eve...10 days till mine and Alex's 1 year anniversery)
He parked the car in the furtherest space, I groaned making him laugh,

"Well I want you to show yourself off to everyone. Because I love you and want everyone to see the perfect girl I'm with!" he chuckled out, me just shooting him glares,

"I'm not perfect! Your perfect, you shouldn't be with'd should be with girls like Lacey!" I glared and then sighed out, knowing I couldn't hold in the want to just be a popular girl,

"I love you Nixxy, not Lacey" he admitted, holding my hand and kissing it lightly,

I giggled and we soon left the car. He closed both our doors and then let me press the locking button, me acting like a kid and jumping around, wanting to press it.
Everyone watched me and glared, so I was childish?? What of it??...
Alex took hold of my hand, then walked slowly over to the huge main doors. My eyes widening when I watched everyone walking in, their hair perfect, not a single hair out of place...all their dresses flairing and looking wonderful. I looked down at my dress and just sighed,

"What is it baby??" Alex tightened his hold on my hand lightly,

"I don't fit in" I sighed, letting go of his hand and walking the opposite way to the school,

"Nixxy!" he called, I tried to hurry away from him but he caught me,

I soon found myself hoovering in the air, my legs kicking around as he had scooped me up and was walking towards school, like I was a baby.
I crossed my arms and didn't look at him once as he walked us over there. He didn't even put me down when he signed us in!...the door man looked at me confused and then looked away as I gave him the glare of all glares, "Not a word!" it said...
When we got into the sports hall, the lights were down low and the disco ball was alite. It was magical and it looked amazing,

"See, you like it now that we're inside" he laughed as he put me down,

I crossed my arms and looked away from him. His arms wrapping around my waist as he stood behind me. He rested his chin on my shoulder and whispered little sweet things in my ear. He loved me, he didn't want to be without me. But then he whispered he had to go for a minute, I turned around and felt cold as I watched his back walk away. My eyes followed him but soon enough people pushed past me and I was left on my own, in the middle of the dance floor...looking a complete idiot.
I grabbed the material of my dress and shuffled out of the crowd, towards the nearest corner. Sinking to the floor with my dress spraying out everywhere. My hair was already looking messy but I couldn't care less, Alex had left me and I had no idea where he was...
A few girls walked past and laughed at my state of affairs, I just glared at them then looked at the moving bodies of everyone dancing. I thought I saw a shimmer of red but when I looked again it wasn't there...did I imagine it??
I stood up slowly and walked toward the refreshment table. Two guys were pouring what looked like Vodka into the fruit punch, making me walk back into my corner and huddling into a ball.
I buried my face into the material and wished I was at home, in my normal baggy Pj's bottoms, hugging onto my old and ruined teddy. I wanted to be in a safe place, not in this princess wonderland where I didn't belong.
Alex came into view, my eyes pleading him to come over, I moved my hand up about to wave until I saw where his hand was attached to Lacey's...her cold perfectly form fingers linked with his.
He said he loved me!
I felt the tears flow down my cheeks before I even knew I was crying. Standing up quickly, not caring that my dress ripped on the underside. I stood there and watched as they danced together...each others hands going places they shouldn't have been. Then my eyes burst new thich tears as he kissed her lips passionatly, making her eyes lol-shut...
My breathing started to hitch and when people walked past me, they saw my face, made their eyes look at where I was looking, and then looking back at me. Their eyes wide with shock...did they actually care??
A girl came up close to me and whispered I should show up next to them. I don't know what was in me but I did excatly that...but soon they moved away from me and hid in a shadowed corner, I couldn't take it any longer, I had to get out of this nightmare.
My feet lead me towards the door, most of the girls eyes on me, watching in pain as they felt my pain. I walked faster and faster before I ended up outside in the pouring rain. My dress soaked making it harder for me to run to Alex's car. I didn't know what I was doing, but I couldn't care right now...I needed to go out.
I still had his car keys, I had kept them after locking his car, so as I got to it, I clicked it open and sat in the drivers seat. His smell ran over my skin and as I looked in the rear-view mirror, all I saw was him and Lacey across the back seats, making-out with not much on...they had been behind my back all this time...I thought he loved me...
I opened the glove compartment and pulled out the small note pad and pink pen I left in there a few weeks ago. I let pen meet paper and it flows across, so neatly and smooth as I wrote the last words I'd ever tell someone. My last words to the guy I loved, the guy who broke my heart...
When I had finished, I grabbed hold of it in my hand, sqweezing it into a ball and wondering what I should the car or jump. I didn't want to live anymore with the feeling of him loving her and not me, lying to me...saying he'd be mine forever yet he was with her and dancing her around everywhere.
I turned the key in the ignition and let it roar, the car shifting out of the car space as I knew slightly how to drive the lump of metal.
My head was buzzing as it chugged and puffed quickly down the road. I wasn't looking back I was running away from the truth, from what my life was made of...the lies and toture of falling in love. The nearest river was closing in and all I wanted was for the miles to cut in half, making it closer and closer to me...I wanted out.
I drove the car straight forward, but swirving when I almost drove into another car, I wasn't going to let someone else hurt because I was hurting and breaking even more inside.
The car swirved and soon hit the nearest tree. Wrapping itself around it's strong trunk, yet trapping me inside. My head felt light...I moved my unclenched hand to my forehead, feeling my thick blood flowing out...I wasn't going to make it to the river.
The cars around me started to stop, people shouting and screaming to try and help me, "LEAVE ME HERE! I DON'T WANT TO GO BACK!" I screeched in my head, my lips wouldn't move properly.
Someone bashed on the windscreen and their eyes growing wide when they saw me, how young I was, how dolled up I was, yet wrapped around a tree. "Don't help me..." I forced my lips to move to him,

"Help me!" he called, making me sigh...even though it hurt so much.

I watched as the man ran to the passengers door, trying to open it yet I knew I had made it shut completely. Alex would be pissed. I broke his car. He broke my heart.
I felt my eyes getting heavier, they drooped until I had to lay my head back, a sharp pain slicing in the back of my head, glass on the head rest...oww...
The man outside's body was buzzing, he was determinded to get in the car, to save me...but he would never be able to save me from myself.
When the door flung open, my eyes closed completely. I welcomed the black, yet just before I jumped in to the shadows, I felt the warmth of the man's fingers. He had found me, just a little to late...I'm sorry Mr Stranger

Alex's P.O.V
Few hours later

"So Mr Grain, you didn't know Miss Smith would take your car??" the police officers asked me,

"NO!" I screamed, I couldn't believe it,

"Do you know why Miss Smith would feel like killing herself??" he asked, I shook my head and looked to the floor,

I did know...a girl had come up to me and Lacey earlier and told her she saw Nixxy crying, running towards my car. I didn't know why she would have wanted to kill herself...she was truely amazing.
Lacey came over to me and gave me a weak smile,

"I'll buy you another car baby boy" she wiggled her eyebrows, I just shrugged her off,

I pulled her away from the police officer, grabbing her arm tightly at the top and dragging her to a sculded area,

"Lacey, Nixxy killed herself because she caught us together. It's all my fault, I lied to her...I told her I wouldn't be with you, I told her I loved her...I do love her. You can't change that, and don't give me that look Lacey" her eyes were wide, her mouth dropped open, "I wish I had never set my eyes on you. Because it's lost me the one girl who truely loved am I suppose to tell her parents??...goodbye Lacey, I can't see you anymore"

I took a deep breath in and then walked over to the police officer. He eyed me up and then looked over at Lacey, her bright blue eyes tearing up...I couldn't look at her again.
Another but smaller officer rushed up to me, a piece of paper in a ceiled bag,

"Erm excuse me sir...but are you Mr Alex Grain??" his voice was shaking, nervous,

"Erm...yes" I answered, just wanting him to go away,

"Well I was given this letter, they found it in...Miss Smith's hand when they pulled her out" He handed me the paper then rushed off,

I watched him run then looked down at the paper stuck in the plastic wrapping. I sighed and walked under a tree, to protect myself from the rain. I opened up the small bag and pulled out the paper, it was from the pad she had left in my glove eyes teared up and I moved the paper away slightly, so I didn't cry all over it.

Dear Alex,
I guess when you read this I'll be gone. I know this is stupid, writing my last words to the one guy I ever loved...yet the one guy who broke my heart. I saw you and Lacey dancing, I saw were your hands were going, I saw your lips against hers. I thought you loved me.
I was looking forward so badly for 10 days time, it would have been a year, if you remembered that or not, I don't know...I won't know.
I can't believe it's come to this, I wanted to spend my life with you, well I spent almost a year of it, and all of those lies made my whole life perfect. I don't want you to forget me, but I need you to tell my parents and little sister that I love them. I never told them it before, not once and now I need you to tell them for me, I'll never get the chance.
Please don't be with Lacey after you read this, don't lose yourself either...I love you still, I don't ever want to see you hurt or broken ok??
I'm sitting in your car, I'm going to drive to the river...I don't know why I'm telling you that actually, but yeah. I can't stop seeing you and her in the back seat...where you told me you loved me and wished you'd have me forever...I...I won't think of the bad things ok??
I hope you can get a refund for the tux, don't want your little money to go to waste.
I better stop writing before it turns into an essay, but please just think of me from time to time, because you were my bestfriend, my first and only love and I'll never stop thinking of you baby...
I love you Alex Grain!!
I wish you loved me too...
x x x x

P.S. You took that dance I was meant to have...='(

my breathing hitched and I couldn't stop the tears. I saw the nearest moving car and ran, ran as fast as I could until I couldn't feel anything, until I was laying across the road with her letter held tightly in my hand...her words repeating in my head as I slowly but pain-freely died.

I love you Alex Grain!!...
♠ ♠ ♠
Please tell me what you think =)