Dear You: Sincerely, Me

Dear Heartbreaker

She read,

Dear Heartbreaker,

I bet you thought you’d never hear from me again. I bet you thought that you had gotten rid of me. Surprise, I’m still here. I’ll always be here. I can’t leave. You’ve trapped me and I’m utterly stuck here, waiting for the love you’ll never give. You don’t even know what I’d do, what I’ve done, for you. Everything, baby, everything. I gave you everything. I don’t know if you know that. That kiss I gave was my first. And that love I gave was the first time I’ve ever chosen to trust someone with something as precious as my heart. And what did you do? You took it and held it dearly for a while. You treated it like the most important thing in not only my world, but yours as well. I thought it was becoming a part of you, just like I wanted it to. You never gave me your heart, but that was okay. I gave you mine, and I was happy to wait until you realized that I already had yours.

You never realized that, did you? I was just kidding myself, thinking you loved me. Because once that heart, once my heart, got a little old you were done. And once it was yours, the chase was over. You couldn’t live with that, could you? I gave it up to you to quickly, didn’t I? It sure seems that way, because you took that heart, my heart, and you smashed it into a million pieces. With one simple two worded text message you broke it. You broke me. I’m lying on this ground, trying to find all of my pieces. I am trying so hard to put everything back together and move on, but I can’t.

You’ve made this break too hard. Too fast and too dirty. You know that I can’t deal with quick exits. You know that I loved you. You know what I did for you. And it was never enough, was it? Everything I did, everything I’d still do, it just isn’t enough, is it?
I’m just not enough, am I?


The class all shifted in their seats, glancing at the clock. She followed their eyes and chuckled.

"You're dismissed." she called, watching as they hurried in a cluster of anxious college-student bodies to get to the door. Friday's were treasured around here. They meant freedom. They meant home. For some, that was good. For others, like the ones in her Creative Writing class, it wasn't. She was thankful that her home meant safety, security, love.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks to madalinaballerina for the letter.
