Dear You: Sincerely, Me

Dear World

Dear World,

I have been forgotten by everyone who once loved me. I went from the most popular person in school to being the outcast. I don't know what happened but I walked into the cafeteria one day and no one even acknowledged that was there. My best friends looked at me like I was some kind of monster. I understand why thought, I look like a monster. I am a monster, at least on first impression. I hate that people stare at me. I hate it so much. So what if I look different from you? I didn't always, I was just like you.

"You're so handsome." my mom said to me the first time I came home crying. No one wants me, not when my face is something out of horror films. No on wants me. So now I'm not only single gay baseball pitcher but I'm the eternally single gay baseball pitcher with no friends. But I digress.

I've come to terms with my disfigurement. You haven't, not yet. You never will. Because I'm different. Because I'm not perfect. You hate everything about me. But for once, I just want someone to look at me and say I love you. Why is that too much to ask? I want someone to love me for the person I am, not this body I've been stuck with. I wish that someone loved my mind, my personality. I'd settle for being used at this point. I just want somebody. Anybody.

That's my Christmas and birthday wish. I wish it on every shooting star, every 11:11 and every forwards that's set to me. Of course, I don't get too many forwards these days.

Do you know those people you see in the store and you probably make a comment about them having a face only a mother could love? That's me. I have that face. I've only gone to the store at night since my accident, the one that scarred my face and made me like this. My nightmare never ends, I live it everyday. I am a horror to see, something you wouldn't want to meet in a dark alley. And the worst part is, no one dares to love something like me, a monster like me.

The Monster

Ann automatically knew who wrote this letter and she hated that someone could hate that poor boy because of his face. He was the sweetest thing she'd ever met. Maybe it was the world that made him change who he was. In the beginning of the year, he wrote a short story explaining what happened to his face and read it out loud to the class. There was not a single dry eye in the classroom when he finished. She hugged him and he smiled, thanking her for the understanding. He was a brave boy, she was proud of him. He hadn't let the world turn him bitter and mean as it would most. He toughed it out and changed so he was the nicest person ever. She loved him for it.

She pulled out the next letter, wiping her eyes as she sipped her red wine again.
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so i loved writing this letter, for whatever reason. I might start a spin off story about him, just so you know.
