Dear You: Sincerely, Me

Dear Mom

The first letter was put on Ann's desk while she was at lunch and she set it in her folder. She intended on reading all of her entries at night, with her fiance so she could have the comfort and safety of both his arms and their home. Derek would know what to say to cheer her up if the letter's story grew too intense for her to bare alone. But her curiosity got the best of her around the end of the day when her second class, a small class just for journalism, were busy researching their articles. She opened the folder and withdrew the single sheet of lined paper with loopy, light handwriting.

Dear Mom,

I know I’ve never told you this before, but thank you. And I know from all the nasty things I have said, you must be surprised that I’m saying thank you, but to me it’s the only thing left to say to you.

After everything you put us through, foster care, well care, and no care, I’m finally free. And I know the way we became free isn’t exactly the best way, but I believe it’s the only way. I know I gave up on you long ago, but I don’t think you ever gave up on me. Honestly, that only makes this harder.

I know you can’t see us now, but maybe if you could, you would change. I’m a full time student now and I plan on marrying Tom once I graduate. Rose is married and has kids. Everett is in high school and is now on the football team. But me wishing you would change is like hoping for a fat kid to give up candy, it’s just never going to happen.

But I also want to say thank you for making us strong. Every nightmare you put us through made me able to do everything I do today. I’m done saying I hate you, and I hope you are too.

What makes me sad Mother Dearest, as you told us to call you in front of company, is that I can’t tell you this to your face. Not only because for years I had no idea where you were. But because when I found where you were, you had been gone for years.

So thanks Mom for fucking us up just enough to make us crazy but still be ok.

One of your bastard kids

Ann sighed and replaced it in the folder. She just knew one of her students a little better. The thing was, she will never know who was the one who admitted this to her.
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this one is all the work of XxHanaBananaxX. Thanks, love!
