Status: And we're back!

Family Tradition


"Wha' 'ave ye got there?" Connor asked, walking up to Murphy, who was currently staring down at a sheet of paper.

"They live in New York?" Murphy asked, puzzled.

"Why d' ye sound so shocked?" He asked and Murphy looked up at his twin.

"We were jus' there. We coulda seen 'em," He said, quietly so it was more to himself than anything.

"We wouldn't 'ave," Connor said quietly, taking note that their daughters lived together.

"We could 'ave though. Jus' wouldn't a' told 'em who we are," Murphy said, in a slightly hopeful tone and Connor sighed quietly.

"Ye know we wouldn't 'ave Murph, don't get yer hopes up. It's safest fer them if we don' ever try t' meet 'em, at least til after all th' Saints shit blows over," Connor said, trying to reason with himself.

"Ye know more than I do tha' this shit'll never be over!" Murphy challenged his brother, knowing deep down he knew what Murphy knew.

"Aye, I know. So until there comes a time when we aren't ever involved in this, we shouldn't even think o' seein' 'em."

"We're never gunna see 'em again, are we Connor?" Murphy asked quietly and Connor winced, not wanting to hear the question.

"I dunno Murph," He said as he walked away, towards the car they had waiting for them outside.


"Are you kidding me?!" Alina yelled as I stormed out of the room, and out of the building completley. I felt my dads old roseary swinging around my neck as I moved, and took it off with amazing speed. When I got out to our car, I turned and threw it at the wall of the building.

"I'm fuckin' through with this shit," I muttered to myself, tossing my bag in the back seat as I pulled a cigarette out of the pack sitting on the dash board. I fumbled around with the glove box until I got it open and found a zippo. As I sat back up, lighting the cigarette, Alina appeared in the passanger side window.

"Open the door!" I rolled my eyes and pulled the button up, allowing her enterance into the dark car.

"What is your problem? Why the fuck do you think they left us in the first place?" She asked, almost as loud as I had been in the store.

"They started it after we were born! They have pictures! Things like that! They could have gotten both our families killed Alina!"

"If that's the way you feel, fine." I watched as she got out of the car, dropping something on the seat. She slammed the door and started walking down the street. I groaned as I leaned back in my seat, taking a long drag on my cigarette before looking down at the seat, noticing the roseary I had just thrown. I rolled my eyes, but picked it up nontheless. I started the car up and drove out of that parking lot, onto the dark street my cousin was walking down.

"Get back in the car Alina," I said, as a flashback of every cheesy movie I'd ever seen where the guy is following the girl in his car came to my head.

"No, I'm finding my own way to find them. You don't want to, so whatever. I'll do it myself. I have the guns, I'm fine."

"Alina, you can't shoot for shit. I know that for a fact. Now get in the car."

"I'm not going to get back in the car if you're just going to drive our asses back to New York." I sighed, looking at the roseary in my hand. I clenched it tighter and looked back at Alina.

"We'll go find them then," I said and she paused.

"How do I know that's not an empty promise?" She asked, turning to look at me as I stopped the car and put it in park.

"Have I ever lied to you?" I asked and noticed the look of concentration come on her face. "Oh knock it off. We both lied when we were little. Now get in the damn car before I change my mind!" She chuckled as she walked around the car and got in.

"I've never seen you change your mind about something so quickly," She pointed out, pulling a cigarette of her own out of the pack.

"Well, I've never seen you so God damned determined about something before in your life," I said as I put the car in drive and took the road to get out of Detroit.
♠ ♠ ♠
kinda short, and I know it's been awhile.
having two radio shows kinda makes it hard to do stuff
but break means no shows,
so yayyy.
hopefully i can get more stuff up soon(: