Status: Active!

Giving Me the Chance


"Come on Zack, you've gotta snap out of this." Jack Barakat said to his best friend Zack Merrick. Zack had his gaze on the dark night sky as their tour bus was speeding towards their next destination. Zack sighed and took his gaze off of the window and onto Jack.

"I loved her," Zack said quietly. His heart was aching as he darted his eyes back onto the barely visible skyline.

"Well I think she loved you too at one point...but people change I guess," Jack said to him, putting a hand on his shoulder. Jack was never good at giving advice when people were depressed. Jack could only do humor, but Jack knew this wasn't the time for a joke.

"Are you still boo-hooing?" Alex Gaskarth said sliding into the room, slipping a beer out of the fridge. He could be such an ass sometimes...well, most of the time. Jack shot a finger at Alex as Alex opened his mouth again.

"It's been three months. Start living again. I really don't think Jamie's still in pain. You love the band right?" Alex questioned. All Zack could do was nod. Jack seemed to get energized off of Alex's statement. Jack began bouncing in his seat.

"Well, we're in Vegas! And we're playing a show! So get your ass ready!" Jack said with a smile. Zack smiled a true smile back at the two of them. Alex and Jack scurried off to the back of the bus to get ready while Zack turned to stare out the window again.

Zack's smile faltered slightly as he began to stare out the window...his thoughts running rampant. He really thought Jamie loved him. When he looked at the pictures of the two of them...he thought they were happy. He guessed keeping Casey and Harrison warm while he was gone was a bigger priority to her than his love. Zack thought Jamie and her two lovers were probably having a laugh about the whole situation and all the pictures of their crazy nights together surfaced on Myspace. All three of them.

Zack threw a black skull cap over his scruffy hair, and he was ready seclude into the darkness in his head again when he heard cheering.

"Dudes! We're here!" Rian yelled. Zack's head perked up as all of the guys headed over to the front of the bus to peer out the window. Zack gazed out the window he was at and saw what Rian was talking about.


Zack saw LOTS of lights.

An actual smile graced Zack's face as everyone stared out at the upcoming city. For once, that pit of darkness that she created was gone. Zack felt he was on the road to recovery. Everything was going to be okay.

Zack knew he was going to like this city.