Status: Active!

Giving Me the Chance

We Lie Awake

"The Carpool is here!" Tania's mother screeched up the stairs. Tania finished straightening her long blonde hair quickly before looking at herself in the mirror. She tried smiling before grabbing her purse and slipping on her heels. She flew down the stairs and saw her mother tapping her foot at the bottom.

"I want my money back mom," Tania said to her once again. Her mother glared at her.

"You know we need the money," That was always her excuse. Tania's dad left her an inheritance, but her mom's new boyfriend was a control freak and wanted Tania at home and unable to leave because of a lack of funds.

"But I want to be able to make that decision," Tania said angrily. Her mother's face turned fiercer, but it didn't faze Tania.

"People make money to get a job. You have a job. People make money so they can go out and hang with friends. You do that. They do that to fall in love-"

"That hasn't worked out for me," Tania said cutting her off. Her mother's boyfriend Ted walked in with a smirk on his face.

"You're going to be meeting your new boyfriend tomor-" Ted began to say.

"What the hell?" Tania said shocked. Ted just smilied.

"Oh didn't we tell you? Thomas from down the road is coming up for dinner tomorrow-"

"He's such a jerk-"

"Well he's going to be your jerk husband then." Her mother said.

"I'm moving out!" Tania threatened. Ted and her mother just looked at her.

"Oh really? With what money? We have it all in that bank account remember?" Her mother cooed. Tania couldn't even call the cops, because her mother had foraged Tania's signature. As much as she hated what her mother was doing, she couldn't be the reason her mother ends up in jail.

Tania tried taking deep breaths as she left the house and headed towards the red mustang in the driveway where her two best friends Lisa and Ashlyn were waiting for her.

Lisa was in the drivers seat, checking the last of her lipgloss in the mirror. She seemed high mantinence, but she just liked to look good. She was the queen of flirting, but she wasn't easy. She made the boys work hard for a reward. Ashlyn was in the backseat with her eyes closed. Ashlyn was a very sweet, shy girl who loved music and blogging. Her Youtube account was getting thousands of hits a week.

"Another fight?" Lisa asked as Tania opened the door and sat down. She took a deep breath before putting on her seatbelt and closing the door, trying not to cry.

"I don't know what to do," Tania said quietly.

"Well," Lisa said pulling out of the driveway, "you could move in with us." They barely had room now, Tania knew she would just be a bother.

"You know I wouldn't be able to afford rent,"

"I think you should do one of two things. First choice is suing your mom and her asshole boyfriend and taking them to court. Second choice is to say 'screw them' and just leave them with the money. Just take off," Ashlyn said.

"I'll think about it," Tania said.

"You have to be spontaneous in situations like this," Lisa said

"Yeah, good things can happen!" Ashlyn

"Anything is better than this," Tania whispered to herself. Tania looked out the window at the bright lights beginning to come into form as we headed closer and closer to the brightest part of the city. Tania's eyes began to glaze over as she began to zone out into her own little world of thought.

"Should we tell her?" Ashlyn whispered to Lisa.

"Let's make it a suprise," Lisa whispered back.

Tania knew they always had something planned, but all she could think about was how she was going to get out of the rut she was in.