Status: Active!

Giving Me the Chance

Remember How

As the three girls arrived at Flashing Lights, instead of parking in their usual spots on the side of the venue, Lisa had taken a quick right and pulled into the back.

"Why are we parking here? Is this the part where you guys kill me?" Tania half-joked. Ashlyn and Lisa looked at each other as Tania immediately got out of the car. The two of them giggled as they both followed Tania.

"We want to keep the band playing here a secret because we know you'll really like them." Ashlyn said. Tania sighed.

"I'm not in the mood for a secret," Tania said truthfully. Lisa smiled sympathetically at Tania, but Tania turned away and headed towards the venue because she really dislikes having people hold sympathy for her. As Tania was headed to the front doors to see who was playing, she felt the other two girls run up behind her. Lisa and Ashlyn took her arms and led her to the back door.

"You really don't want me to find out do you?" Tania questioned as they laughed a little. The three of them walked in and found themselves in the back room where they kept their things. They all punched in before Tania began to look at one of her favorite rooms she has ever seen in her life. The walls were covered with various band and bumper stickers of many kinds. There were also signatures and anything and everything you could draw with sharpies on any open spot.

Under most of the drawing part of the walls were two sets of four drawers. This is where the workers kept some things they needed. One drawer per person. Of course, the three girls shared all their drawers and filled them with candy, Cd's, and changes of clothing. They even tried stuffing another pair of shoes for each of them in there just in case. They unlocked the drawers and began to pull out the things they needed for the night.

"Okay girls, lets get going," Their boss Randy said poking his head through the door before continuing on his way.

Their boss Randy was a very odd multi-personality character. He ordered them to wear these tacky black aprons for behind the bar so it looked like they were keeping things clean. He almost flipped when he saw how by the next day they had used neon glitter fabric paint to spice them up a bit. He made them wear all black, but he didn't expect to see Lisa in miniskirts with leggings and scoop neck tops. On the other hand, he was a really sweet guy. He let them act silly and go backstage to talk to the bands. He didn't mind them dancing or playing music previous to the people coming in. He even let them pick the music that would go on between bands so it wouldn't be that crazy pop crud that they usually play. He was gay and partially OCD at times so it was a very odd mixture at points, but they all loved him for a boss overall.

The three of them relocked their drawers before leaving the room. Tania headed towards the utility closet as Ashlyn headed for the fridges in back to pull out drink mixes and Lisa skipped over to the CD player. Tania grabbed a few cloths and a pile of napkins before heading out to the bar area. The three of them set up the drinks and were beginning to clean the bar top when they heard a familiar song come on. Tania looked over to Lisa to see her turning up the volume on the player until Tania's favorite song was blaring. "Dear Maria Count Me In" was just a song Tania couldn't resist dancing to.

"See, now you have to be happy," Lisa said as Tania laughed.

"Fine," Tania said smiling as she began swaying to the music as she continued preparing to set up. Before she knew it, Lisa and Ashlyn were already up on the bar dancing, so Tania immediately jumped up next to them and began dancing her heart out...since Tania knew the doors wouldn't open for another twenty or thirty minutes.

Everyone on All Time Low's tour bus was very excited about being in Vegas. Alex was hoping to find a hot girl, Rian was planning to do some gambling and maybe call his girlfriend, and Jack was going to probably do whatever everyone else wants to do because he always went with the flow of things. Zack didn't know what they were going to be doing after the show, but Alex decided for all of them.

"Okay guys, after the show we are so going clubbing," Alex announced as the bus began to slowly make its way into the venue's parking lot. Jack was jumping up and down slightly as the bus came to a final stop.

"We're in Vegas baby!" Rian said as the four boys piled out of the bus. Zack grabbed his bass as the four members headed towards the venue. A few girlish screams were heard from the girls at the front doors, starting the line. Zack waved at them with a smile as a couple of them pointed and shrieked. Zack laughed a bit as he looked up to see Jack smiling at him.

"Well you seem happier," He said as they reached the back doors.

"Now what made you say that?" Zack said with a hint of sarcasm complimented by a smirk on his face as they all walked inside.

The inside was your typical small club. In the back were a few chairs and one table where security usually would sit. All across the right wall was a bar with the usual stools in front of it. To the left were doors leading backstage, and to the front and bathrooms. The black floor led up to a stage in the back.

Now the only thing that they didn't expect was three girls on the bar top dancing around. The dancing wasn't intended to be seductive or sexual. It was just three girls dancing and giggling together to the beat. Zack pricked my ears to listen to the words playing on the radio the girls were dancing to, and he realized it was "Dear Maria". Zack chuckled to himself as the boys watched the three of them. Alex whistled at them, and Jack had his head tilted to the side a bit. Even Vinny had snuck inside to get a peek.

As Zack watched, he couldn't help but check them out. One girl didn't do anything for him. The one in the middle was a firecracker. Her brown hair bobbed up and down, and she looked like every girl Alex had ever made out with...while he was sober. The girl on the right was the one that Zack's eyes kept going back to. Her blonde hair spun around her smiling face, and Zack began to check out her "assets". She was a ten in his eyes. Zack's eyes never left her body.

As the song ended, a large man stepped out and shut the music off.

"Back to work girls. I'm not paying you to dance. Ashlyn, go greet the band," the man said as the three girls looked over to us. Two of them smiled, but the blonde one looked at the boys in surprise before smiling and biting her lip a little. She looked at Zack and Zack winked at her. He had no idea why he was all of a sudden eager to flirt, but when she eyed him before smirking and walking away, he knew she was into him.

"Hey guys, I'm Ashlyn," Ashlyn said with a wave, "The stage is all set. The opening acts already did sound check, so you're all set to get ready." The guys said hi to her before heading back to get their gear. Zack stopped next to Ashlyn.

"Who's that blonde girl?" Zack asked, looking at the empty bar top that she was dancing on.

"That's Tania," Ashlyn said

"Does she have a boyfriend?"

"Nah, she hasn't found the right guy. I'd ask her to dance later," Ashlyn said before waving and leaving to go in back. Tania's name kept repeating over and over in his head as he went back outside to help bring everything in.