Status: Working on it

Clashing Extremities

He was the Guy

Emmett White. A man that goes by E. Because he treated life like ecstasy; dangerous and addicting.

He was the guy people whispered about in dark alleys from places he’s never been to because of rumors nobody knew was true or not.

He was the guy who got expelled from every school in the state of California for violence against students and/or teachers. Except for one, but that was because of a sexual relationship with the librarian. She didn’t handle the break up well.

He was the guy who didn’t take crap from anyone; and there was never a time anyone doubted that.

He was the guy who never strayed from the straight edge way of life. He wore the X on his hand like a badge; there was one thing he got high off and that was life.

He was the guy who played the role of a ladies’ man perfectly. Never hurt a woman purposely. Never hit them and only touched them when they asked first. And he never took a woman who was already taken, that just brought on a whole bunch of business he didn’t want to take care of.

He was the guy everyone knew as a royal fuck up.

This is their life. How they lived it before they met and how they lived it after.
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