The True Vampire Story

The True Vampire Story

I have taught myself to walk in sunlight, that's right sunlight. Nothing happens to us in books or movies you may have seen, I don't burst into flames when touched by sun beams, I don't sparkle, I don't have to put sunblock on. The only thing that happens is drowziness, which makes it really hard to stay awake in class. I should probably introduce myself, my name is Clark, I'm 16 and a Vampire. You can only imagine my life, it's not all great but it's got some perks. Another thing, we don't have to drink blood from humans or animals, we can eat normal human food and live, though we tend to get weak after not drinking blood, garlic doesn't kill us either, just makes a tasty snack. Holy water is just water to us as well, we can still be killed with a stake, but then again anyone can. Any weapon can hurt us if you hit us in the right spot. This story is all about being a vampire, but enough of this introduction, it's time to hear

A True Vampire Story