Status: Active

And This Is Possible!

The Only Exception.

Dear Ronald Radke,
You don't know me...or else I don't think you know me, because if you did that'd be weird.
But anyway, I'm Jersey, Jersey carter. But you should already know that because it was on the envelope.
Well I should explain, why your getting a letter from a random chic right? It all started when I enrolled myself in this prison pen-pal thing, and they gave me you. Woooo, lucky you right? Haha hopefully you won't be insane by the time you get through with me.
Anyways, I'm 24, and loving it haha. I work as a cashier at the local Hot Topic, the best place on earth. Except when you have all the emo-scene wannabes running all over the store thinking that BrokeNCYDE is Br00t4l. Not gonna lie, every time some little girl walks by me with teased hair, I have the urge to rip her fake little brightly colored extensions out.
I'm a VERY VERY blunt person, which is kinda the reason I don't have many friends. I'm also very crude, and have been kicked out of almost every store in Salt Lake City.
I hate children so MUCH! They are all the spawn of the devil. They might look all cute, but then when you leave them alone with me, they tend to unleash their hidden rage.
That's why when I was 16, and all the girls my age were out babysitting I was at home planning the extinction of children. See me, I was never a child. I was born 12, and mentally mature. No lie, by now you probably think i'm some crazy freak. Well I'm not, I'm just a little demented. I am going to close this letter now, seeing as I have nothing else to write. In this letter I have enclosed a picture of me, just so you know what your dealing with.

P.S. I hope you write back, I'll be looking forward to receiving a letter from you. :)

Jersey Carter.
♠ ♠ ♠
haha, that's how I feel about children.
for real.