Status: Active

And This Is Possible!

Every thing's Falling In Place.


You don't know how red I am right now.
I'm like blushing extremely hard, and my roommates are laughing at me.
I mean i don't have hardcore self-esteem issues or anything, I've just never been called hot by one of the sexiest guys on earth.
There I said it.
I caught the drift, and now I wanna forget it. Eww. Ha ha

That's a good thing, one can only imagine the things, lonely men in prison do with girls pictures.

Ha ha, I had a stupid instruction booklet help me. Halfway through the booklet, I forgot how to read. I have NO IDEA how though. I thought it was sweet how you took the time to even make me something. You Ronnie are a sweetheart. :)

I will, and as soon as they are put out I will buy that shit. And wear it everywhere.

Don't sweat it, it won't be that much longer until you can hear my voice and see my face in person. And when you do, you'll be happy you waited. Well...not really but you know what I'm getting at. I will call Nasty, as soon as i finish this letter, and stick it in the envelope.

I'll make sure I have a big red goddamn bow on my head. ;D


P.S. Ewww O_O
That's just gross.


I licked the flap of the envelope, and closed it neatly. I scribbled my name and address on the top left corner, followed by Ronnie's in the bottom right corner. I placed the stamp in the top right corner, and smiled to myself. I placed the envelope on the counter for my roommate Reese to mail for me.

I grabbed Ronnie's letter and my cell-phone, walking to my room quickly. I plopped down on my bed and turned the letter around. I punched in Nasty's number, and pressed the green button on my phone. It rang a few times until someones voice, obviously a mans, answered.


"Hey uhmm is this..." I racked my brain for he guys name, before remembering quickly."Nasty?"

"Yeah, who is this?" He asked.

"This is Jersey, Ronnie's friend." I answered, biting my lower lip, I'm pretty sure Ronnie has told him about me.

The line was silent for a few seconds, before a loud 'OH!' was heard. "Jersey! Yeah Ronnie's told me about you, we need to discuss you coming over here for December right?"


"Well you can stay with us, I mean that's no big deal."

"And I can buy a plane ticket, no big deal."

"Alright then it's all settled."

"I guess it is." I looked down at my chipped nails, scowling lightly.

"See you then." Nasty said, ending the conversation.

"Ditto." I clicked the end call button, and tossed my phone to the foot of my bed.

All of a sudden, I found my self smiling uncontrollably. I think it was the fact, that everything was finally ready. All that was left was for Ronnie to get out, and that couldn't happen soon enough.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm damned if I do ya,
Damned if i don't.
Sorry All Time Low's stuck in my head :D