Status: Active

And This Is Possible!

Tomorrow Takes Me Higher

Dear Jersey,

Three more weeks.

Three more weeks till what you may ask.

Three week until I am a free man!

I can’t fucking wait, Jersey! I’m so excited to get the hell out of here and start living my life again! I’ve already got everything set up. I’m going to be doing NA (narcotics anonymous if you didn’t know) meetings. I get to finally jam with my band! I get to see you!
Life is looking pretty good right now. I’m counting down the days.

Nothing can ruin my good mood right now.

My lawyer says that once I’m out that I’ll be a completely free man. No parole, nothing.

So, how’d you like Nasty? He came to see me today and said he liked you. (Not in that way. He’s practically married without the ring or paper. Haha) He said you have a ‘phone sex’ voice. (Meaning he thinks your voice is sexy)
I’m jealous; he got to hear your voice before me.

That’s okay though. Three more weeks and I’ll have you all to myself.

You better be wearing that bow when you come to get me. If you don’t you get no hug from me.
Got it?


Sorry this letter is so short. Today is visiting day, so Nasty came today. Which left me with barely any time to write back.



p.s. Make sure someone brings some eyeliner to the prison when I get out! :D
♠ ♠ ♠
3 more weeks.

Which means only two more letters. (What? They aren't going to write in the same week he gets out.)