Status: Active

And This Is Possible!

Bone Palace Ballet.

Dear Ronnie,

I'm pretty excited too. :D

I used to go to AA(Alcoholics Anonymous), I got three D.U.I's in the time-span of three years. Let's just say I don't always make the best decisions. It's nice to know your excited to meet me.

That's pretty darn spiffy.

I just hope that I won't stutter, or pee my pants when we finally meet. If I do, I'll like kill myself. (Not Really)

Nasty sounds like a pretty cool guy, I can't really say I love him cause we talked for about two minutes? But I'll tell you once I meet him. Ha ha I figured. I'm flattered that he thinks I have a sexy voice, I've never got that compliment before.

*insert blush*

I will definitely be wearing that bow, it'll be huge too. :D So you'll see me right away. And then I'll get my hug. Ha ha.

I wonder what I'm gonna wear, I better look good. Hopefully I don't have a bad hair day, or a wardrobe malfunction.

It's alright, I'm just happy I got a letter from you. It always makes my day.



P.S What color? I'll make sure they have some for you, ha ha.

P.P.S I won't hug you if you smell bad, so make sure you don't.
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Hmm, I'm not so sure of why i am craving pumpkin seeds