Status: Active

And This Is Possible!

Those Cannons Could Sink A ship.

I rested in the back of the cab, playing with my nails as if they were the most interesting thing in the world. I looked out the window, watching us pass all the huge buildings of Vegas. I was amazed; this was no Salt Lake City.

My stomach churned in pure nervousness; soon I would be finally meeting Ronnie in person. After months of talking through letters. I was scared to meet him, what if I tripped and feel on my face? What if I looked retarded? What if I really pissed my pants?

I shook my head, dismissing those thoughts from my head. I yawned slightly, leaning my head against the window, it was still early, and I didn’t get much sleep on the flight. The sounds of the car driving toward my destination calmed me down some, allowing me to think about what the future had in store without throwing up.

I wondered how Ronnie would react when he saw me. Would he run towards me and hug me? Would he stand awkwardly, waiting for me to hug him? However it happened, I knew it was going to be magical. Plus I had his stick of eyeliner in my purse, just waiting for him to wear.

I pictured his smiling face, looking like a little kid in a toy store, once he saw it was me. On top of that, I had my big red shiny silk bow in my purse, so he’d automatically know it was me. Hopefully when I actually got to meet him, I wouldn’t hide behind someone or something from the shyness. That would totally ruin the moment.

“So ma’am what are ya doin’ ‘ere in sin citay’?” The cab driver asked, waking me from my small nap.

I yawned quietly, and rubbed the sleep from my eyes. “I’m here to see a friend of mine.” I replied, looking out the window. The sun was higher in the sky, signifying it was a little bit later. I rummaged through my purse, before my fingers curled around my phone. I pressed the side button and glanced at the time; 10:26

“Oh, sounds nice mon’ hope you have a lot of fun.” He said, smiling at me through the rear-view mirror.

I smiled, nodding in agreement. “I do too.”

We made mindless small talk, until he parked the cab on the curb of a medium yellow house. “Here ya go ma’am.” He announced turning around in his seat to face me. I nodded, and pulled my wallet out, handing him the correct amount of money and tipping him a generous amount.

“Thank you ma’am.” He said, getting out of the car. I nodded, and got out as well. I could see two people exit the house, and I immediately recognized one of them to be Nasty, because him the band, and his ‘wife’ all added me on myspace.

The cab driver helped me take my bags out of the trunk, “Jersey, it’s finally nice to meet you.” Nasty said, sticking his hand out. I shook his hand, and nodded in agreement, “you as well.”
His ‘wife’ Sam showed up beside him, and enveloped me in a friendly hug. “It’s nice to meet you hun.” She said, pulling away. “Nice to meet you too.”

“Oh she’s even prettier than the pictures.” Sam cooed, looking at Nasty.

He just chuckled, and rolled his eyes. “Chill Sam, she’s Ronnie’s girl.”

I blushed, and looked down at my feet. Nasty pointed down to my bags, “Those are it?” I nodded, and watched as he carried them up the walk way. I followed behind, pushing my purse strap comfortably onto my shoulder.

We entered the house, and immediately the smell of Lilac and Vanilla drifted into my nose. I smiled, that was my favorite scent. “Follow me.” Nasty said, going down one of the hallways. He opened a door, and placed my bags on the floor.

“This is where you’re staying.” He said, placing his hands on his hips. “So uh do you wanna meet the guys, and then get ready?” He started, using his hands to help explain. “Or get ready then meet the guys?”

I shrugged, “I’ll guess I’ll meet them know, so I’ll have more time to get gorgeous.” I decided, letting my purse slip down from my shoulder, down to my hand. I placed it down on the ground, and followed him out of the room.

On the living room couches sat three unfamiliar guys, one of them balanced a small girl on his hip, I knew to be Scarlet. “Guys this is Jersey.” Nasty said introducing me.

All the guys nodded, and smiled politely at me. “Jersey this is, Oskar, Jacky, and Anthony.” He said, pointing at each one of the guys. Anthony stared at me amazed, “She’s pretty.” He mumbled, his eyes glued to me. Oskar nudged him in the ribs. “Dude chill, she’s Ronnie’s girl.” He retorted, rolling his eyes softly.

I jabbed my finger down the hallway, “I’m gonna go get ready now.” I said, letting the guys know instead of just rudely leaving. Everyone nodded, and allowed me to leave. On my way to the room, I could hear Jacky specifically say “Man Nasty you’re right, she does have a sexy voice.”

I giggled softly, and entered the room. I crouched down, and pulled the clothing I was going to wear out of my suitcase, followed by my shoes and make-up bag. After I collected everything I went into the bathroom, and proceeded to take a shower. Surprisingly the hot water washed the anticipation right off.


I sat on the floor, cross-legged straightening my light brown hair. It was eleven thirty, and Ronnie got released at exactly twelve, so I was rushing a bit, but I had to look perfect, so I made sure I did it carefully.

I straightened my bangs and flicked the flat-iron off. I pulled the plug, and stood up, dusting my jeans off. I surveyed myself on the full-length mirror that rested on the back of the door. I had black skinny jeans, a red and black plaid shirt, with 6 inch shiny black stilettos, and a spiked belt. I looked drop dead gorgeous. I bent down, and picked my bag off the floor.

I pulled out the bow, and tied it neatly on my head. It looked adorable, like if I was 5 again. I heard a slight knock come from the door, “Come in.” I said, fluffing my hair in the mirror. Nasty popped his head in, “Wow you look amazing, you ready?” He asked, opening the door a little more.

“Uh-huh.” I sang happily. I pushed my purse onto my shoulder, and rolled one of the sleeves on my shirt up to my elbow. I exited the room, and followed him outside. He motioned for me to get into the back seat of his truck, and I obliged.

I buckled myself in, and almost immediately my stomach started to writhe with anxiousness. I took a deep breath, and tried to calm my stomach down. Sam took notice of this, “You okay hun?” She asked, turning around in her seat. Nasty backed out of the driveway, while Scarlet cooed in her booster seat.

I nodded slowly, “I will be.”

Sam nodded, and Nasty chuckled loudly. He locked eyes with me through the rear-view mirror. “You actually wore the bow!” He laughed, followed by Sam.

“Ronnie’s gonna be so happy when he sees you Jersey.” Nasty said, causing me to blush wildly.

“Aww look at Jersey she’s blushing.” Nasty teased, earning a playful punch from Sam. “Leave the girl alone NASON.” She fake spat accentuating Nasty’s real name.

We talked noisily the whole ride there, and when Nasty parked the car in a space, I immediately feel silent, as if on cue. I looked at the time on the dashboard, and swallowed the lump in my throat.


Nasty and Sam chatted happily, while my brain automatically drowned the noise out. Every minute that passed, I could hear it in my mind, then 12 struck, and Ronnie merged out of the door.

Nasty and Sam opened the car door, and helped me out. I took a few steps forward, locking eyes with Ronnie. His face burst into a smile, and he walked quickly towards me, ignoring his long time best friend.

Ronnie smirked, “I smell good, now where’s my hug?” He asked arms wide open. I giggled, and wrapped my arms around his waist. We stayed like that for a while, and it must have been a long while because I heard Nasty clear his throat.

I pulled away blushing slightly, while Ronnie playfully glared at Nasty. “Way to ruin the moment dude.”

Nasty just shrugged, receiving a manly hug from Ronnie. Then Ronnie hugged Sam, and turned back to me. “You actually wore the bow!” he laughed, touching it softly.

I nodded, “And…” I reached in my purse, and felt around for his present. I pulled the stick of eyeliner out and held it towards Ronnie. He grabbed it, and smiled. “Thanks.” He laughed, and popped it into his bag, he groaned happily.

“I am ready to get the fuck out of here!” He shouted, reaching forward, and grabbing my hand. I smiled, as he pulled me towards Nasty’s truck. We got in the back, and drove back to Nasty’s. The whole time, Ronnie was quiet staring at me weirdly, at first I was nervous, but then it melted away.

I was most definitely going to have fun with Ronnie here.
♠ ♠ ♠
1,597 words.
hope you appreciate how long it is :D