Status: Active

And This Is Possible!

Dream Like Dreamers Do

I woke early that morning, 4 am to be exact. I was still used to prison time. About now I’d be getting up and starting my day. I was musing over the fact that I was no longer in that cinderblock cage so much that I hadn’t noticed what position I was in on the bed. I was lying on my side, with a particular brunette curled into me. Jersey’s head was resting on my arm, which would explain the prickly feeling of my arm being asleep. She was facing opposite of me and I could feel her steady warm breath hitting my arm. My free arm was wrapped loosely around her waist. Our feet were tangled together so much that I was afraid if I tried to free them I might wake her, so I stayed perfectly still expect for the rising and falling of my chest.
Its weird how this was so comfortable yet foreign to me. It’s been awhile since I had slept in a bed with someone else, I was used to sleeping by myself. But having her curled up here with me felt so normal to me. And that’s not just because I’ve been with so many girls either. Believe it or not, I didn’t actually sleep with a lot of girls. Sex; yes. But as far as actually sleeping afterwards? Nah, that didn’t happen often. I either left or they did.
That’s what I thought this first year of freedom would be like; sex with girls who I had no intention of becoming serious with. Just a lot of hook ups to make up for all the opportunities that prison had taken from me. But life threw this curveball at me, sending me Jersey and shoving those previous plans right out the window. Yes, I could still be out there hooking up with girls because Jersey and I weren’t really a couple. But I was determined to change that, and it wouldn’t look good on my behalf if I was out screwing a bunch of chicks. And, as much as I don’t want to admit it, other girls were starting to look so boring to me. In comparison with Jersey they were like a dim gray to her bright red. How could any person look at another girl when you had Jersey right there? Her boyfriend seriously had something wrong with his head for breaking up with her. But it was a good thing for me. Now I can have her all to myself.
The little batman light allowed me to see her features better as I looked at her. She was beautiful. She looked so peaceful and perfect when she slept. She had a small smile tugging at her lips. I wonder what she’s dreaming about that had her so happy. It might seem really conceited, but I hope it was me.
Jersey shifted a little, moving closer to me. I smiled to myself; this is something I could get used to. I shut my eyes and went back to dream land.
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Sucky filler. I know :( But I wanted to get the update out today before I leave.
Love you guys.
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OH! And the sequel to our story Reverse This Curse is out!!!!
Our Withered Past and This Blurry Future
Go read it!