Status: Active

And This Is Possible!

People Die and People Dance.

On special occasions I like to wake up before the person sleeping beside me. Why? Because I don't want them to see me looking hideous. To be ahead of my game, I awoke an hour earlier than usual, so that when Ronnie woke up I was clean and pretty.

I finished covering my naturally gorgeous face (I'm full of myself) with foundation. I glanced at myself in the mirror content with what it was reflecting. I fluffed my hair, and flicked the light off, exiting the bathroom. I walked down the hall, the sound of my bare feet pattering on the wood floor echoing throughout the hallway.

I opened the room door, and saw Ronnie sitting on the edge of the bed. He had his head in his hands, mumbling stuff under his breath. I giggled lightly, and leaned against the door frame. Ronnie slowly lifted his head, his face displaying his breath-taking lopsided grin.

"Good morning sleepy head." I said, twirling a lock of my hair around my finger.

"Good morning," Ronnie yawned, stretching his arms over his head, "You'd be sleepy if this was the first time sleeping in a comfy bed, and not waking up at 5."

I nodded understanding his completely, "Well better get ready because your coming with me to get my lip pierced."

Ronnie pouted, "But then I won't be able to kiss you from the pain!"

I cocked an eyebrow at him, a smile escaping my clutch. "You know, if you wanted to kiss me and all..." He trailed off glancing at the floor, his face turning a pale shade of red.

I laughed, "Then why don't we kiss now?" I said, causing Ronnie's head to snap in my direction. His mouth hung open, and his eyes were wide.

"Really?" He asked, swallowing the lump in his throat.

Tauntingly I took a few slow steps forward, "Yes, really."

I sat down on the bed, causing it to sink underneath me. I placed my hand delicately on Ronnie's cheek, turning his head. Ronnie closed his eyes, a few seconds before I did.

Just as our lips were a few centimeters away, early morning food ruined the kiss.

"Breakfast's ready kid-.." I opened my eyes, and glanced at Nasty, who stood in the doorway with a frilly pink apron on. "I came at the right time, we're trying to prevent child birth before marriage, children. Kissing leads to making out. Making out leads to fondling. Fondling leads to the shedding of clothing. The shedding of clothing leads to groping bare body parts, and the groping of bare body parts leads to the nasty. Ultimately the consequence of sex without protection is pregnancy or an STD in some cases it's both."

Ronnie and I stared at Nasty in complete shock, "Ew..." Ronnie breathed out, glancing around the room uncomfortably once Nasty started doing pelvic thrusts to show what he meant.

"" I coughed out, backing away from Ronnie slowly.

Nasty stared at me with an eyebrow raised, "I was just trying to explain the after affects of unpro-"

I stood up, "I already had this talk with my aunt, I don't need it again."

"So yeah what did I come here for?" Nasty questioned, scratching the back of his neck, "oh yeah breakfast, yeah so come downstairs, NOW." He ordered, staring Ronnie down with a stern look, before shuffling down the stairs.

Ronnie rolled his eyes, mumbling random thoughts of his under his breath. "Party pooper..."


"I'm scared..." I whined as the piercist, turned around to grab the menacing needle.

Ronnie laughed, "Don't be, I'm here for you." I smiled weakly as Ronnie held my hand, squeezing it softly for reassurance.

The bulky guy spun around in his chair holding the needle in his gloved hands. He smiled toothily at me, "You ready?" He asked, scooting his chair closer for a better reach.

I nodded, and allowed my eyes to drift shut. "Hey aren't you Ronnie Radke?" He asked, causing my piercing to take a moment longer.

I opened my eyes, while Ronnie nodded. "I pierced your lip a longggggggg time agooo." The piercist laughed, running his finger over his name-tag.

"You came in here and fucked shit up talking about how you were gonna make it big time and leave this shitty town!" 'Mike' said, smiling at the thought.

Ronnie laughed, the memory dawning on him. "Oh shit, sorry did you ever get that window fixed?"

Mike chuckled, "Obviously...but how did that fame thing work for ya?"

Ronnie shrugged, "Not so well."

I cleared my throat, causing Mike to remember I was here. "Sorry doll, hey Ronnie why don't you sing for her? It helps ease the pain most of the time." Mike said, lifting the needle up so that it was in my line of vision.

Ronnie shrugged, "Sure."

I closed my eyes, as Ronnie hummed softly, "Maybe I'm wrong,Won't you tell me if I'm coming on too strong."

"Relax." Mike cooed, his hand curling around my bottom lip.

I let out a deep breath, as Ronnie's voice soothed me inside and out. "This heart of mine has been hurt before
This time I wanna be sure." He sang, making me fall asleep from the beauty of it.

"I've been waiting for a girl like you, come into my life. I've been waiting for a girl like you,Your loving will survive." He sang his grip on my hand, becoming tighter.

For a split second I felt a slight amount of pressure on my lip followed by something cold. "And your done." Mike announced, the sound of his chair rolling away, causing me to open my eyes.

He held a mirror to my face, allowing me to see my new lip piercing.

I squealed from happiness and threw my arms around Ronnie's neck. "Thank you Mike, thank you Ronnie for being here for me and all."

"No problem." Mike and Ronnie said in unison.

I smiled in pure glee, "Piercing down, next a tat."

Mike raised his eyebrows at my statement, "We do tattoos too."

I grimaced, the pain from the piercing starting to take it's toll. "Maybe some other day, when my lip isn't pulsing with pain."
♠ ♠ ♠
One thing I hate more than generic scene and emo kids is people telling me to update quicker.
Catch my hint?
It'll just make me wait longer.